
chapter two:Following in her footprints

Thought it was over, your wrong this time something worse happend. After Lilly was seen killing Adrian and Michael she was never seen again until April 17 she visited her 10 year old sister but she left BLOODY FOOTPRINTS .

Her sister was now one of them but she followed her footprints. About a month past and she decided to have her best friend join them but she left BLOODY FOOTPRINTS I know what your thinking what are you talking about well I'm saying she's dead.

Lilly's little sister didn't like doing this but she had no choice she had to or her sister will do something terrible to her. Her little sister was only ten and her name was Lexi she hated doing what she had too do.

While Lilly was killing her parents her parents told Lexi to go hide and she did and Lilly never found her but she couldn't find herself either.