
Sweet Talker

"Do you think that we will spend our life together, No matter what happens?" She asked and saw him become surprised by her sudden question before he composed himself.

He smiled a warm smile that is able to warm anyone heart."I'm ready to sacrifice anything to spend my life with you, Nothing will make me leave, Only death can separate us apart, But are you ready to sacrifice everything for me." He asked and waited for her answer.

"Yes, I'm ready to sacrifice everything for you." She replied immediately knowing that she doesn't have to think twice when it comes to him.

"Then that's all that we need to go against every obstacle that comes in our way, Falling in love is eyes Rosa, But maintain it is where the challenge is, Not every day is going to sweet and passionate, They are days that will face us that we might think that this is the end of our love." He said knowing that she will understand the meaning of his words.