
The Blade Of The Marines

The swordsman at the cusp of the world, the anti-hero of the marines, the Lord of hell, Asura's reincarnation, demon souled monster.

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57 Chs

Chapter 46- Outright murder

The Garden of Hearts, once a haven for delicate negotiations, now echoed with the sounds of clashing blades and the cries of warriors locked in a fierce struggle—the atmosphere, charged with tension, crackled with the consequences of a diplomatic encounter gone awry.

My gaze remained fixed on the unfolding chaos as Boa Hancock, fueled by pride and anger, unleashed a relentless assault. Tashigi, with her unwavering commitment to duty, parried the blows with remarkable skill. The Kuja warriors, though formidable in their own right, faced the disciplined might of the Marine officers.

In a moment of tactical brilliance, Hancock exploited an opening, delivering a swift and precise strike to Tashigi's leg. The Marine captain staggered a momentary vulnerability that Hancock seized upon. The Garden of Hearts witnessed the clash between two powerful women, each driven by her convictions.

As Tashigi faltered under the unexpected blow, a surge of unimaginable anger surged through me. The bond forged between us, the shared battles, and the unspoken understanding fueled a rage that transcended the immediate conflict. At that moment, the gravity-wielding powers bestowed upon me by the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi surged to life.

With a force that seemed to defy the laws of nature, I increased the gravity around every Kuja pirate to an astonishing 250 times their normal weight. The air itself seemed to bend and distort under the immense pressure. The once nimble and agile Kuja warriors now struggled under the crushing force that held them captive.

As the battlefield transformed into a spectacle of unparalleled power, Hancock, too, felt the weight of her actions. I directed a portion of that overwhelming force towards her, albeit at a slightly reduced intensity of 50 times normal gravity. The consequences of her defiance were reflected in the oppressive force that held her in place.

Yet, the true horror unfolded as the gravity reached its peak. The Kuja pirates, unable to bear the astronomical pressure, began to explode in bursts of blood and carnage. The once-vibrant Garden of Hearts became a gruesome tableau of destruction as the Kuja warriors succumbed to the overwhelming force.

Hancock, the Warlord whose beauty and allure had entranced many, found herself on her knees, the weight of her actions mirrored in the oppressive force that held her in place. The atmosphere, thick with the repercussions of unleashed power, bore witness to a moment that transcended the immediate conflict.

Tashigi, though injured, gazed in astonishment at the scene unfolding before her. The Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi, a Devil Fruit that granted control over gravity, had become a force of wrath and retribution. The once-vibrant Garden of Hearts had become a testament to the consequences of pushing the boundaries of diplomacy.

With a gesture, I released the gravitational hold on the remaining Kuja warriors, allowing them a moment of respite. The air, heavy with the weight of the unleashed power, began to settle. The Garden of Hearts, now a battlefield strewn with the remnants of a clash between titans, awaited the next turn in the unfolding drama.

Hancock, her pride wounded and her warriors shattered, glared defiantly in my direction. The Garden of Hearts, now a testament to the horrors of unchecked power, awaited the resolution of a confrontation that had transcended the realms of diplomacy.

The den den mushi, still buzzing with the echoes of Fleet Admiral Sengoku's command, added a layer of urgency to the moment. The consequences of the clash, the shattered alliance, and the display of unimaginable power now demanded a resolution that extended beyond the immediate conflict.

Fuck what the Fleet admiral said, I knew how to handle this and how to handle petulant Warlords who think they're above everyone, I walked up to Hancock until I was looking down at her face, I slapped it, so hard that the sound was heard all through Amazon Lilly, I infused my hand with Haki and did it again, my hand imprinted deeply into her face, "That's a mark for you, to let people know you were a slave and still are!" 

I grabbed Hancock by the hair and dragged her all the way to the marine ship, Tashigi and Smoker looked astonished at my anger, an emotion I rarely showcase, Hancock kicked and screamed as I pulled on her hair and swung her around, so that she is on my shoulder, the only thing keeping her aloft, being my grip on her hair, eventually we reached the ship, where I physically kicked her into the holding cell.

The cold, metallic interior of the holding cell awaited its reluctant occupant. The seastone cuffs, a testament to the power vested in the World Government, were fastened securely around Hancock's wrists. In a swift and deliberate motion, I propelled her into the cell, the clang of metal against metal marking the end of her resistance.

The holding cell, a stark and unforgiving space, now confined the once-mighty Warlord. Hancock, stripped of her regal facade, glared defiantly from within the confines of her captivity. The echoes of her earlier bravado now seemed hollow in the face of the consequences that unfolded.

Tashigi and Smoker, having witnessed the unprecedented display of fury, exchanged glances that spoke volumes. The intricate dynamics of power, justice, and retribution played out before them. My actions, driven by a sense of duty and a desire for accountability, left an indelible mark on the history of the Grand Line.

The den den mushi, still buzzing with the urgency of Fleet Admiral Sengoku's command, became the conduit through which the next steps of this unfolding drama would be orchestrated. The consequences of Hancock's betrayal and the obliteration of her pirate crew now demanded a meticulous and strategic response.

As the Garden of Hearts gradually faded from view, the Marine ship set sail with its precious cargo securely confined. The world beyond awaited the resolution of a conflict that had transcended the boundaries of diplomacy. Hancock's fate, now sealed within the cold embrace of the holding cell, became a symbol of the uncompromising pursuit of justice in the turbulent seas of the Grand Line.