
The Blade Of The Marines

The swordsman at the cusp of the world, the anti-hero of the marines, the Lord of hell, Asura's reincarnation, demon souled monster.

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57 Chs

Chapter 37- Medallion

The next few months, while we were not capturing or killing prates, I was training, and now that I felt like I had for some reason reached a point where simple training wouldn't get me further, I had to bring out the medallion of the Shimotsuki line, passed down to me by my father, Shimotsuki Ushimaru. 

The ship sailed through the vast expanse of the Grand Line, cutting through the waves with a determined purpose. Onboard, the relentless pursuit of strength and justice continued as endless training sessions unfolded. I had acquired the unique training medallion. Little did I know how profoundly it would impact my journey.

The moment the medallion adorned my neck, the ship's training grounds transformed into a crucible of unforgiving challenges. Each swing of my sword, maneuvering against Commodore Smoker, and every clash with Captain Tashigi felt like a Herculean task. The medallion intensified the physical and mental demands, pushing me to my limits.

Days blended into weeks, and weeks into months. The crew witnessed the ship's deck becoming a battleground for relentless training. Sweat poured, blades clashed, and the air crackled with the energy of dedication. Tashigi's blade danced with ethereal grace, Smoker's disciplined combat style showed resilience, and my swordsmanship evolved with every passing session.

Two months flew by in a blur of unyielding effort. As I stood on the ship's deck, overlooking the horizon, I couldn't help but marvel at the journey. Reminiscing on the fact that I had undergone four months of training in just two, the impact of the medallion became undeniable. The ship had become a dojo of unparalleled intensity, forging strength that surpassed even my expectations.

The crew, witnessing the transformation, trained with renewed vigor under the shadow of the medallion. The once-bustling ship had become a sanctuary of disciplined warriors, each day bringing new challenges that we faced with unwavering determination.

The medallion, a catalyst for accelerated growth, tested our physical prowess and our resilience. Battle after battle, the ship echoed with the clashing of swords and the manifestation of Devil Fruit powers. The camaraderie among Tashigi, Smoker, and me deepened as we faced the challenges together, the ship's training sessions forging an unbreakable bond. 

The relentless training sessions aboard the ship continued to push the boundaries of our strength and resolve. As the ship cut through the Grand Line's unpredictable seas, the medallion around my neck became a symbol of both temporal distortion and accelerated growth. The crew, inspired by our unwavering commitment, engaged in their own rigorous training routines, forging themselves into a disciplined and formidable unit.

The camaraderie among Tashigi, Commodore Smoker, and me deepened with each passing day. We faced the challenges as a united front, our strengths complementing one another in a symphony of martial prowess. Commodore Smoker's disciplined combat style became a model for the younger Marines, and Tashigi's elegant swordplay served as an inspiration to those aspiring to master the blade.

As we honed our skills, the ship's training grounds transformed into an arena where the clash of blades and the manifestation of Devil Fruit powers echoed the pursuit of excellence. Commodore Smoker, though still holding the rank of Commodore, exhibited a level of strength and discipline that surpassed even his previous accomplishments. Tashigi's mastery over her blade reached new heights, and my swordsmanship evolved with a fluidity that seemed to dance with the rhythm of the sea.

The medallion's influence made every battle feel like an eternity, a condensed experience that demanded the utmost from each participant. Our encounters became more intense, strategic, and physically demanding. The crew, watching our training sessions, absorbed the aura of dedication that surrounded us, fostering an environment of growth and improvement.

Within the private confines of my cabin, I often contemplated the implications of the accelerated training. The medallion's ability to compress time had gifted us with a unique advantage, but it also required a level of mental fortitude to endure the heightened challenges. The ship, once a vessel navigating the seas, had become a crucible of transformation, molding us into warriors capable of facing any adversary.

As the months passed, the ship became a testament to the Waves of Progress that surged through our collective efforts. The crew, once spectators, now actively engaged in their pursuit of strength. The medallion, a catalyst for change, had turned our vessel into a beacon of discipline and excellence.

On the ship's deck, under the brilliance of the setting sun, I gathered the crew for a moment of reflection. "We've faced challenges that have tested our limits, but through dedication and unity, we've forged a path of progress. Let this momentum carry us forward as we navigate the unpredictable seas," I proclaimed, my voice carrying the weight of shared achievements.

The crew, fueled by the spirit of camaraderie and unwavering determination, raised their swords in a salute. The ship, now a symbol of disciplined strength, sailed onward through the Grand Line, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Strength: SSS

Stamina: SS

Speed: SSS

Haki: SS

Sword: SSS

Defence: SS

DF: Oki-sa Oki-sa no mi 

DF Mastery: 350/500 Maximum Increase = 250x

Moves: Gravi-smash, Gravi Wreck, Gravi Death, Weight Loss, Baloon, 0kg, Blink, Blink and slash, Blink-dash-slash-gravi-smash combo. More combat moves in the fight scenes...

Swords: Shisui(250/300) Nidai Kitetsu(300/300) Sandai Kitetsu(300/300) 3 sword style(250/300) 

Haki: Advanced armament + emission, Advanced observation, Advanced conquerors

Occupation: Marine

B$: 700,000,000- Marine Salary = B$120,000,000 per year for now