
The Blade Of The Marines

The swordsman at the cusp of the world, the anti-hero of the marines, the Lord of hell, Asura's reincarnation, demon souled monster.

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57 Chs

Chapter 20- Eustas Kidd

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the deck of the Fleet Carrier Marine ship bore witness to the relentless clash between the Kid Pirates and the remaining defender—me, the newly promoted Commodore. Smoker and Tashigi, valiant in their efforts, had been momentarily incapacitated by the formidable forces of Heat and Wire, leaving me to face Eustass Kid alone.

The air crackled with tension as I stood my ground, facing Eustass Kid, who grinned with the confidence of a seasoned pirate. The magnetic powers emanating from his metallic arm created an invisible forcefield that vibrated with potent energy, challenging even the most skilled opponents.

"You're a stubborn one, Commodore," Eustass Kid taunted, his metallic teeth gleaming in the dim light. "But it looks like your friends couldn't handle the heat."

Gritting my teeth, I tightened my grip on the Nidai Kitetsu, Sandai Kitetsu, and Shisui. The weight of the legendary swords reassured me, and I steadied myself for the impending solo duel. The deck beneath my feet groaned, still reeling from the impact of cannonballs and the ferocious clash of powers.

Eustass Kid lunged forward, his magnetic powers propelling him with an unnatural speed. His metal-clad fist aimed for a devastating blow, but I reacted swiftly, parrying the attack with the three-sword style. The clash sent sparks flying, illuminating the intensity of the one-on-one battle.

The Kid Pirates, witnessing their captain's confrontation, roared with excitement. The remaining crew members engaged in skirmishes with the recovering Smoker and Tashigi, creating a chaotic backdrop to the central duel. The ship itself seemed to bear witness to the clash of wills, caught in the crossfire of justice and piracy.

Eustass Kid's attacks were relentless, each strike accompanied by a surge of magnetic force that sought to disorient and overpower me. However, I had trained extensively to master the three-sword style, and with the Kitetsu swords in hand, I forged a defensive stance, countering his assaults with calculated precision.

The battle unfolded in a series of rapid exchanges, a dance of blades and magnetic energy. I had to stay agile, anticipating Eustass Kid's unpredictable movements and exploiting any opening in his relentless assault. The ship's deck, still rocking from the ongoing skirmishes, added an extra layer of challenge to the already intense duel.

As the clash continued, I seized a moment of opportunity. Channeling the power of the Shisui, I unleashed a swift and precise strike, aiming for Eustass Kid's metallic arm. The cursed blade cut through the air with an otherworldly precision, but the pirate captain, ever vigilant, deflected the attack with his metallic limb.

"You're not bad, Commodore," Eustass Kid admitted, a grin spreading across his face. "But let's see if you can handle this!"

With a surge of magnetic energy, Eustass Kid propelled himself into the air, defying gravity as he hovered above the deck. Metal objects around him vibrated with intensity, forming a swirling vortex of potential projectiles. It was a testament to the true extent of his devil fruit powers.

The barrage of metallic projectiles rained down upon me, creating a challenging battlefield. I dodged and parried as best as I could, utilizing the agility granted by the three-sword style. However, Eustass Kid's magnetic control over the ship's metal structure made it increasingly difficult to evade the onslaught.

Amid the chaos, I spotted an opening. Using the Sandai Kitetsu's cursed properties to enhance my speed and reflexes, I maneuvered through the metallic storm and closed the distance between us. The clash resumed on the ship's elevated deck, with Eustass Kid's magnetic powers and my three-sword style creating a spectacle of skill and determination.

As the duel reached its zenith, the clash of blades intensified. The rhythmic dance of steel echoed the resolve to uphold justice in the face of formidable adversity. The ship's deck, battered but resilient, bore witness to the culmination of the fierce confrontation between the Commodore and the notorious pirate captain.

In a moment of heightened focus, I unleashed a rapid combination of strikes, utilizing the Nidai Kitetsu, Sandai Kitetsu, and Shisui in seamless harmony. Eustass Kid, caught off guard by the ferocity of the assault, struggled to maintain his composure. The magnetic aura surrounding him faltered momentarily, creating a vulnerable opening.

Seizing the opportunity, I channeled all my strength into a decisive strike, aiming to disarm Eustass Kid and end the confrontation. The blades clashed with an explosive force, and for a moment, the outcome hung in the balance.

However, Eustass Kid's resilience proved unmatched. With a burst of magnetic energy, he repelled my final strike, creating a distance between us. Despite the intense clash, the pirate captain grinned, his metallic arm gleaming as a testament to his indomitable spirit.

As the intense duel continued between Eustass Kid and me, the air crackled with the energy of our clashing blades. The magnetic storm created by Kid's powers still loomed over the deck, but I remained focused, determined to harness the full potential of my sword techniques and the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi Devil Fruit powers.

Feeling the moment to escalate the battle, I decided to tap into the unique abilities granted by the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi, a Devil Fruit with the power to amplify anything it touched. Channeling my will into the fruit, I allowed its energy to surge through me, empowering my physical and swordsmanship capabilities. The Kitetsu swords, now imbued with the amplification effect, gleamed with an otherworldly aura.

With newfound strength coursing through my veins, I launched into a series of advanced sword techniques. The Nidai Kitetsu, Sandai Kitetsu, and Shisui moved with unparalleled speed and precision, their strikes enhanced by the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi powers. Each slash created shockwaves in the air, disrupting the magnetic field around Eustass Kid.

Seizing the initiative, I employed a technique known as "Oki-sa Ken: Shinken," a technique that concentrated the amplified power into a single, devastating strike. The Nidai Kitetsu, Sandai Kitetsu, and Shisui converged into a unified force, aiming for Eustass Kid's defenses. The magnetic storm wavered for a moment as my empowered blades clashed with Kid's metallic arm.

However, Eustass Kid, demonstrating remarkable resilience, fortified his magnetic defenses. The clash intensified, creating sparks that illuminated the darkened deck. The amplified force of the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi enhanced my attacks, but Eustass Kid's mastery over his devil fruit powers proved to be a formidable obstacle.

With a sudden burst of magnetic energy, Eustass Kid repelled my amplified strike, forcing me to reassess my approach. The deck beneath us groaned as the ship endured the stresses of our intense battle. The Kid Pirates, witnessing their captain's tenacity, rallied with renewed vigor, launching coordinated attacks against Smoker and Tashigi, who were still recovering.

Refusing to relent, I unleashed another technique, "Oki-sa Ken: Senkou," a rapid flurry of slashes that utilized the amplified speed granted by the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi. The Kitetsu swords blurred in the air, creating an intricate dance of steel that sought to overwhelm Eustass Kid's defenses.

The amplified strikes forced Kid on the defensive, his metallic arm struggling to deflect the onslaught. In the midst of the chaotic exchange, I glimpsed an opening and channeled the Shisui's cursed properties into a precision strike aimed at Kid's vital point.

However, Eustass Kid, demonstrating an uncanny awareness of the ongoing battle, redirected the magnetic currents around him, creating a protective barrier that nullified the cursed effects. The pirate captain retaliated with a surge of magnetic energy, creating a repulsive force that sent me staggering backward.

Undeterred, I gathered my focus and executed another technique, "Oki-sa Ken: Bankai," a culmination of amplified strength and speed. The Kitetsu swords glowed with an intense energy as they converged into a singular, unstoppable force. With a resounding roar, I launched the empowered strike at Eustass Kid, aiming to break through his defenses and turn the tide of the battle.

The clash reached its zenith as the amplified strike collided with Eustass Kid's magnetic barrier. The force generated from the impact created a shockwave that reverberated across the ship, momentarily quelling the chaos. The outcome hung in the balance as the adversaries stood locked in a fierce struggle.

As the dust settled, it became apparent that the amplified strike had taken its toll on Eustass Kid. The magnetic barrier wavered, and the pirate captain, visibly fatigued, struggled to maintain control over the ship's metallic structure. Sensing an opportunity, I pressed forward, determined to capitalize on the advantage provided by the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi powers.

Launching into a final assault, I unleashed a flurry of amplified strikes, utilizing the full extent of the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi's powers. The Kitetsu swords moved with unparalleled speed and strength, creating a whirlwind of devastation that left Eustass Kid with limited options for defense.

Despite his resilience, Eustass Kid found himself overwhelmed by the relentless barrage. The magnetic storm around him faltered, and the once-confident pirate captain struggled to maintain his footing. With a decisive strike, I aimed to disarm him and bring an end to the fierce confrontation that had unfolded on the Grand Line.

The amplified strike connected, disarming Eustass Kid and sending his metallic arm clattering to the deck. The Kid Pirates, witnessing their captain's defeat, hesitated for a moment, their morale shaken by the sudden turn of events. The ship, battered but victorious, fell silent as the battle reached its conclusion.

Empowered by the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi and wielding the legendary Kitetsu swords, I stood triumphant on the deck of the Fleet Carrier Marine ship. The Kid Pirates, their leader incapacitated, faced the consequences of their audacious attack. The Grand Line, unforgiving and unpredictable, had once again borne witness to a clash of forces that would resonate across the seas.

With Eustass Kid disarmed and weakened, I stood before him, the amplified strikes of the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi still coursing through my veins. The Kitetsu swords gleamed ominously in the dim light, their legendary blades reflecting the culmination of the fierce battle that had unfolded on the Grand Line.

Seizing the moment, I executed a calculated strike, combining the three-sword style with the amplified power granted by the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi. The blades moved with unprecedented speed and precision, creating a lethal dance of steel. With a resounding final slash, I aimed to sever the magnetic pirate captain's head from his shoulders.

The deck fell silent for an instant as the blade connected with unwavering accuracy. The magnetic storm that had engulfed Eustass Kid's metallic arm now dissipated, leaving behind a moment of eerie stillness. The Kid Pirates, witnessing the decisive strike, held their breath in anticipation of the outcome.

As the severed head of Eustass Kid fell to the deck, a hushed tension swept across the ship. The once-confident pirates, now leaderless, stared in disbelief at the victorious Commodore. The battle had reached its conclusion, and justice had prevailed on the tumultuous seas of the Grand Line.

The severed head of Eustass Kid rolled to a stop, a silent testament to the cost of challenging the might of the Marines. The remaining Kid Pirates, their morale shattered, began to surrender one by one, realizing the futility of continuing the fight without their formidable captain.

Smoker and Tashigi, recovering from their earlier skirmishes, joined me on the deck. The aftermath of the battle was marked by a somber atmosphere as the captured Kid Pirates were restrained and the ship's crew tended to the wounded. The Fleet Carrier Marine ship, battered but victorious, sailed through the now-calm waters, its mission to uphold justice intact.

As we assessed the aftermath of the clash, I couldn't help but reflect on the challenges faced and the strength forged through adversity. The Kitetsu swords and Shisui, now stained with the residue of battle, were sheathed once again. The Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi powers, having played a crucial role in the victory, slowly waned, leaving me with a sense of accomplishment and a newfound understanding of the Devil Fruit's capabilities.

The sun began to rise on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Grand Line. The victory against the Kid Pirates had come at a cost, but the resilience of the Marines had prevailed. The seas, unforgiving and unpredictable, had once again borne witness to the clash of forces that would resonate across the vast expanse of the world. The Fleet Carrier Marine ship sailed onward, its crew undeterred, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the pursuit of justice on the Grand Line.