
Summertime sadness

Julie once asked Mitko if he ever got into a relationship would he stop chatting with her then Mitko said ofc no.She felt a kind of relief. One day, Mitko vanished from social media, she had a feeling that he got into a relationship. So she asked him he answered her after a century and said yes. Julie felt as if her heart got stabbed million times but she decided not to show him that she was jealous she was like good luck with her. Julie has always wanted to have mitkos instagram username, she asked him tremendous times for his username but he would always refuse. So, since Julie was kind of a fbi agent she decided to find it by herself. She searched alot until she found it. Seeing all the fabulous girls Mitford was following made her feel insecure. She started going through his followings until she found an account she was curious about. She sent a follow request to that account and after few hours her request was accepted. It turned out to be Mitkos gf and Julie saw the pictures Mitkos girlfriend had taken with him and she wished that she could be in her place. Julie then sent hi to her and that girl replied by hi too. Julie decided to tell her about what what Mitko has done to her and how he broke her heart,so she did. Mitkos gf was mad at Mitko and she asked Julie million questions about what happened between them. When Mitkos gf and Mitko met up at night she told him everything. Mitko sent Julie a message saying that why would she send a message to someone Mitko know personally and why would she tell her one sided story. After that day, mitkos gf Ester became mean with Julie too, Julie didn't know the reason behind her sudden behavior but she felt that it maybe Mitko had lied to her. Ester started saying to Julie that Mitko was her bf and that she won him over and after few days she blocked Julie. Julie was so sad because she thought Ester now was her friend. Julie missed Mitko so much but she was afraid to send him a message especially after what happened. One afternoon, Mitkos irl best friend asked Julie that she needs to love someone else and leave Mitko alone. Julie was queer that Mitko had told him everything. So Julie said my love for Mitko is like the stone no matter how much you cracked it, it will stay a stone while my love for another guy is like the leaves of the tree on weak blow and it will fall down.