
Summertime sadness

From that day, Julie became depressed and when summer ended and she started school she was failing. Julie's mom was so worried about her so she decided to talk to her but when she tried to talk to her Julie refused to answer. It all came crashing down when in December 2021. Plams (Mitkos friend) made her 2021 recap and posted it on her snap chat story when Julie saw it her heart was on fire her eyes was full on tears because Plamsu added Mitko to the recap and She saw them happy together playing basketball and that was all what she wanted. But she felt wondered if Mitko was single now so she decided to do some stalking and she found out that Ester broke up with Mitko in October. Julie started to cry and when her mom saw her like that she rushed to her and hugged her tight and Julie ended up telling her everything. Julie's mom said that I hope that you have learned a lesson my dear girl I hope you never fall in love with someone you don't know and be careful who you give you heart to because not everyone deserve your heart. From that moment, Julie started to focus on herself more,she changed herself for the best.