
Chapter 2

Celementine202: Hey guys! New chapter! I might be doing a lot of time skip age, since this author is having a writer's block for two stories.

My other story is His Special Mate💠. Please go check it out!


Title: Who am I?

Ellie POV

It has been 3 years since I been born from this world. I keep on refusing to believe that my wish came true. But my family kept on showering me with love.

It feels warm and comfortable.

I found out that my new name was Ellie Dawn Von Utriseon. I am the only princess of Utriseon Empire.

I have 4 brothers which are the prince of the Empire.

Edward Drake Von Utriseon. The 1st prince and the crown prince of Utriseon Empire. The heir and the next King of Utriseon Empire. He is most of time calm and very cold to other people beside our family.

Alexander Damon Von Utriseon. The 2nd prince of Utriseon Empire. He is the peace maker when my brothers have fight with each other.

Michael Christopher Von Utriseon. The 3rd prince of Utriseon Empire. He is the older twin of Nicholas. He is a quiet person and doesn't like to talk much.

Nicholas Victor Von Utriseon. The 4th prince of Utriseon Empire. The younger twin of Michael. He is out going person. He like to brighten up our day.

My parents are the ones that rule the Utriseon Empire.

Richard William Von Utriseon. He is the King of Utriseon Empire and he is my father.

I heard from the maids gossips when they were taking care of me when I was still a baby.

My father is ruthless towards his enemies, he is always cold and emotionless to others. All of the servants are all sacred of him.

But to me, he is an overly doting father. I can't imagine him to be like that when he acts so....

Like this...


"MY ANGELLLLLLL!!! PAPA MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!" My father said while running towards me.

He hugged me and rub his beard against my cheeks.

It was a torture...

I have to find a way to make him shave that.

I can't handle the itchiness when he does that... Sigh...

"I miss you too papa. Have you done your work already?" I asked emotionlessly.

"Uhh..... Not really...." He said nervously.

"Papa, finish your work or else don't you think you can see me for a week." I said.

"Okay okay..... Papa will go finish his work now...😟" He said sadly while walking back to his office room.

*Flashback Ends*

Anyways, I am able to feel a bit of emotions. But my instincts tells me it is not enough to feel emotions fully...

Okay... Next my mother...

Charlotte Elizabeth Von Utriseon is my mother and the Queen of Utriseon Empire. She is very loving and caring. Being around her will always makes you calm.

But if she is angry..... Let's just say it's the end of the Empire... Even my father gets scared like a kitten when mother is like that....

Mother was engaged to father when they were 5 and 10 years old.

My mother dislike it a lot before and would ran away when my father came to visit her every time...

So my father became even more interested in mother, and when he found her he was shock by my mother's beauty, kindness and being wild for running away from him.

He fell in love in first sight of my mother...

Since then, he began courting my mother even if they were engaged.

My father wanted her to fall in love with him too... So it took him years to do that....

Then they get married and had 4 sons and 1 daughter.

The world I have been recainated to is named Elaria.

There are 4 kingdoms and 1 empire in this world.

Utriseon Empire is the most powerful empire/kingdom in the world.

They are know to be ruthless towards theirs enemies.

They have many strong magican, Knights and 2 magi.

Magi are people who are very loved by the mana. It is extremely rare to find this talent that you can count on your fingers on how many of them around the world.

The Utriseon Empire are expert and good at everything like military strength and economic finance.

Those who lived there are are mixed breeds and very few pure blood species like elves and fairies.

Alfheim Kingdom is where humans lived.

A commoner has only 1 magic affinities.

A noble has 2 or 3 magic affinities.

A royal has more than 3 at least.

Although they are the weakest kind of this world, they are not to be taken easily.

Fairy Kingdom is where all the Faires lived as well as the Fairy Goddess or Fairy Queen. Not much is known to them as they rarely leave their territory.

Demon Kingdom is one of the biggest enemies to the world. Not all are evil but most of them are.

But they haven't destroy the world or take cover due to the peace treaty contact.

Since in world war brought almost extinction to mankind.

It last for 10000 years for peace.

Ocean Kingdom is where all mermaid and merman lived in the sea.

Although they can walk on the surface, most of them prefer to stay on the sea.

(A/N: This author apologize as I'm running out of ideas for explaining the world where our MC is at. 😣)

So I am the only Princess of Utriseon Empire. All of my family spoil me with love every day... Very thankful for it...

So I have been recainated into a Magical world this time.

And there is something new happen to me....

I became a goddess....

But it is locked though....

Weird.... I don't even know why...

And I become too op than my previous life.

I have a new power that is very convenient....

[ Status ]

It allows me to see through every person if I want to... Even myself...

Very convenient....

Anyways, I was able to walk and speak properly when I was 6 months old.

Able to read and write when I was 5 months old.

Able to use magic at 5 months old without using incarnations words to use a spell.

And it shock my family a lot....

It turns out that it takes a lot of mana to use chantless magic and not many people can use chantless magic.

Those who can use are chantless magic are at a old age so that's why my family is shock.

My whole family had to keep it a secret as there will be a lot of their enemies want my power for evil.

But I doubt that my parents enemies can capture me...

After all, I had many lifetimes experience and knowledge.

Like being a spy or a assassin.

And it is easy to understand magic when you recainated into it many times before...

Any ways, back to present time.

I am currently reading novel books in the library to past time.

I have already mastered everything since I have my past memories.

I currently have no friends. It doesn't bother me through.

I'm thinking if I should tell my family about my past lives.

I mean it was really weird that their daughter is emotionless despite being loved and pampered a lot.


I thought being emotionless was good in the past since it helped me to not feel pain but now, I want to have my emotions back.

So should I tell or not?

I think I should since they loved me but a part of me doesn't want them to know as fear of being abandoned as I have killed innocent people before when I was a trained as a killer machine.

While I was in my thoughts, a knock from library.

"Come in." I said.

"Princess, dinner is ready. Please let us escort you to the dinning room." Lily said.

She is my personal maid. A mermaid.

"Okay." I said emotionlessly.

*In the dinning room*

I was not eating my food properly as I am still deciding if I should tell or not. So my family notice it.

"My sweet little angel" my father called me.

"Yes, what is it papa?" I said emotionlessly.

"You seems to be spacing out more lately." My father said worriedly.

Tell or not tell?


I guess I should... They might able to help my soul...

"Umm... Can we have a family talk after dinner in my room? I have to tell you all." I said.

"Sure" they all said.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

♪And Happy New Year! ♪

1455 words

Date: 31 December 2018

Update: ----