
The Billionaire Heir's Substitute Bride (The Heirs )

When her twin Cindy ran away from her wedding, Rella found herself torn between duty and love. From the moment she set eyes on Stefan Diamond, Rella knew her heart wasn't hers anymore but there's just one problem, he was her sister's fiancé and she knew there was no going back the moment she started down the isle towards him as Cindy. But when she realises he had known who she was all along Rella couldn't help but wonder what else he was keeping from her.

Maricruz_Rosales · perkotaan
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty

With shaky hands Van fumbled with the keys to the coffee shop, her breath shaky and coming out in angry pants.

I'm not going to cry…I'm not going to cry…

She chanted to herself. He's nothing but a bastard, an arrogant jerk, a demon from hell sent to make her life miserable!

  She slipped in the right key and let herself in, only walking past the door when she broke into a heart wrenching sob.

  She cried for all of her misfortunes, the perfect family she thought she had, her unrequited love that seemed to hurt more than anything else.

  She cried for her father, he had been her friend and confidant.

  She cried for her mother who in spite of everything Van wished she was here to tell her all she needed to know about boys and relationship.

  She cried for her brother who might not graduate with his mates.

  She cried for herself, for being so clueless and stupid to be played with by both Jake and Josh.

  The impending anguish flashed through her mind's eye as she huddled in a corner, her body convulse with each sob.

She curled up in a foetal position and stared blankly at the wall. The dam continued to flow uncontrollably as its walls crumbled.

  She could feel whatever strength she had and the will to live eluding her. she saw nothing for the future, she was numb, her mind blank.

  ''Van, sis wake up.'' She felt a nudge on her arm and groggily lifted her heavy lids glancing around disoriented at first before everything came flooding back.

  ''Are you okay?'' he asked again and it was the only indication she got that he was there and talking to her.

  ''Karl what are doing here, you're supposed to be in school.'' She said worriedly.

  ''What school? It's eleven p.m.'' her eyes widened.

  ''Really?'' how long had she been asleep? She couldn't even remember dozing off.

  ''I was worried about you and Karen's brother told me you had left the reception earlier.''

Van furrowed her brows. ''What are you talking about? Karen doesn't have a brother I would've known.''

  ''I'm not talking about Connie's sister, I meant Karen Calloway.'' Still, her brows knitted in confusion. Which Karen Callo…then it finally clicked, there was only one Calloway at the reception and the mere thought of him made her stomach churn.

  ''He was worried about you and he's waiting at the house.''

Van frowned as her stomach continued to be in an unpleasant knot. Why would he be waiting for her at her house? Didn't he have enough of insulting her for one day?

  ''Is there something going on between you two?''

  ''Of course not!'' her outburst made Karl arch his brows suspiciously, but he didn't press further which Van is grateful for.

  ''Whatever you say, sis.''

  Karl's very protective and sensitive. Most of the time he acted like he was the older one of the two of them and that warmed her heart.

  A sudden sense of trepidation washed over her, the chills ran down her spine causing her to shiver.

  What if she lost him too?

  ''You're shivering. Here,'' Karl said at the same time shimmering out of his leather jacket and draping it around her. Van smiled wryly her eyes filled with fresh unshed tears.

  She instinctively wrapped her arms around him in a warm embrace. ''Please Karl, don't leave me too. Promise me you won't leave?'' oh God please don't let me lose him too, she prayed silently.

  Karl laughed nervously unsure of what she was blubbering about. ''Sis, I'm not going anywhere. Promise. Come on, let's get you home you must be tired and hungry.'' He told her.

  He is a heartless cad.

  Vanessa was right. Jake thought ruefully. How could he have said such horrible things to her? Why couldn't he just comfort her and offer his shoulder for her to cry on?

  He wanted to be ruthless and uncaring in his plans but her tears was his undoing. Why her? Why did he have to care? Was the universe playing a sick joke on him? Jake slammed his hand on the roof his car in frustration.

  He never should've let her leave the party. he should've offered to take her home and now he's terrified of what he would do if something happened to her. Where are they? They should be here by now, he wondered restlessly, the sense of dread never leaving him.