
The Beginning Of A New Era

The Beginning of A New Era is a story with post-apocalyptic, survival, conquests, political, and fantasy / dark fantasy elements. the event of the story are occurring on both a post-apocalyptic Earth and in a new unknown world. I can't say more without spoiling ............................. ACT 1 - CHAPTER 1: NEW WORLD " hmpf...Imagine being literally in a new world  .... a world only waiting for us to explore it, to solve it mysteries, and to discover all the wonders it has to offer! " the voice of a man echoed throughout what seemed to be a vast empty dark cave. sigh~ that man then added after sighing " yet! ...here we are stuck with the guarding duty.... " ....................................................................................................................................... • • • • • ps : it my first story give it a chance and I am sure you will not regret it I will try my best to provide you with the best content, but to become better I will need your help so dont Hesitate to give me a review, I will read all of them much love and hopefully you will enjoy it you can read up to 16 chapters ahead by supporting me here : https://www.patreon.com/AgLd author: AgLd ps: it is not a futuristic novel story

Ag_Ld_1012 · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Act 1 - Chapter 10 : Unexpected Outcome !

"Lord Zel, due all my respect...if you got time to say nonsense, then better use it to tell me what happened to you and how did you end up like that !..... And is it even safe to use this amount of aura in that state of yours ?! just for what ?! maintaining your ability up...if it's because you were perhaps thinking that that monster or these natives may be a threat In some way... then be assured I believe I can easily get rid of them. " Ahab who was now talkative more than he usually is, said with his cold voice to Zel meanwhile retracting his katana into its shelter.

Zel simply ignored Ahab's comments and turned toward what seemed like a frozen-in-time Alex. the black aura his body was emitting was freely moving around him seemingly, not affected at all.

then suddenly Alex's aura slightly intensified, he slightly looked up toward Zel,, but his expressionless face and his two fully black eyes were clear indicators that he still didn't regain his consciousness. despite regaining at least a certain amount of control over his body.

Later, part of his aura began to surround his entire body, as if trying to help free him from this invisible force that was subduing him. but it was in vain...

Seeing it was not working, Alex's aura then surrounded only his hand that was previously pulling out his dagger .but despite trying his best to move he still wasn't able to, after struggling, and after concentrating more aura in his hands, the best he could do was pull his dagger less than an inch.



Both Zel and Ahab silently looked at him.

" .....Alexander...I guess me, forbidding you, from using that form of yours was not enough....yet! I will let it slide for this time. " Zel then like a father upset by the behavior of his son, said to him with his tired voice.

" if I didn't arrive in time, things would have gone out of control more than they already are,

the last thing I want to deal with right now is him going on a rampage...." Zel said pointing at Alex

"I was gonna act to stop him before he completely got out of control. " Ahab declared with confidence.

" What I am saying, is that you should have acted beforehand, in that form! it would be difficult even for you to stop him,... at least without him! or you! losing some limbs in the process. "

Zel said to Ahab giving the impression of a king reprimanding his general

" Anyway, I am not here to talk about that...Jack is dead ." Zel added looking at the sky, it was gray as if something supernatural was about to happen.

Upon hearing that Ahab tightened his grip on his weapon ready to take action.


"... I see...then was it him who caused you all these injuries lord Zel? " Ahab said to him sparkles of electricity came out of his hand his deep blue aura started to erupt from his feets

"I didn't kill him if that what you were asking ...and ...do you think that low of me Ahab ?... this world is dangerous. " Zel calmy said not making fun of jack's capabilities but because of knowing his own worth.

" You are saying that there was Someone...someone powerful enough to kill a skilled aura user of Jack's level this quick and that simple! ?...someone with Jack skills ...And if it Was not you, then was it one of the other lords ?! or maybe --" Ahab was gonna say something but he decided to stop mid-sentence .but it was Zel who continued at his place

" Someone ...or.....something," he said, looking Gentilly at Anna.


" ...then .....may I ask why you came back? " Ahab said in his cold voice with his hand still gripping his katana.

" there were two outcomes possible, first! if I deemed this world as a high threat level humanity, then I was gonna make sure that its existence would never be known. and I would have made sure that whatever inhibits this world, it will never know that a gate to another world existed erasing every evidence of our passage including us and the gate.... but if I deemed it not that dangerous, I would have simply left the mission to continue as it was without interfering. " Zel calmly said

" So then... I assume you deem this world to be with no real threat worth mentioning! or perhaps am I wrong? "

Ahab suspiciously said to Zel.

" It is even more dangerous than I eventually thought it could be... but there was a third outcome I didn't expect. more like I couldn't have expected. " Zel said in a tired yet clear voice.

"....an outcome you didn't expect ..? what do you mean by that ?! " asked Ahab

" Anyway, even if I wanted to,.... do you think that in my current shape I would have been able to do all of that !? it would be difficult to even face you! hmpf.. let alone killing you, well unless you let yourself be killed that is. "

Zel ignored completely the question Ahab just asked him obviously not wanting to share with him any more information than needed.

Caugh`` Zel coughed, then spat a mouthful of blood ...before resuming


"... Maintaining this zone certainly consumes an unimaginable amount of my aura ... and my grasp seems to be weakening every second."

Said Zel to no one in particular, meanwhile still looking at Alex who was now trying his best to take a step forward. but in vain.



" you already did enough, you can now SLeEP..."

He told Alex, then the boy's whole body trembled, his eyes slowly closing as if he was tired, gently beginning to regain their green color meanwhile they continued slowly shutting. then, without making any sound, all the furiously unstable aura surrounding him bursted! as if it was a balloon that exploded. completely despairing.

As if his body had no energy anymore. He slowly falls to the ground.

" Hmpf ...how ironic... it like the time itself is stopped...yet I don't have much time left to act. " zel said with a tired voice amused at the irony he found himself in, then he turned toward Ahab.

who was still not completely sure of Zel's intentions. perhaps all that talk was just to get him to loosen his gourd. after all It was Zel himself that just admitted that it was aura-consuming to maintain his zone on, let's alone a being of Ahab's level trapped under his influence.

" Anyway ... I'll bring these two with me. in the meantime you can handle things here however you want," he ordered, not wanting to waste any more time.

Then three warps appeared. . one on Anna another on Alex and the last one was on Zel himself, taking them away.


The space trembled.


an explosion caused by something violently crashing into the ground made it clear that the flow of time was back to its natural course.

of course, That explosion was caused by the ogre attack which now was able to finish it. now his mass was completely destroyed.

" I am not in good mood right now...I need some calm.. so scrap! "

Captain Ahab said swinging his katana and instantly decapitating the ogre. on the monster's ugly face, the

terror caused by the pressure Zel had exerted previously, was still visible.

And just after that two bolts of lightning came from his free hand hitting the two orcs and knocking them on the spot.

He was gonna do the same thing to the elf but, she already fainted not having the mental fortitude anymore.


" .... did he at least defeat that ' something ' " Ahab said looking far from where they came.


Deep in an unknown location, beside an ink-black spacial crack, was standing a man. and beside him, 2 bodies were lying unconscious.

if one was gonna look at the surrounding, and at the state the large cave was in right now, he would be able to see some battle marks. but nothing worth mentioning. if he took into consideration Zel's injuries.


' Should I ?.... '

* * * * *

Author thoughts: don't hesitate to support this novel if you are enjoying the story. and don't forget to add it to your library to not miss any new upcoming updates, thank you for reading, and see you soon - AgLd