
The Beginning Of A New Era

The Beginning of A New Era is a story with post-apocalyptic, survival, conquests, political, and fantasy / dark fantasy elements. the event of the story are occurring on both a post-apocalyptic Earth and in a new unknown world. I can't say more without spoiling ............................. ACT 1 - CHAPTER 1: NEW WORLD " hmpf...Imagine being literally in a new world  .... a world only waiting for us to explore it, to solve it mysteries, and to discover all the wonders it has to offer! " the voice of a man echoed throughout what seemed to be a vast empty dark cave. sigh~ that man then added after sighing " yet! ...here we are stuck with the guarding duty.... " ....................................................................................................................................... • • • • • ps : it my first story give it a chance and I am sure you will not regret it I will try my best to provide you with the best content, but to become better I will need your help so dont Hesitate to give me a review, I will read all of them much love and hopefully you will enjoy it you can read up to 16 chapters ahead by supporting me here : https://www.patreon.com/AgLd author: AgLd ps: it is not a futuristic novel story

Ag_Ld_1012 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Act 1 - Chapter 9 : Frozen ! Monarch Authority

The elven woman, due to all that constant pressure her body had to endure, and being already exhausted to the point of not having the mental capabilities to withstand it anymore. simply lost consciousness.

the only two natives left still conscious but yet in a bad state were the slender and the big bulgy orcs. seeing their leader being easily defeated by Ahab they were not sure of what to do now.

But one thing they were sure about even after all of that, was that they were not gonna flee and retreat. it seemed as if their race didn't even know that concept, to begin with.

The ogre still not able to understand what was happening due it lack of intelligence, and seeing all that murderous intent not directed toward it anymore, just decided to do what it does the best, rushing and smashing everything on its roed.

Letting out a powerful roar! and At a speed unimaginable and unexpected for a monster of its size to have, it was able to quickly shorten the already short distance separating it from Alex. letting out a powerful roar

When it was less than three meters away from him, it used its two powerful legs to jump in the air as high as it was able to.

only leaving behind a cracked floor and a cloud of dust.

with both of its hands firmly griping its weapon .swinging it with its full power

yet Alex despite having his back turned to such a force of nature that was descending toward him in its full power, with a single goal on its mind, and that was to crush him, was not startled at all.

more than not being startled he simply ignored it completely.

At the exact same moment, he slowly started to take one of his assassin daggers off its shelter.

then he turned from the orc who challenged him toward Ahab looking at him with his now expressionless gaze, his face showing no emotion as if he completely lost control over his actions, as he was gonna take a step forward toward him.

" ENOUGH..... ! "

A voice full of authority and pressure echoed through the vast forest.

The pressure associated with that simple word was so great that what Alex was now exuding seemed like it was nothing, there was simply no comparison possible between the two, even being 500m away the professor was not spared.

' That feeling ...there is no doubt ?! ... lord z... ' captain Ahab suddenly froze on his thought.

Not only on his thoughts but everything around him was frozen , the ogre in mid air with his mass inches from Alex, the elf, the orcs, and everyone's expression they were making at that time . even the dust left behind by the ogre was frozen.

From an outside perspective, and If time stopped in an area that what it would surely look like.

• • • • •

The professor, still on top of one of the branches of that giant tree. and who was resting,

" Your highn!!! ..your highnesss ! "

He shouted and then froze for a moment, a surprise, distrust, and most importantly, a shock. Not because of Zel out of nowhere,

No, it was caused by the condition that Zel was in, his suit completely destroyed, with wounds and burns all over his body. and what was shocking the most was the see-through hole in his shoulder.

before quickly kneeling,

zel who was carrying in his arm's the body of someone. It was that of jack.

Professor Reiner, still kneeling, did not dare to look up, raise his head, or speak. But after a brief moment, his emotions took the ascendant and he said in a sad tired voice.

" Is he ... " but he was abruptly cut off by Zel.

" Dead?!... " who continued

....Tell me, professor, have you ever heard of someone who can survive without a ...hearth? " confirming the suspension of the old Professor Reiner

" Bu ...but how?! how did it... it all happened soo fast...it Hadn't even been a minute since you were gone....yet " said the professor still kneeling. not able to understand how what he was looking at was even Possible, to begin with.



" And your Highness ... your condition! ...you need to be..... taken care of immediately " said Rainer with a cracking voice where sadness and sorrow were the dominant emotions.

Zel gently laid Jack's body before looking at the professor.

" Professor, .. your ability, can you use your ability on him ? " he asked him in an expressionless voice.

" Ye ..yess ,if there is still enough energy, I mean aura on his body I will redirect it to his brain then once that energy is imprinted with his memories...I will absorb it creating a record of them, but his body will be completely destroyed in the process." The professor began to explain the core of his abilities in an attempt to gain time. not wanting to execute such an order. knowing better than anyone else what were the consequences if he does. hoping that Zel would change his mind after hearing the last part of his explanation.

" Just do it, make sure his death will not be in vain. and whatever you found don't share it with anyone besides me ...clear? !" Each word was full of enough pressure to make anyone not go against that order, making it seems more like a divine decree. instead of mere words spoken by a man.

" Yes... your highness as you order. my humanity prosper! "

The old professor reluctantly said meanwhile kneeling. and still not wanting to destroy the body of the man who not long ago was his comrade. No one deserved that ending after dying. they deserve to be at least seen one last time by their beloved ones. that is basically what professor Rainer believed.



After that, Zel throw a last glance at both Jack's body and the professor, the space started to wrap itself around him, and 500m away the same phenomenon was occurring. and not long afterward, Zel popped beside Anna.

Out of seemingly nowhere.

Upon arriving in what seemed like a frozen-in-time destroyed camp.

The first thing he did was to slowly walk toward captain Ahab, then he glanced at Anna and looked at her with his now tired eyes that were menacing to shut at any moment.

Despite being a battlefield just some moment ago! right now it but it seemed to be the safest, quietest, and most reassuring place in the forest.

Some of the goblins that retreated came back to see what was happening out of curiosity.

and watching as everyone stopped moving some of them even stupidly decided to attack.

Just to be frozen the moment they entered that zone.

Everything was frozen like it was always meant to be like that. Everything besides Zel who was standing there like a god that was able to tame time and space itself, if he was some god he surely would.be a tired one due to the state he was in.

Sigh ~

"I am sorry ..."

He kindly apologized to the unconscious Anna. knowing what she probably had gone and will go through after learning of jacks death

Afterward, he raised his left hand And gently said

" Resume .."

That small gesture caused captain Ahab to come back to reality.

."...ZEL! " Captain Ahab, who was no longer frozen said unconsciously continuing his line of thoughts.

With lightning speed draw his katana and slashed toward his neck of Zel only stopping an inch from hitting and cutting his head off.


" Z -ZeL ?!.. Zel slowly repeated after raising one of his eyebrows,


" You really are becoming like him don't you ?!, ... and it seems your ability also gotten abit stronger upon entering this world, still you are far away from these damn black lightning of his ....well if these were lightning to begging with..."

Zel added with a gentle and amused voice meanwhile teasing Ahab.

* * * *

Author thoughts : .. If you made it and read up till this chapter and enjoyed the story so far, then please do consider supporting it by adding it to your library to not miss the upcoming chapters, giving it a heart or simply leaving a review, thank you for reading and see you next time - AgLd

i would really appreciate it and it would boost my motivation knowing people are reading and enjoy it .