
The Ballad of a Dove

Being as gentle as possible, Elijah gripped the dark handle and began pulling it from her chest. The sound of the dagger being released sent a sliding echo through the cavern. It was time for his little Eve to awaken.

little_miss_writer · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs


Klaus held a glass of bourbon in hand, staring into the flames of the burning fire. "Evangeline wasn't this enviable." He simply commented, not wanting to turn-truthfully he couldn't face her after knowing he'd locked her up for so long. But what they didn't understand is it was for her safety, to protect the only innocent thing they had left.

Evangeline slowly went to him, standing near him "It didn't have to be" she murmured, her hands folded properly pressed to her stomach.

"I was trying to protect you!" He suddenly snapped, his temper short and never lasting that long, especially when he was defending something or someone. He placed a hand on the end table as the other held his drink. His breathing was heavy.

Evangeline jumped back and stumbled into a small table with wide, fear-filled eyes. She could feel tears start to run down her cheeks as she looked away, quickly wiping her cheeks afraid her weakness will make him further upset.

He placed down the glass with a shaky hand, making his way toward her. "I may not be like Elijah, who is a gentleman in his ways of protecting you-I may be brutal and fearless but it doesn't mean I'm not trying to do the same thing." He explained, his voice quieter now.

Evangeline allowed her eyes to look up to meet his eyes "You make it sound as though I'd never forgive you..." she murmured softly.

"I wouldn't expect it, the others won't Evangeline. They don't understand my ways." He pleaded, looking down at the ground and pushing his hands through his hair in frustration. "You were so precious and innocent and the world Evangeline, lovely, it's so cruel."

Evangeline watched him for a moment before going to him and took his hands in her small silky ones "That is why I should be here" she murmured "Only that innocence and light can fight away the darkness that surrounds us" she said softly, bending her head to look into his eyes, her eyes soft as they had been last time they talked.

"But love, I am the darkness-the cruel. It takes a human form inside of me." He explained, looking down at her. "I just couldn't bare the thought of losing you and locking you in a coffin was the only way to give you the constant protection that I didn't even need to be around for. That is something Elijah and Rebekah will never understand, they'll only see me for the bad, not the good that comes out of it." He told her.

Touching Klaus's cheek she smiled softly "I understand your reason, but Nik, bad things happen. Something could happen to me, or something might not, and personally I'd rather not miss out on the not" she said softly "I know it's hard, but sometimes you have let faith guide and trust everything will be alright." She smiled "And anyways, you will be protecting me by going with Rebekah and me for clothes shopping. Please, Nik," she giggled, "Don't let me look ridiculous."

Klaus let out a small sigh, giving a brief nod. "Fine love, but only because I'm not having you flashing every aspect and Rebekah gets out of hand." He told her, looking down upon her properly-his lips lighting into a soft smile, rare for Klaus. "Who knows, I might even have a better taste than her." He teased, raising his brows.

Evangeline grinned, her light buttery giggle filling his ears again.