
The Ballad of a Dove

Being as gentle as possible, Elijah gripped the dark handle and began pulling it from her chest. The sound of the dagger being released sent a sliding echo through the cavern. It was time for his little Eve to awaken.

little_miss_writer · TV
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28 Chs

Reinventing the Old-fashioned

The light chime of the bell as the store door swung open was now a very familiar sound of the day. Rebekah had been dragging Evangeline to every decent clothing store near New Orleans. Luckily, Klaus had tagged along, becoming the mediator between Eve and Rebekah - who at one point had her try on a pair of skimpy booty shorts.

Evangeline sat down on the cream-colored ottoman in the classy waiting room just outside the dressing room, "My feet hurt" Evangeline complained with a sour frown.

"You just aren't used to shoes yet," Rebekah said, scanning through a rack of clothes, pushing the definite no's to the side.

Frowning, Evangeline slipped off the neon pink converse to massage her sore feet "We've been shopping for hours. Don't you ever get sick of it, Rebekah?"

"Sadly, no" Klaus spoke up then, having situated himself on a separate sofa, one leg resting on the cushion while the other stayed to the ground. In his hand, he held a skinny glass filled to the brim with bubbly champagne. "She's what's referred to as a shopaholic." Klaus gave Evangeline his signature smirk before bringing the glass to his lips.

Rebekah scowled at her brother "It is not an addiction, and if you don't like it then leave." She went back to searching through the clothing.

"I'm staying for the pure fact that I don't want Evangeline coming home dressed as an out of place Miley Cyrus" he gave a light shrug, his gaze on Rebekah as she rolled her eyes.

"What shall I dress her as then Nik? Cinderella, or Snow White perhaps? Dressing her as some weak princess won't do her any good here in New Orleans. The vampires here already see us as a threat and let's face it, she's an easy target."

"Perhaps now you understand my reasoning for keeping her away." Klaus' eyes were hard and his voice was low as he watched Rebekah freeze mid-swipe. There was a long silence before Rebekah spoke again.

"She should have had a choice" Rebekah started her search again as Klaus tilted the champagne glass back until it emptied. As he leaned over for the bottle to pour himself another glass he watched Evangeline dig her toes into the white squishy carpet. He smiled a bit, remembering how she'd walk everywhere barefoot no matter where it was. He remembered how she'd made him try walking in a field without his shoes. It hadn't lasted very long, he'd felt far too vulnerable. Maybe that was the secret to how Evangeline stayed so in control while the rest of them had lost themselves. She'd never killed a single soul, and Klaus wasn't sure he'd ever understand how, or why.

"Evangeline, will you come here a moment?" Klaus asked as he sat up, planting both feet on the ground.

Evangeline stood and walked to him, standing next to his knees, her hands folded behind her back. She followed orders as if it were still three hundred years ago, she always did as she was told especially if the order name from Klaus, or Elijah, or her father, Mikael.

Reaching into his pocket he slowly removed a gold chain, a single charm dangling from one of the rings. It was their family's crest. "Now that you're back, I believe you should have something to resemble our family" he murmured holding his hand out to her.

A grin lit up her face and she stuck put her wrist eagerly, her other arm staying behind her back. "It's beautiful, Nik. Thank you" she beamed excitedly as he latched it on, still holding her hand.

"Well, gold does suit you, love" he smiled, patting her hand before letting go.

"Evangeline," Rebekah smiled, "I want you to try this outfit on."

At the moment Evangeline wore a pair of dark skinny jeans and a floral-patterned shirt. The only thing she'd agreed to wear. Evangeline sighed and made her way to Rebekah, taking the outfit. This day would never seem to end, but she would much rather be Rebekah's dress-up doll for the day than spend even another second in that coffin.