
The Ballad of a Dove

Being as gentle as possible, Elijah gripped the dark handle and began pulling it from her chest. The sound of the dagger being released sent a sliding echo through the cavern. It was time for his little Eve to awaken.

little_miss_writer · Televisi
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28 Chs

Love Comes Softly

It was a maddening time getting ready for her very first date. So much so, Eve had to confide in Rebekah, despite her fear of becoming her own dress up doll.

"You cannot tell Nik, or Elijah. They'll surely do something to stop me and I'd rather not let Ian lose his head under Nik's wrath." Eve was persistent of this notion as Rebekah put different dresses up to her to see if it would fit the occasion.

"You don't need to tell me, love. Nik has been a tyrant over me with every man I've brought home, and unfortunately I don't think he will ever change" Rebekah knitted her eyebrows together as she pondered a thought.

Evangeline pouted slightly "I just don't understand why he doesn't want you to be happy, or any of us. Father is no longer with us and has no more reason to fear. So why doesn't he change? Sometimes I think he acts just like Mikael did."

"Eve. Don't say that to his face, do you hear me? That will hurt him more coming from you than anyone else" her warning tone calms Eves spirit and she nodded. She knew she'd never say it to her brother, for fear of hurting him, but it didn't mean she couldn't think it.

She waited patiently as Rebekah worked through both of their closets until she found something suitable for the night. "So," she glanced her direction, "What's he like, this Ian?" she smirked a bit "Is he handsome?"

Her cheeks blushed pink and she quickly looked away, nervously threading her fingers over the smooth cotton sheets. She'd not made her bed this morning, peculiar for her. "He might be," she responded, "I don't see how that's relevant."

"Oh, my God. He really does have you in a tizzy, doesn't he?" Rebekah giggled gleefully, "I have been waiting for this day. For you to find someone. You deserve happiness too, Eve. Don't forget that."

They shared kindly, sisterly smiles. "So, answer my question. What's he like?" she asked sitting next to her and leaning back on her elbows.

Eve held her hands in her lap, her fingers tangling and untangling again, her stomach a ball of nerves. "He's… quite charming. Dapper; dressed very well. He has these eyes, so blue and focused. And his smile, respectful yet confident. Very gentlemanly."

"Awe, Eve you're in love" Rebekah sat up, excitement in her voice.

"No," Eve corrected, "Love doesn't happen overnight. Real love emerges over time. Knowing a person's eye color is quite different than knowing them. No, I believe true love comes softly."

Rebekah smiled softly and nodded in understanding, "Hm, I suppose I'm not one to talk. I've always been the girl who loved too easily…"

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, dear sister. At least you have loved, in your heart you've always loved, and that is a far better story than one who refuses love. Without some form of love, life is empty. I don't want to be empty. I want to live…" she trailed off and looked over at her sister, "Do you think he could ever love me?"

Rebekah placed a soothing hand over her shoulder, "I do. He would be a fool not to," she said gently, "Now then. Time for hair and makeup."

Her eyes widened with uncertainty. The most she ever did now was a quick use of a mascara wand, she feared what Rebekah might have in store.

"Oh, don't give me that look, have some faith. You're in good hands" she laughed lightly. Eve trusted her sister not to make her look like a hooker, but she wasn't certain that she could make her look like someone a person would ever take a second glance at. She knew she was quite plain and she'd accepted it, taking on a whole new face worried her.

Evangeline now knew she had nothing to fear when in her sister's careful hand. Over the hour of getting ready Rebekah had changed her without changing her appearance. When Eve looked in the mirror and gazed at the final product she was amazed by her craftsmanship.

"Oh my," she touched her perfect skin with the tips of her fingers, "I look pretty" she said in amazement. Her eyelashes were feathered out, causing her brown doe-like eyes to almost sparkle in the reflection. Her cheeks looked forever subtly blushed. She remembered when she and Rebekah would pinch each other's cheeks when a suitable man would walk by in hopes he'd take notice of them. Back when they wanted nothing more than to be wifed. She wasn't sure much had changed to this day.

Rebekah smiled softly and squeezed her shoulder, "You're always gorgeous, darling. This only accents your features."

She bit her lip, thankful Rebekah had decided only to add a bit of chap stick to her lips rather than lipstick. Knowing her habits, it would be wiped off by the end of the night. She stood from the chair in front of the vanity and turned to her sister, embracing her in a hug. "Thank you, Rebekah." She was truly grateful to have her as a sister.

"Anytime," she returned the show of affection and pulled away to look at her, "Now go before you're late. It's almost six."

Eve grinned widely and nodded, turning to pick up the clutch from the edge of the bed that matched her simple light pink dress. The end barely grazed her knee, it had just the right amount of modesty. Just as she was about to leave the room, Rebekah took hold of her arm gently.

"Evangeline. You need to be careful. Remember what Elijah told you, if he tries anything…" she started and frowned a bit, "If he looks at you or touches you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable do not hesitate to get out of the situation. You do whatever is necessary, do you understand?"

Her forehead creased with a frown and she nodded, "I know. Not all men are saints. I'll be careful, I promise." She offered her a soft, reassuring smile, and then headed down the steps of the compound. Her nerves starting to stir again as she thought about the night ahead.