
The Ballad of a Dove

Being as gentle as possible, Elijah gripped the dark handle and began pulling it from her chest. The sound of the dagger being released sent a sliding echo through the cavern. It was time for his little Eve to awaken.

little_miss_writer · TV
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28 Chs

When He Smiled

Evangeline arrived at the café five minutes early and watched for Ian. Her eyes moved to the booth they'd sat at before and her heart skipped a solid beat when she saw him. He was just as handsome as before. His slick black hair parted evenly on the side, a dark blue suit and tie, and oh that face. He could truly take her breath away, or any woman for that matter, but he wasn't looking at any other woman. He was staring straight at her, his gaze fixed and focused. Those eyes could cut steel.

Taking a breath, she walked forward and sat down in front of him, hands resting on the table before her. "I apologize for being late."

Ian's lips curved into a crooked smile, "But you're perfectly on time, Eve. I don't think that means you're late."

"To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, and to be late means to not show up at all," she said, "Or at least that's how I was always taught…" she trailed off realizing how awfully silly she must have sounded. How many people today would have that as their time clock?

"I couldn't agree more," he murmured a light of humor touching his arctic eyes, "How old are you, Evangeline? Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude. You just seem very wise for how young you look."

Evangeline looked down at her hands contemplating if she should answer truthfully. If he were to be much older than her on a human scale she was afraid others might look at him oddly and judge him from a distance. "Twenty," she said, glancing up to his face to see his reaction, "I'm sorry. I suppose I didn't take into consideration any age difference."

"Twenty isn't far off from twenty-five, and is perfectly acceptable. Have no worry," he smiled lightly and tapped his lips with his index finger watching her, "Are you hungry?"

"Oh I am. I've not eaten all day so that I'm hungry tonight" she nodded.

A light laugh bubbled from his throat and he leaned back in his seat, something must have baffled him and she had no idea what, "You know, most women are the opposite. They'll eat beforehand so they don't eat much during dinner."

Eve blinked in confusion tilting her head to the side studying him "Why would they do that? It doesn't make much sense to me."

"I suppose it has to do with not wanting to appear as though they eat a lot, they think it's undesirable to men."

"Well that's just silly," Eve said crossing her arms, "Everybody eats." She couldn't understand why someone would refrain from eating at a dinner, wasn't that what dinner was for? She watched him perplexed, and yet he just smiled, she was happy he found humor in her words rather than oddity.

Ian stood to his feet and offer her his arm which she gladly took to allow him to lead the way. "Where will we be going tonight?" she asked.

"Commanders Palace" he responded.

"Oh! My brother, Elijah, he says they are incredible. Is it spicy?" she asked with concern "I'm afraid I don't have much taste for too much spice."

He chuckled lightly and looked down at her "We can make sure your meal isn't spicy. I'll be sure of it."

Together they walked along the crowded Bourbon Street of the ever lively New Orleans until they reached his car. A sleek black Jaguar, she only knew this by the ornament on the hood, unfortunately she had not been gifted with the desire to learn about cars. That didn't mean she couldn't admire them, and she knew by the looks of this one it was expensive.

He opened the passenger door for her and she smiled getting in with a soft "Thank you." When he shut the door, she looked over the car's interior. It was impressive and she found herself still amazed by the complex engineering capabilities of today. "How far away is it?" she asked when he was seat and started the car to life with a soft hum.

"It's only fifteen minutes away, give or take. In the meantime, tell me about yourself," he said as he pulled away from the curb.

"What about myself would you like to know?" she asked, flattening her dress further so it wouldn't show more leg than she wanted. He must have noticed because he smirked slightly.

"Hobbies, wishes, aspirations. The sort. You seem like someone with dreams."

Evangeline smiled sheepishly and played with the ends of her hair which Rebekah had tied off to the side in an elegant fluffed braid, white bows in an occasional place. "I suppose there is one. I love to bake, I always have. There's a building for sale near here and I think I'll be opening a business," she looked over at him, the same excitement from before entering her voice, "Wouldn't that be lovely? A little bakeshop of my own…" she trailed off thinking of the idea.

Ian raised both eyebrows seemingly impressed "That's actually a nice idea. I think it would suit you, but you're aware New Orleans has many high-end bakery shops?"

"I know. Elijah has already told me it will be a competitive market, but I will try and make it differ from the others."

"And how will you do that? One of my majors is in marketing, Eve, and around here what sells in high demand is anything related to Voodoo. No offense, but I don't see you selling séance themed cakes."

Evangeline let out a bubbled giggle "No I don't think I'd see myself selling that either, but if I were to target a different demographic then maybe I'd have more luck."

He smiled when she laughed and looked over at her "What demographic might that be?" he asked curiously.

"Well, despite being in the land of Jazz and Voodoo, there are still some who like to see elegant things. If there weren't they'd not have a restaurant like Commanders Palace. I would simply have to advertise to those it would appeal to most in certain areas, right?" she asked, she always second guessed herself and searched for the approval of others.

"That is actually a very sound idea. Are you sure you're not the one with the marketing degree?" he asked a broad grin exposing perfectly white and straight teeth.

The compliment made her feel more certain that it was something she should do. "No," she giggled, "That right belongs to you."

A moment later they pulled up to the blue and white building of the Commanders Palace which was presented with the same beautiful means of architecture as the rest of the city. She stepped out as Ian opened the door for her and took his arm, which was quickly becoming a habit. A valet took the car away and she walked with him to the front doors.

The inner design was more impressive than that of the outside. Sculptures around the main points of the first parlor room and elegant table settings that would make any culinary artist proud. Up above hung a massive and gorgeous glittering ball of glass. The chandelier was the eye candy of the room and Eve could stare forever at the sparkling facets and be lost in their shimmer.

"Hello, Mr. Young," the welcoming waitress greeted, Eve quickly penciled in her memory that his last name was Young, "Your table is ready and by your instruction."

Ian smiled politely and gave a nod "Thank you," he said and allowed her to lead them to their seating in a private corner. Eve wondered if it was the usual place he would sit, and as though he read her mind he spoke, "I always call ahead to request this seat. I like the seclusion."

She couldn't help but blush when he pulled the chair out for her and pushed her in carefully before he himself would take his seat across from her. She was certain Elijah would approve of his manners.

"Can I start you with a drink?" the waitress asked, though her eyes never left Ian, it was as though she didn't exist. However, Ian stared straight at Eve as he spoke "I will have my usual, and make that a second." Eve watched the woman walk away and frowned a bit. Women certainly craved his attention, but she was no better, she craved it too. She had even caught herself wondering what it might be like to have his fingers touch her skin. She'd quickly dismissed the thoughts when she had them, they weren't what she should be desiring.

"Is something wrong?" Ian asked and broke her concentration.

She looked over at him and forced a tight smile "I am. I just…" she glanced around the place "Feel as though people are staring."

With a chuckle, he nodded "Yes, well, I don't normally come here with a guest. I'm usually by myself."

"Why is that? Haven't they ever said yes to you before?"

"I'm sure they would have, but I've never asked anyone to join me before. No one aside from you, anyway."

"Oh," she murmured in surprise, "I'm sorry, I'm just surprised. Why ask me when you could have asked anyone else?"

He answered with a shrug "I've never felt the desire to. People think that I can't see past them, but the truth is some people have very transparent skin," he traced a finger slowly over the napkin in front of him, "They think that I can't tell when they want to be with me because I'm rich and attractive, or if they want to be with me because they find me to be an interesting person."

"Doesn't rich and attractive lead to interesting?"

"Perhaps," he smiled slyly, looking down at the table and then back at her, "But you don't seem like the others. Perhaps you find me attractive, and that's not a bad thing, I happen to find you attractive. It's a natural response. However, you seemed very…hesitant to take me up on my offer. I can tell a lot of things about a person, Evangeline, and I can tell that you are kind. You are caring and understanding. You aren't the type of person to use others for what they have and your own selfish needs. You're different."

Eve looked down at the table, feeling her ears start to burn by his words. They were much appreciated and she wondered if he'd ever told a woman that before. "I think there are many values more important than material items." She looked up to meet his eyes and he smiled softly by her words. They didn't speak, they simply gazed into each other's eyes. Sharing a quiet moment where the energy between them became electrified.

Their gaze was broken when the waitress set two half full glasses of aged red wine in front of them. Eve looked at the glass and thought for a moment before she smiled. She'd never had wine before, but tonight seemed a good night to try it. She was on her first date and she wanted to enjoy her time with Ian. Anyway, Nik won't know that she had a glass of wine, and even if he were to find out what did it matter? She could make her own decisions now.

"Are you alright?" Ian asked cocking an eyebrow.

Eve looked at him and smiled "Perfectly alright" she said and picked the glass of wine up remembering what Elijah had said about the importance of how to taste wine to appreciate the flavor. "Hm" she murmured, it smelled wonderful. "I've never been on a date before. I have to say, I was a bit nervous."

"You've never been on a date?" he asked in surprise "Oh those poor men you shot down."

Eve laughed lightly, "I've never been asked before," she smiled

"Now, that is something I don't know that I can believe. What man in his right mind wouldn't ask you out on a date?"

"They have good reason. I'm afraid my brother had made it clear I was off limits in regards to any kind of courtship."

"Are you off limits now?"

Eve contemplated for a moment and then shook her head "I'm not. No matter what he says. I make my own decisions now, and that's why I met you tonight. I'm not going to be made a child any longer. I will start fresh and have my own life without his rule over my actions."

He was thoughtful for a moment, "I'm glad you made that decision, but your brother is probably protective for a reason. He doesn't want anything to happen to you. I can understand that also."

"Overprotection and dictating are two separate definitions," she pointed out, "I won't let him control me anymore. I won't have it" she said stubbornly, as though she had just scolded a child caught drawing on the walls in crayon. She exchanged a smile with him when he laughed lightly.

The Classic Veal Chop Tchoupitoulas was easily the best and most impressive meal Eve had ever tasted, and the wine was simply splendid. Being a vampire she had a decent alcohol tolerance and could enjoy without ever feeling tipsy. As they left she noticed he left a handsome tip on the table. Money wasn't and object to her, but if it were she'd certainly be impressed.

The ride back towards her home was more relaxed with open conversation, and he'd just asked her what her favorite romance was.

"Oh, I don't know. The Phantom of the Opera. I recently read the book and watched every version of movies. My only goal now is to see it in person."

"Well, perhaps I'll take you to see one sometime, but that would mean you'd agree to a second date."

"A second date?"

"Yes, it normally comes after the first date and before the second date."

She gave him a look, "I don't need sarcasm, Mr. Young," she broke into a smile, "I'd gladly agree to a second date. Where will we go?"

Ian grinned as he pulled up to the curb of her address, "That will be a surprise," she started to speak, but he quickly interrupted her, "And no, you may not try to guess the answer" he said with a smirk before getting out of the car and walking around to her side. "If I want to surprise you I will surprise you" he said as he opened the door for her and took her hand in his, helping her up.

"Fine, then if I can't know where we're going at least tell me what I'm to wear."

"Casual" he said simply.

With a sigh, she nodded, still standing in the open car door. Biting her lower lip, she paused and then looked up at him "Thank you, Ian. For a very lovely night."

"It was my pleasure" he said gently, looking down at her. His eyes suddenly so soft, like pools of a clear and gentle pond. They were silent for a moment, his hand still holding her small one, it fit perfectly within his. Eve watched him as he began to slowly close the gap left between them, his gorgeous face inching closer to hers. He was so close she could almost taste his lips. Then she quickly and suddenly turned her head away and closed her eyes. Her heart pounded violently against her ribcage. He was going to… kiss her, and her reaction was to turn away? He'll hate me now, she thought to herself.

She peeked at him shyly, afraid he will be angry with her, but his expression wasn't what she'd expected at all. It was soft and kind; understanding.

"I'm sorry" she murmured softly, feeling guilty for being too afraid to meet his lips.

Ian shook his head "You have nothing to apologize for" he said tenderly. His hand slowly reached forward and his thumb caressed along the curve of her cheekbone slowly. His action made Eve close her eyes in reaction, enjoying the calming sensation of his skin against hers. When she reopened her eyes, she was greeted with his smile. Oh, when he smiled.

He walked her to the door, taking care she could get in before whispering softly in her ear, "Goodnight, Evangeline." She smiled lightly and watched him walk away, not daring to go in until she watched him drive away. Partly to make the moment last longer, and partly so her brothers wouldn't see his departure. She stepped into the compound and closed the door, leaning back against the door, a small smile touched her pink lips. A smile of true happiness.