
The Ballad of a Dove

Being as gentle as possible, Elijah gripped the dark handle and began pulling it from her chest. The sound of the dagger being released sent a sliding echo through the cavern. It was time for his little Eve to awaken.

little_miss_writer · Televisi
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28 Chs


When Ian said casual for their second date, he had been serious. It was the first time she'd ever seen him not wearing a dapper suit and tie, but she didn't mind, it meant a lot to her that he felt comfortable enough to not have to dress to impress. They were sat underneath the shade of a great tree in the middle of a public park, which one she wasn't sure.

"If I had known where we'd be I'd have brought something for the occasion" she said watching him as he was laid back serenely on a thick blanket he'd sprawled out for them both.

He smirked over at her, blue eyes glinting in the sun "What would you bring?" he asked sitting up and moving closer to her so that their knees touched. Her yellow sundress exposed her knees, but she didn't mind.

She tucked the hair that waved in the breeze behind her ear, "I would bring a game maybe…" she paused when she realized how close they were, his face was only inches from hers.

"Hm," he murmured softly, "We can still have fun" he said as his fingers slowly started to stroke over her exposed knee, drawing an infinity pattern along her skin.

She couldn't speak for a moment, distracted by his touch "How would we do that?" she asked, her voice quiet, not in fear.

The fingers of his other hand reached up and caught her chin in a light grip, "Like this," he murmured as he pressed his lips tenderly against hers. A jolt of something lively ran through Eve's body as his tongue traced along her lower lip, begging for permission to enter, which she granted without a moment's hesitation. It all happened so fast. One moment they were sitting there, sharing their first kiss, and then the next her back was pressed against the ground and he was leaning over her. As the tender kiss of tangling tongues continued, his hand began to run slowly up along her thigh, moving her dress up as he went. The euphoria she felt was unimaginable. His fingers started to trace along her hip bone, across her panty line…

Eve woke startled, lunging up in bed trying to gasp for air. She looked around her quiet bedroom and felt relieved. It was just a dream. She ran her fingers through her hair and tried to shake the feelings of tremors that ran through her body. Slowly she allowed herself to relax into the mattress, but she already knew she wouldn't be sleeping anymore that night. Not because of what she had dreamed, but because she had liked what she had dreamed. It was a horrible, horrible thing to like. Wasn't it? Yes, it certainly was. Especially so early in the relationship.

Still, her desires were unmistakable. She wanted Ian for more than his intelligence and charm, she desired his touch and his kiss. She desired to be held in the strong arms of a man and feel that fire in the pit of her stomach. Based on the intensity of her dream it was evident to her she was unaware of the extent of her cravings for physical attention, and she could only hope those feelings would subside in time.