
The Avalon Of Nemorinsis, Umbra Of The Silver Abyss

Fantasy. Science. That which is scientific can sometimes feel magical. familiar or even unfamiliar. Anything can be explained with proper knowledge. Familiar knowledge of all that is known. Life, death, time, and emotions. These things run rampant, taking advantage of the unexplained. Sins birthed from emotions contained power rivaled to a God! God's were born from time. Cycles of life and death governed times mortality through length rivaled by emotions. Thus created through battle mounting the First child's shoulders with war. So fourth was Creation through destruction and War, now governing over the creation was a foundation of destruction. Creation of cycles. Therefore the battle between positive and negative dimensions made an active change. Amounting to A bang. The Bang Big enough to forge Essence! The Big Bang The Center Of All That Is. The answer of Mortality the creation of creature. The birth of a Singulair Universal Essence. With her birth came Restrictions, The first born the first organism, Her name Not uttered. Loneliness born from godliness as she Grew and wilted only to rebirth and repeat. Behind her Restriction where the problem was Raw energies that thundered without control. As she toiled with the energies She would come to regret her Loneliness. Thrust upon the child of essence she carried thoughts akin to creation its self. And she had now made the decision to become a parent! these new essences created by this Singulair woman brought about by Powers clashing. What had Brought about Natural Creation. was now meeting unnatural creation the force of conception. Therefore Garnering Her a name Gaia Mother of creation. In new light this mother, the Governing Figure of The universe. The woman's Creation Would be one of the Gravest Mistakes that Any Singulair being can make. The Creation of emotion. Creature's Spawned Forcing about Evolution. Evolution Spawned Humanity And as such born from that Single Mistake. Was Infinite Cycles of Creation and destruction. All across Time Mother Gaia was forced to Endure the Torture of her Mistakes Alone. That is Fate brightened by essence. unable to see through Fates cruel plans. She Could only waiver as time went on. Unable to determine Fate. With time Came Creations Machinations. One day Gaia found Another That The Fate was blurred for. It was Unfamiliarity to her constantly familiar life. The Hero was born from Pure Need and as such an Avalon Of Heroes willed into existence through A New Essence. Mana. Any form of entertainment was welcome as Gaia found herself genuinely thrilled by these creatures called Heroes. Willing her thoughts into this Essence called mana. She Found ways to interact, Thus creating a new mysterious relationship. As her and this mysterious entity willed Their way through The eons. She grew Tiresome of just playing. Thus creating the Story of The Heroes and Villains. Forged From the will Of Gaia and the Mysterious Entity. Their story Began across All of time. Across all of the known Dimensions. Enticing Creationism from Heroes Forged Uses for Power across all Time. In one place a Small Little orb Silver in color with an Essence so deep That it Carried an Abyss inside of it. Slipping through Cracks In each dimension across all of time. A voice creaked into existence. " I created This And As such I will Give my will to the cause. Let my Will become the Avalon! The Paradise Of our Dead I Shall Govern That To Lesson your burden! Mother of creation, Gaia! Father of Evolution, Humanity! I Shall help you both!" In the echoes of the Universe a man heard these words and began to weep at the Resolve of the one Who spoke it. His chuckle was feint though his will was shaken enough for him to be swayed and in his greed he touched that man's echo. He muttered to himself. "Nemorinsis..."

RogueSilver · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

probably the ending Prologue... number three?

Trioven Tridentie Nemorinsis.

I am tri and this is a small glimpse into my life.

first let me explain with I am currently working on my Seven thousandth rotation in solar years.

That is four hundred and eighty one days.

I am the only Crofton left and am the creator of this ship I am currently sitting in while drifting in space...

Everywhere In the universe is well met with the progenitors.

At points I have learned enough about the curse of my name and the Objective it brings.

Although I have been alive long enough to make someone go mad.

I have never been able to admit myself to the power it brings I despise my life for what it is.

When I was born I had a last name and it was corrupt by the will of Nemorinsis.

The connections we carry-on are not through benefit nor are we truely blessed by the name.

In fact the Amount of curses far outweigh the blessing.

But one thing remains helpful, and it's the connection between the Avalon.

I have yet to visit, but have learned of it through others.

Those of whom have used the so called Obsidian Window.

I Am finding a way around the Avalon and as of this day Have figured it out.

I haven't been able to test it but the connection between the Astral plane and this one is a simple vessel...

Those who are brought back are not reborn but instead Inhabited a body free of a soul Which limits their return.

I have been working on a secondary vessel, one that will allow us to bend the will of the Avalon.

The issue I am facing is the inheritance...

What happens if we are a paradox that should not be.

what will I cause?


shifty things happen all the time.

Let me break down a few things, We are bound by the Groves ability or the legend called Hisake tree.

There is many forms of this in every Universe.

In secret there is nine universal planes that are a non constant motion.

They exist only for being of pure essence.

Below that are the eleven universal realm planes that which harbors celestial beings and much more.

Below those are the Fourteen universal courts which harbor Mortals, And the rifts.

Those rifts of essence that are etched into all of these lesser planes have only affected such realms.

they have come to connect, creating corridors between all of the universal courts of which each race, species and creature.

That means beings of every Inhabited planet.

The reason why I explain these things brings me to my point in this situation.

The universal courts which have been affected by these rifts know no bounds as the Universal ranking system is well universally used now.

Time has done well for those affected and the knowledge of the rifts are touched across all beings.

I Am a new experience in this, As what I I about to do has no name or rank or a physical explanation.

As I have spent my entirety of life figuring out how to break these walls not to travel higher but to travel backwards.

I am intent to find my way back to the mortal realm through the Spacial plane.

And I have currently found the fissure that will do so.

My little creation and this fissure together will create a new legacy that is beyond even me or these damned unrepented God's.

It may even rival a Progenitors power.

As a break down for those of power.

We are chosen from the realms of mortals.

We are pulled to another realm which is the celestial realm.

We Who are connected from different layers of realms make up the Nemorinsis name.

The Avalon however is very Forgiving, It allows us all to either live forever in paradise or Return once for a short lived time.

This is Nice in name but I am no the only greedy one and this is in our nature.

We have figured out a few key issue though.

One thing though is the Avalon allows anyone of us to return but we do not return to our own realm.

it is always too far away.

Thus I will Now be The first to Enter the core, And give it a manifestation in more than on realm specifically right now as my ship is slowly descending into the giant fissure before me.

My soul is fused to the Ship by flesh and blood.

My soul will create the physical core.

And this fissure will spread us across all Realms higher and lower.

This will manifest the Nemorinsis Avalon into existence as its own Universal realm allowing our Paradise to become a reality.

An opportunity to mold it once more.

This is my Will and can either be my end or my beginning as something Epic.

And As my last will I am going to poor my all into this...

As I am sinking into the fissure of essence.

I can feel the pain of having my mind being torn apart!

Yet even though the pain is there, It brings me euphoria as I can sense Every soul in the Avalon.

I can even feel past and present and future.

I am In tune with Everything that is connected to the original core of the Avalon...

This is feat allowed me to Open a connection but I would need more.

Surprisingly I received it from both the Avalon and the mortal realm!?

This small push on the connection created a solid core that held a small bit of each of our wills.

This was our mark that allowed us to merge.

As our wills solidified, And the core created I was able to feel the intent of Our wordless king.

Mammon was neither mad, nor happy just blank.

His reaction was That of a man Who cared nothing for the effect or cause of what happened as if his boredom was beyond a level we could comprehend.

Almost as if he knew this would happen...

That is when it clicked in my mind!

I was just used by this bastard and he didn't even care that the task was completed or not.

I sent out waves only to receive a connection from Rex Nemorinsis with a single word implanted into my very being.


It was at that point my entirety went white...

Silver once again, This is the first info bump. be ready and no spoilers this time.

This book is a menagerie of my created works, if you have read them, you can see they stop at a certain point.

not to kill them but to start a building of worlds.

this book is going to be the best of both those worlds marked into this one's best.

and so with that I have written four side stories about the beginning of this universe, they are not to be taken lightly as they aren't spoilers but insight.

RogueSilvercreators' thoughts