
The Avalon Of Nemorinsis, Umbra Of The Silver Abyss

Fantasy. Science. That which is scientific can sometimes feel magical. familiar or even unfamiliar. Anything can be explained with proper knowledge. Familiar knowledge of all that is known. Life, death, time, and emotions. These things run rampant, taking advantage of the unexplained. Sins birthed from emotions contained power rivaled to a God! God's were born from time. Cycles of life and death governed times mortality through length rivaled by emotions. Thus created through battle mounting the First child's shoulders with war. So fourth was Creation through destruction and War, now governing over the creation was a foundation of destruction. Creation of cycles. Therefore the battle between positive and negative dimensions made an active change. Amounting to A bang. The Bang Big enough to forge Essence! The Big Bang The Center Of All That Is. The answer of Mortality the creation of creature. The birth of a Singulair Universal Essence. With her birth came Restrictions, The first born the first organism, Her name Not uttered. Loneliness born from godliness as she Grew and wilted only to rebirth and repeat. Behind her Restriction where the problem was Raw energies that thundered without control. As she toiled with the energies She would come to regret her Loneliness. Thrust upon the child of essence she carried thoughts akin to creation its self. And she had now made the decision to become a parent! these new essences created by this Singulair woman brought about by Powers clashing. What had Brought about Natural Creation. was now meeting unnatural creation the force of conception. Therefore Garnering Her a name Gaia Mother of creation. In new light this mother, the Governing Figure of The universe. The woman's Creation Would be one of the Gravest Mistakes that Any Singulair being can make. The Creation of emotion. Creature's Spawned Forcing about Evolution. Evolution Spawned Humanity And as such born from that Single Mistake. Was Infinite Cycles of Creation and destruction. All across Time Mother Gaia was forced to Endure the Torture of her Mistakes Alone. That is Fate brightened by essence. unable to see through Fates cruel plans. She Could only waiver as time went on. Unable to determine Fate. With time Came Creations Machinations. One day Gaia found Another That The Fate was blurred for. It was Unfamiliarity to her constantly familiar life. The Hero was born from Pure Need and as such an Avalon Of Heroes willed into existence through A New Essence. Mana. Any form of entertainment was welcome as Gaia found herself genuinely thrilled by these creatures called Heroes. Willing her thoughts into this Essence called mana. She Found ways to interact, Thus creating a new mysterious relationship. As her and this mysterious entity willed Their way through The eons. She grew Tiresome of just playing. Thus creating the Story of The Heroes and Villains. Forged From the will Of Gaia and the Mysterious Entity. Their story Began across All of time. Across all of the known Dimensions. Enticing Creationism from Heroes Forged Uses for Power across all Time. In one place a Small Little orb Silver in color with an Essence so deep That it Carried an Abyss inside of it. Slipping through Cracks In each dimension across all of time. A voice creaked into existence. " I created This And As such I will Give my will to the cause. Let my Will become the Avalon! The Paradise Of our Dead I Shall Govern That To Lesson your burden! Mother of creation, Gaia! Father of Evolution, Humanity! I Shall help you both!" In the echoes of the Universe a man heard these words and began to weep at the Resolve of the one Who spoke it. His chuckle was feint though his will was shaken enough for him to be swayed and in his greed he touched that man's echo. He muttered to himself. "Nemorinsis..."

RogueSilver · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

Prologue and Protagonist. number four!?

Welcome to my mind, I would like to open with a small glimpse into my world.

Or since I am currently lying here dying.

I should say!

let me Introduce you to the world I am soon to be leaving behind.

I can tell you it wasn't a truck that got me but instead it was a stray bullet from a bank that was being robbed.

I happened to arrive before the police and tada I was the recipient of a nine millimeter slug.

It was not slimie or Soft it was quite hard and Burned like a second Degree...

I was just going to get cash From a bank, Think about this in the digital age.

I am poor and this affords me no luxury.

So I was going to withdraw my last twenty and get a few groceries for the night Then figure out where I go to work in the morning.

In this lovely world it only Mattered if you showed up, And even then With VirtualBox people didn't even need to show up just sign in.

A robotic substitute be it machine or a body would be provided for those employees.

It was Technological that advances but lacked in morals as People Still suffering became the preyed on by the rich.

Like normal Life socks you in the mouth you grit your teeth, With a Hope, and a prayer that you dont Chip them teeth on the way down.

But this doesn't paint an exact picture As to me or how I died WELL!

In a Technologically advanced world.

We still have banks and We still have criminals, And we still have Guns, And Even though we have space travel.

It is barely a novelty trip to the moon and back, Or the long trip to Mars.

Thanks to some Unnamed Billionaires, Whom With a singular percent of their earning can solve world hunger.

Instead that was discarded and tech was the focal point for life.

Except that was only for those rich people who were Introduced to money by their parents, Those who have parents that is...

I survived though through thick and thin.

I always WIN!

Even right now, that is since, I won a free trip to hell Because trust me.

I am no Saint....

Anways the Poor folk like me still used the Original Tech that is under the Beyond Four dimensional VirtualBox.

There is many layers to our collection of economy and this was a rather peaceful world.

So due to the corruption criminal activities still happen and Me who needed the bank at the wrong place, wrong time...

Now since I walked in and surprised him,

A man Who was already expressing signs of extreme behavior.

I flinched and threw my hands up only to here a nice Metalic bang.

I was hit and moved to react only to get hit two more times one in my chest, one in my gut, and the other in my neck...

I could scream or talk or even move as I watched that man run right past me.

He was so comical as he lost bills out the side of his bag while running.

I snorted only to spit blood out and flinch from pain.

I felt someone grab my arms.

She said some words that mean nothing to me, I knew I was dead but she didn't really give up...

At this moment...

No In my last moments

I wasn't angry, In fact i was kind of happy, because I had a beautiful girl to hold me while I die.

I with my last stroke of power gave her a determined look, I put my hand on hers and...

Well I couldn't really say what I wanted.

But with my eyes of determination I thanked her, as my mind faded.

It was not a bad death and I certainly wouldn't beg for my life, I mean it sucked so just maybe I can try again at least once.


The next few moments were silence but in the darkness I felt a pull.

a dull sound.

It took me for ever to find my way to it.

I don't have a name for it but this thing was letting off a feint pulse...

It was making a noise In this extreme darkness that eventually came to a view the sound reverberating.

Was letting off glimpses of the world like echo location the sounds eventually became a loud thump.

To my surprise the sound now had a light with it a vision of ten men standing tall.

from the sound words came through and with those words came a fresh scene.

these men broke the darkness as a white room was produced with them all standing around me.

below us was visions of many different layers, like memories playing on a screen.

All ten men Had a Sound reverberating from them but in a moments notice they were once again silent.

I looked each one In the face, on the last man I heard static and then my mind was betrayed again by a beautiful voice.

Not a males voice?!


Stranger: I Am not one of these people, I am a different person much like you.

I died in my world and ended up here...


From behind me a little girl with black hair a plain face stepped out she was presumably fifteen or younger?!

I looked at her with a pained expression as I asked.

"what does this mean with us being here?"

She walked over to one of the men and poked his face, he reacted to her with only a singular look.

She spoke once more with a pleased grin.

Stranger: Not one to introduce yourself are you mister Grey hair?

I fumbled my words but responded with a bit more than a question.

"What Grey hair?! I had blonde hair when I died?"

she looked at me and answered.

Stranger: How the hell should I know that it's Grey now and I don't know you, so don't get all friendly!

I stood up right and went to tell her my name but to my surprise...

I didn't know me name?!

I stared at her in disbelief and she understood it seems as she spoke with a shrug.

Stranger: Well it seems you are also in the same predicament as me...

I don't know my name either to be honest I can't remember anything about myself.

Although I do have memories and remember others names...

It is just mine that's gone?!


I felt the sorrow in her eyes as she slowly sat beside the statue, the man genuinely moved to help her sit but went right back to its stance of silence.

I sat across from her next to a statue also.

Then I proposed something to remedy this issue.

" why don't we just go by the order we got here?"

Stranger: I think that will work, You can call me two.

" Okay So that makes me one?"

Stranger: No that makes you three.

" aren't we the only two here?"

Two: Yep. but isn't it more exciting to have an invisible number.

We can act all high and mighty as we will always be equal because no one besides us will ever know.

And plus if it's only us why not?

" I have no idea..."

Two: then how about this I'll be the brains and you be my muscle Kay?

Three: something tells me not to argue with you.

So I Agree!

My name is Three!

Nice to meet you Two!

Two: Nice to meet you also three.

But What is it that we do now?

Three: Well I have one idea that always passes time and everyone knows!

Tic tac toe!!!

let's keep this short and simple.

Nah I'm kidding I'm going to use all five hundred words!

this Aux Ch Is about many things and hints at a few things in the story.

it also has a spoiler but I'm not pointing it out.

now for some quick opening information these may be protagonists, It will have 12 people one of which are missing.

and the numbers mean nothing really.

Its the way they're chosen that really Mattered.

but that's not a spoiler as you will read in the next aux the last auxiliary.

RogueSilvercreators' thoughts