
The Aura of Light

In the time when two worlds existed, the world of the spirit and the human world. There lived a beautiful young guardian called Isabella. She was indeed unique and different for she was no ordinary being. She was given the task to guard both the spirit world and the human world. She was also responsible for purifying the souls of the dead that had left the human world and had come to the spirit world to dwell. The aura of light (which signifies the scepter of purity and light) was left in her care. For the scepter signifies Authority, power, purification and restores balance to both realms. She was warned never to allow the scepter fall into the hands of the destroyer. What happened when she didn’t heed to the warnings and allowed both worlds to fall out of balance? Will there be a consequence? This I present to you, ‘The Aura of Light’

Debra_daniel · Fantasi
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18 Chs

The Aura of Light

In the spirit world, Isabella was taken to the Hill to meet with Priestess of Fate, 'Annabella'. They found her seated on a golden stool on top of a hill and surrounded with children from the spirit world who were quietly seated and listening to her amazing story tales.

Annabella sighted Catherine and Isabella approaching her and she asked the children's keeper to take the kids back to their camp. That will be all for now kids! she mutters. You can all go back to your camp….. The ghost kids all stood up in excitement as they leave the arena. Catherine smiling. Good to see you, old friend. Good to see you, Catherine….. answered the priestess. I knew you will be here..... Then, you must know the reason why we've come then? Relied Catherine. Annabella smiled. Of course. I've been expecting you two...…

Annabella turns to Isabella..... You're Isabella, the daughter of Gabriel. You've taken over from your father as the new leader of the Guardian of the spirit world. I know your dad had left you to take his place for the main time because he has an important assignment to carry out. You're been left to guide the 'Aura of light' and should not by any compulsion allow the scepter of Authority to fall into the wrong hands. Failure to yield to my warnings, will put both worlds in grave danger.

Isabella answered. I will put that in mind... One most important thing….. you should beware of the destroyer. warned the priestess. Isabella confused. Who's the destroyer? she answered. Your path is intertwined with the destroyer. Surely, great calamity will befall both worlds if you hand over the aura of light to the destroyer. Keep this warning in mind.

When you talked about the destroyer, you're talking about the weird guy in my dream right? Isabella asked curiously. You're right.... she answered. How do I know he's the one when we finally cross path? Annabella answered. Watch out for these three signs which will reveal his identity to you...sign no 1, the destroyer will present to you a red rose as a sign of everlasting friendship and eternal love..... sign no 2, he will tell you to make a wish which he will grant right away and finally, Sign no 3, he will offer you a golden magical ring.....

Isabella smiled. With this three signs, it will be very easy to identify him. Once he shows me these signs, i will know he's the destroyer. Annabella smiled. Don't be deceived by what you see but only by what appears to be true. Isabella repeating her words. "Don't be deceived by what you see but only by what appears to be true" ... I don't understand your words? Is their any meaning behind those words? Annabella answered. It's left for you to figure out on your own.

Catherine interrupts. Thanks Annabella. You've indeed been most helpful. We will take our leave now. Annabella nodded. Very well then. Smiling. We will surely meet again. Definitely....Replied Catherine. Catherine and Isabella both take their leave. Annabella signs.... She has no idea what she's about to face soon. I hope she's ready for this?.....

Isabella is in the Class room with her other colleagues. The class representative has just come to announce that the teacher who is supposed to take them for the next period is away and will not be showing up in class. Students all screaming in joy woah!!!!!..... Tina smiled as she turns to Isabella. This means we got a free time for ourselves to study. How about we go to the library to study? I don't feel like going to the library. Replied Isabella.

Tina unyielding. We can't waste this free period, Isabel. We going to use it for study... come on, let's go! She quickly stood up as she takes her studying materials from her desk. Isabella sluggishly stood up. Ok. Let me go get my reading materials from my school locker then. I will join you along the hallway that leads to the library.

Don't be long then. replied Tina enthusiastically. I will be waiting.... Isabella quickly leaves the class room as she heads towards her school locker. At the front of her locker, she saw a Senior student bullying a junior student as he tries to hit him with his fist on his stomach. Isabella mutters silently. Philip again? Always harassing and bullying the junior students. Upset..... Like who the hell does he think he is?!

Philip keeps hitting the junior student. How dare you report me to your English teacher that I forcefully took your lunch away from you and ate it?! You also told her I threatened to beat you up if you reported to anyone that I took your food away from you! I'm going to teach you a lesson you will never forget! he tries to hit him one more time but Isabella intervened. What do you think you're doing?! shouted Isabella angrily. Philip answered harshly... And what business of yours is that?! You better stay out of my way weirdo or I will bounce on you!

Isabella infuriated. Why are you such a bully? Just let the poor kid go and I will let you off the hook...Philip laughs mockingly at her. Why don't you just go to hell bitch! Isabella angrily yelled. You're just a big fool! Philip angry. What did you just call me?! You heard me right! ....

Philip pushes the junior student aside and faces Isabella. Why not try saying that again to my face?! You don't scare me moron! You're no different from all the bad guys on the street. Yelled Isabella.

Philip furious as he's just about to hit her on the cheek but John showed up almost immediately to stop him. Just let me go John! I want to teach this brat a lesson! She doesn't know who she's messing with! Replied John as he stepped in between them. Just try to calm down Philip. I know you're angry but nothing will be solved through violence. Do you know what this wretch just called me?! Philip still upset.

Replied John. I think we should just go somewhere else to discuss this issue. There's nothing to talk about. He's just a dumb ass and a rascal. mutters Isabella. Philip exclaimed. I'm not going to take anymore insults from you wretch! Isabella retorted. Beat it, Loser!

John intervenes. Don't listen to her Philip... she's just trying to provoke you. What do you think will happen to your reputation when every finds out you bullied a girl?.... Philip calms down. You're right dude. I'm only backing off because of you. Next time she tries to be offensive, I will not be so lenient... he walks away.

Isabella annoyed. I could have taken care of that bully if you hadn't intervened. I wanted to teach him a very good lesson.

Replied John. Look girl, I know Philip so well. When he gets aggressive, he just can't control himself. It's wise you stay away from him. I can't possibly imagine what he would have done to you if I hadn't showed up?

Hey! I don't need your protection. I can take care of myself. No one asked you to save me..... Answered Isabella aggressively.

I guess this is all I get as a thank you.... He's upset as he tries to walk away. Isabella apologizes. I'm sorry... John suddenly stopped to face her. I'm sorry for getting so worked up and pushing all my anger at you.... She smiles. It's alright. i understand how you feel. He smiled. Everyone knows Philip can be a jerk most of the time. You don't need to trouble yourself over him. If you troubles you, just let me know. i will teach him a very good lesson. Isabella smiled. Thanks....huh? What's your name?

John answered. You can call me John.... I must confess, you must really be brave to stand up to a bully like Philip. I'm quite impressed. I bet, you made him really mad. Isabella smiled. I just wanted to put him in his place.... Anyway, do you have some spare time tomorrow. Sure, I do. Why did you ask? Do you want to come over to my place for dinner? Said Isabella.

John surprised. Are you by anyway asking me out on a date? Isabella denies. Nope. I just wanted to thank you properly for coming to my rescue and i also want to get to know you too. John excited. Of course I will come. Definitely. Isabella smiled..... Alright. Tomorrow by 6pm then. Come meet me during the school closing time and I will give you the address to my place. John replied. Fine by me. Isabella exclaimed as she checks her wrist watch. Time to hurry now! My friend must be waiting for me along the hallway. Catch you later! She quickly picks her reading materials from her school locker as she hurried off.

Tina is seen patiently waiting for Isabella along the hallway. she heaved a sign of relief when she showed up. What took you so long? I thought you weren't going to show up at all...Isabella apologetic. I'm so sorry for the delay, Tina. I just happened to encounter a little problem but I'm glad it has already been resolved. Tina curious. Do you want to talk to me about it? Don't worry. I'm going to explain everything to you on our way to the library. replied Isabella. Tina smiled. Alright... She checks her wrist watch again. We have less than an hour before the next class. We need to hurry up. They both rushed out of the hall way as they head straight to the library.