
The Aura of Light

In the time when two worlds existed, the world of the spirit and the human world. There lived a beautiful young guardian called Isabella. She was indeed unique and different for she was no ordinary being. She was given the task to guard both the spirit world and the human world. She was also responsible for purifying the souls of the dead that had left the human world and had come to the spirit world to dwell. The aura of light (which signifies the scepter of purity and light) was left in her care. For the scepter signifies Authority, power, purification and restores balance to both realms. She was warned never to allow the scepter fall into the hands of the destroyer. What happened when she didn’t heed to the warnings and allowed both worlds to fall out of balance? Will there be a consequence? This I present to you, ‘The Aura of Light’

Debra_daniel · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Aura of Light

It's 7pm already but John is still yet to show up at Isabella's apartment for dinner. Isabella's mum had already set the table ready for dinner. Love, are you sure your friend is going to show up for dinner? Said Isabella's mum worriedly. It's just 7:02pm mum. I'm sure he's going to come. answered Isabella. Alright. Let's wait for him then... few minutes later, a knock was heard on the door.

I think he's here!.... Exclaimed Isabella as she hurried towards the door to open it. You're late! She frowns. Sorry about that. answered John. I just happened to stop by at a store to pick up something. Alright. You can come in. John walked into the apartment as he begins to stare at the place in amazement. Wow! What a lovely place you got here. Thanks. replied Isabella.

Rose smiled as she saw John and Isabella walking towards the dinner room to have a seat. Good to see you son. My daughter told me you were going to join us for dinner. She said. Thanks Ma..... He answered shyly. Rose smiled. You don't need to be so formal with me. You can call me Rose.

John smiled as he stared at Isabella... I believe you're the mother of the most beautiful girl I've ever met? Rose answered. Well, I also think you're handsome and cute too. You're the first guy Isabella had ever introduced as her male friend. Now, I see the reason why she likes you.

Isabella blushes. Mum, you shouldn't say that in front someone you've just met. John jumps in. Well, I don't think there's anything wrong in what she just said... Rose hands John a plate of salad and fried Chicken. You can have as much as you like kid. John smiling. Thank you, Mrs. Rose. So, how are your parents? They're doing great. Are they aware you're coming over to see Isabella? John answered honestly. Not really. I just told them I'm coming to see a friend of mine..... So, what do you do kid at your free time?.... I sing. I love music. So, at my free time, I attend musical classes and concert.

Amazing! exclaimed Rose. So, do you know how to sing? Yes, i do. answered John. I'm also very good at playing the musical instrument like the guitar. Wow! impressive... said Rose. So, what attracted you to music? I've loved music since I was a kid. My parents discovered my passion for music early enough and then got me enrolled in music classes. You must have a music band then? Asked Rose curiously. Not yet, but I'm working on it. She answered. Oh, that's great! Perhaps, when you do have a music band, I can get Isabella to join your band. I'm sure together, you will make a great team. I don't want to join a band mum. cried out, Isabella. Why not? Asked John. I know how beautiful your voice is when it comes to singing. You just need to have some more confidence in your ability. He smiled. Just think about the fame and glory you will attract when you finally become a celebrity or rock star.

Isabella: I don't care about all that!. she yelled. Rose answered. Come on love, joining a music band wouldn't do any harm, will it? Isabella feels uneasy. I don't think I want to talk about this anymore…

John checks his wrist watch. It's about time i take my leave. Isabella surprised. So soon? You just arrived here? I'm sorry Isabel. I do have a concert I have to attend tonight. Thanks for the meal, Ma. It was nice meeting you.... he smiled. Thanks for coming over son. I hope you come visit more often. answered Rose. John nodded. Sure, I will...... John walks out of the apartment as Isabella sees him out.

Isabella smiling. Thanks for coming over for dinner. I should be the one thanking you...…. replied John. I'm kind of curious about something? What's that? she asked. Why don't you want to join a music band? Isabella remains silent.... Just in case you changed your mind, I have my arms wide open. said John as he smiled. I will think about it. she replied. John about to leave but suddenly stopped and stares at Isabella. Yes, before I forget.... He quickly brings out a small white doll from his bag and hands it over to her. I got this for you. She smiled. It's beautiful....... How do you know I love doll? he answered smiling. I was moving round the store but had no idea what to get you but then, I saw the doll just staring at me at the store. I just knew you will like it.

Thanks. Isabella embraces him. I'm glad you like it..... he said smiling. Alright. See you at school tomorrow...… he waved at her Bye.

You too. Bye..... she answered. They both stared immensely at each other as John finally takes his leave.