
The Aspiring Swordsman

Dallas is now a young man who has transferred from Earth to Oiturn. And has now perfected magic, however magic is useless unless utilized to defend those he cares about. Dallas is similarly perplexed by the question, "Who are my parents?" And who or what exactly is Grandmother Judith? Little did he realize that one species, the Elves, would soon solve all of his troubles.

Kenji_Akuma · perkotaan
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8 Chs

Solid Hand Clan...

Two days before the Knights Academy admission tests... I'm from a village outside of Manait, since I'm a member of the Solid Hand Clan. Solid Hand, as the name implies, is a technique given to an individual who has mastered our distinctive swordsmanship.

A technique that depends on speed and control rather than strength. My name is Rosa Lane, and I am the youngest member of my clan to be endowed with the Solid Hand technique. This suggests that I am not only the clan's youngest member to have mastered its regulated swordsmanship.

Although I never imagined myself to be superior to anyone in the clan. However, it appears that my standing within the clan is no longer the issue...it is my gender. According to the Solid Hand clan, they have never seen a woman as talented as me since countless generations.

Problem solving has never been my strong suit, but I have made an attempt to do so. However, this is now an issue that only the clan's leaders can address. But I don't want to leave this in their cunning hands; the four heads are only interested in a senseless controllable brute.

Only the worst could happen, as I predicted. The four clan leaders claim to have reached a "unanimous" conclusion. One issue not only concerning myself but also my family, so they want us to become Manait civilians.

However, they also want us to enter Manait's society as spies. With just two aims, one is to avoid being caught, and the other is to supervise the use of technology. They claim that this technology is unparalleled and capable of performing miracles while also annihilating villages such as ours.

Regardless of how much I try not to believe that the four heads are sending my family and me away because of my gender, the truth is that they are. Nonetheless, I believe that some of my former colleagues will one day learn the truth and bring the four heads to justice for their crime.

Rosa and Dallas are now having first year orientation in the very same room, The Knights Academies gymnasium.

"Your key cards, you see, will reveal your physical and magical powers. Your overall talents will restrict where you may go within the school. This is made feasible by our newly developed kind of technology." Earl stated while waving his key card about with a solemn expression on his face.

Now, those who cannot use magic should remain seated, while those who can should follow me. As I thought, there are just a few of you. Okay, I'll go ahead and call you all into this room one by one. In terms of testing, this implies that you will be tested one on one.

As the line became shorter, Dallas was ready to be called up. When Dallas reached the weird metal doors, they immediately opened. Dallas had never seen anything like this before on Oiturn. However, when he saw it, he remembered seeing something similar on Earth.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't your name Dallas Young? To converse with Earl, Dallas merely nodded yes. Dallas, please indicate your magical affinity as well as your age.

My name is Dallas Young, and I have Elemental Magic affinities for Fire and Earth. In addition, I am fourteen years old. Okay, now we'll proceed within the room to our Strength Counter.

(Could this be the same person I saw on the gym floor? To be honest, he came off as lethargic and disoriented to me. Despite the fact that he now exudes a quite different aura).

(This cannot be the same child who managed to take Anselm out of commission. Although Anselm may have eased off on him and permitted him to utilize some sort of magic, I don't think that's enough to bring down Anselm, the Commander of the Royal Knights. If this is the case, kindly consider my heartfelt prayers for our kingdom).

Okay, Dallas, this is a machine that measures a person's strength. Place both of your humeri into the blue tightening casts. The gadget will measure your total strength as I increase the pressure.

Earl increased the pressure three times in a row, and the machine counted up from zero to ten. Earl's mouth fell as he watched the number halt at ten. He never imagined someone with a total strength of ten defeating Anselm.

Despite the fact no one has ever gone above the overall strength of ten. Earl anticipated Dallas would be the one to break the ten-point barrier, given that he had defeated Anselm. There was no other plausible explanation for Anselm's defeat at this point...

Earl asked Dallas a question while he wrote down Dallas' total strength into an unknown gadget. Dallas, what exactly is your magical affinity? "Oh, Fire and Earth are my magical affinities."

As he pulled both of the blue tighteners from the Strength Counter, Dallas remarked. That's all there is to it; not only does he have two affinities, but they are both recognized as the strongest in the Elemental category. Fire is the affinity with the most raw and untainted power, whereas Earth is the affinity most renowned for defense.

Okay, Dallas, let's go on to my next few testers. First, I'll have you cast a Projectile Spell on this metal dummy. Because you have two affinities, I'll need you to hit the dummy with each of them once.

Remember that the spell does not have to be complex; it might be as basic as Fireball. Alright when you inflict harm on the dummy, the empty spot where its eyes should be will display the amount of damage inflicted. Although the spell may not need to be complexed, it should deal a lot of damage.

Despite the fact that you came to this school to become a knight, this will decide your Mage rating. As a result, depending on where you rank, it will reward you with somewhat greater status. Okay, Mr. Ligier, I understand what I need to accomplish...

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