
The Second Bonded

"Tell me more about this bond thing," Savannah was completely focused on me, "And what exactly you are?"

"If I form a trust bond with you it will be weak at first," I started explaining, "The side effects of it will be weak if I break it before it gets strong, but like I said it'll protect you from my magic, and tell you what direction I'm in. I can tell which direction you're in too, and it probably protects me from your magic as well."

"So it protects us from each other," Savannah glanced around us quickly, "You still haven't told me what you are."

"I'm a dragon," I watched her reaction carefully, "I'm a dragon hatchling to be exact."

Savannah's eyes widened.

"You're a dragon?" Savannah grabbed my shoulders suddenly, "Like the fire breathing kind."

"I'm not sure," I was surprised by her sudden intensity, "I'm still a hatchling. I won't know what kind of dragon I am until I evolve."

"So that other form is your real face?" Savannah let her hands slide down my arms to my elbows, "I thought you were a transformation mage. Like some sort of shape shifter. How do you not know any of this?"

"There's only one of me," I pushed her arms off of me gently, "I didn't have anyone to ask."

"Are you sure there aren't any others?" Savannah asked, "What planet did you come from? Did you hatch out of an egg? Can you talk to Wyverns?"

"I don't know any of that," I knew I still had a blank look on my face, but I hoped my tone would say all that needed to be said, "And yes I'm sure that I'm the only one."

"How do you know you're the only one?" Savannah had moved even closer.

"I could feel it okay?" I snapped as I pushed her back, "Do you want to bond with me or not?"

"You said the negatives of breaking the bond are pretty low," Savannah nodded to herself.

"At first it's just mental effects," I scratched the back of my head, "But the stronger the bond is the worse the effects of it are."

"Yeah," Savannah nodded, "We'll try it."

System form trust bond with Savannah Earl. An intense headache flashed through both of our heads vanishing as quickly as it came.

Trust bond formed with ally Savannah Earl. Savannah Earl is a mage. User can share mana with Savannah Earl.

"Oh," I spoke aloud without realizing.

"What?" Savannah gave me a dirty look, "Is there something wrong on top of you giving me a headache? You really should have warned me about that."

"No," I stepped back as I got used to the feeling of this bond, "Nothing wrong. Just getting used to this feeling. Can I try something?"

I closed my eyes, and focused. Pushing away from Savannah so I wasn't physically touching her. I pushed a small amount of my mana towards her place in my mind.

"Oh," Savannah stumbled back a few steps, "What is this?"

My eyes opened, and Savannah looked hot feverish even. I pulled my mana back, and rushed forward. She cooled quickly, but her breath was still coming heavy.

"What did you do?" Savannah said between huffs as she checked her watch, "I felt like I was overflowing with mana."

"Ethan isn't a mage so I didn't know I could do this," I felt her forehead, "I was just sharing some of my mana with you."

"You increased my mana capacity," Savannah showed me the four on her watch as she finished catching her breath, "I've never had this much mana before. My body feels like it's buzzing." She shook her hands as she shifted from foot to foot, "Let's not do that again for a little while."

"Good plan," I nodded to her, "We should keep moving."

I started walking again. Slower now so it was easier for her to keep up.

"Wait," Savannah stopped, "You said Ethan isn't a mage. Are you bonded to him as well?"

"Maybe," I kept walking, "You can ask him when you get back."

I don't know how long we walked through those woods before I saw anything else. I stopped Savannah from walking anymore.

"Three heat signatures," I spoke up, "Straight ahead. Tread carefully."

"Do you know what they are?" Savannah was quiet, and tense.

"No clue," I crouched slightly as I kept moving, "I would rather not find out until we find another good shelter to wait things out in. That, and they're too big for me to eat."

"You really like meat huh?" Savannah almost laughed.

"Yeah," I sped up, "That tends to happen when meat is pretty much the only thing that fills you up."

I was tempted to switch forms, but I didn't know how long we had before someone came looking, and I couldn't be in my dragon form when they came. I saw something edible, and stopped dead in my tracks. I checked my watch. It didn't look like anyone was coming just yet. I took off my shirt tossing it at Savannah quickly.

I wanted to put my wings to use now that they were healed.

"Over your head," I ordered as Savannah pulled the shirt off her head to look at me, "I found something I can eat."

"What do you plan on doing?" Savannah looked at me funny.

"Hunting," I narrowed my eyes at her, "I'll come back after I've eaten. I don't think you want to watch me eat."

"But why do you want me to cover my head?" Savannah looked at the shirt again.

"Well," I blinked slowly, "My Camouflage is really, really good. I've got the complete set."

Savannah reddened as she held the shirt up. I stripped my pants off, and switched forms. Chasing after my prey as quickly as I could. I didn't have a lot of time so the faster I could kill it, and head back the better. I darted between the trees nearly silent in my pursuit of prey.

It had no idea I was coming when I descended on it. I tore flesh from bone. It did taste just that much better when it was cooked, but everything tastes better when you're hungry.

Wrynok killed 30 xp. Mana crystal absorbed 5 xp. 35 xp awarded. 2735/1600 xp until level 10. Error. Unable to level up. Unable to evolve.