

"It was the Basilisk," I could hear my heart beating in my ears, "I ate its crystal to survive. When it poisoned me, and I was turning it to stone."

I snapped my jaws open. Slightly extending my fangs so a drop of black venom hung from them. I swallowed the venom so none of it escaped my mouth. Gritting my teeth at the nasty taste.

"It overwhelmed me," I felt my teeth grind together as I thought of how close I came to death that day, "So now I have Basilisk venom. As much as I wish I could say I would have done something different, I wouldn't have. If I'd chosen not to fight the basilisk, Savannah would be dead. If I'd chosen not to eat the crystal, I'd be dead."

"That means you could have killed either one of us easily," Soren backed up a few steps.

"One bite is all it would have taken," I nodded.

Grett was already up against the wall.

"Jesus," Soren looked legitimately frightened by me.

"Now this is exactly why I didn't tell you," I dropped my head as it got harder, and harder to stay awake, "Now you think I'm going to use my venom."

They both watched me cautiously.

"What time is it?" I shook my head trying to stay aware.

"I think it's around eleven," Soren looked at me kind of funny as my head wobbled in the air, "You look like your going to pass out."

"That's not actually that far off," My head dropped to the floor, "I have trouble staying awake for longer than a certain amount."

"You look like a pup that's run out of energy," Soren started relaxing.

"Exactly," I almost slurred the word like a drunk as my eyes closed, and my body went limp.

Damn. This whole collapsing thing. When I got exhausted. That wasn't a good thing. I stood up, and looked around my inner world.

"What are the wolves doing?" I wondered aloud.

Suddenly a full three sixty view of the real world appeared around me. I couldn't hear what the wolves were saying, but I could see everything they were doing.

"Now that is interesting," I watched them move at an unusually high speed, "I forgot time moves slower in here."

I swiped the view of the real world out of my line of sight. I started practicing my wind magic again. Wind was my weak point so I wanted to strengthen it as much as I possibly could. I threw out tornados, and whirlwinds. Mixing them with my other elements at random.

I made a cyclone, and added electricity. It wasn't a huge electrified cyclone, but I wondered what would happen if I hit an enemy with this kind of spell. My body tensed as I tried to make, and maintain more than one. It was a pain in the ass to do more than one. I needed to work on my multicasting.

I didn't have enough time to create more powerful spells right now so if I could figure out how to cast more than one at a time effectively it would temporarily work to bridge the power gap. If by some insane bit of bad luck I managed to run into someone who was a more powerful spell caster than myself. I snorted mostly to myself as I worked on multicasting. I consumed pretty much my entire focus just to cast four simple spells. The more elements I added to a spell the more difficult it was to cast more than one at once.

I needed to be able to do it without thinking so I kept rapid fire casting multiple spells at once. I woke up in the underground room with the two wolves. Shaking the sleep off casually as I got up slowly. I stretched out slowly, and looked at Soren. My wings extended slowly.

Until the tips of my wings touched the walls.

"Not enough space," I grumbled.

"No shit," Soren huffed out a breath, "You practically need your own hanger."

"A flight joke," I chuckled, "Very funny. Most I've ever done is glide."

"You've never flown?" Soren stayed clear of me as I got to my feet, "With wings like yours I'd think you would be able to."

"Its not that I'm unable to fly," I snorted, "Is there anywhere around here that I can fly without getting shot down."

"Good point," Grett snorted, "I'd help."

I growled half heartedly as I drug my clothes over to me, and switched forms. I pulled my clothes on, and went to the door. I knocked on the door a few times. Goliath opened the door, and let me walk past him in my torn uniform.

"What happened to you?" Goliath asked as I passed by.

"Oh," I rubbed the back of my head, "Nothing. I tore my clothes on accident." I smiled falsely, "They got a bit rowdy, and I tore my own clothes when I knocked them around." I kept going up the stairs, "I better get back, and put my watch back on before anyone notices that I'm not wearing it."

Goliath didn't stop me from leaving. I shoved my hands in my pockets, and went straight to my room. I was surprised to find that my watchband hadn't shrunk after I left it in my room earlier. I pressed the back of the watch face into my wrist with the band loosely around it. It cinched in tight.

"Like nothing ever happened," I mumbled to myself mostly.

"Don't tell me you plan on doing that again," Ethan looked at me a little disapprovingly.

"No," I rolled my wrist as I got used to the feeling of the watch being back, "I don't like the one way out problem. The space was nice though."

"Your size is going to be a problem fairly soon," Ethan frowned at me.

"I know that better than you do," I stretched slowly, "Please don't tell me you stayed up all night."

"I won't," Ethan rubbed the bags under his eyes as if that would stop me from seeing them.