

The day I picked up that red marble. I never thought it would turn out like this. Going from a one eyed orphan to a young dragon was one of the hardest things I'd ever done. It would have been better if I'd done it on purpose. Thinking back on everything that had happened since I'd become a dragon made me realize that I actually seemed to be better off as one.

I still had to deal with the same bully types as I dealt with in high school. In fact one of my old high school bullies had transferred to the same military academy as me. Dumb jackass. I struggled a lot at first. Having my mind regressed to that of a small child had screwed with me quite a bit.

Lucky me. Throwing tantrums, and hurting people that pissed me off in the slightest unless I played around. It completely, and totally messed with my whole mindset. Ethan, who had discovered my secret by sheer chance, had been a huge help in keeping my temper in control as I learned, and grew as a dragon. I made a few new enemies while I was at it.

Then the big rift city trip came up. It was going great too until one of my new enemies decided to shove me at the wrong time. Making me fall through a weak little rift, and I accidentally took Savannah with me. Down to a new planet we went. We were fairing okay with Savannah finding out my secret as well.

Until she ran. Right into a Basilisk's fucking cave. Me being the moron I am decided to save her dumb ass. Diving into the Basilisk's mouth to save her. That bite fucking hurt, and desperately shoving my head right through his eye socket into his brain.

I shuddered at the thought. It was by far the most disgusting thing I'd ever done, but it had worked, and I made it through it all alive. I was pretty sure that my desperate move was the only reason we had survived the Basilisk's attack. Absorbing the Basilisk's crystal afterward had it's own curious effects on my body. Gaining the Basilisk's ability to produce venom was definitely not something I was expecting.

Then that whole thing with those poachers. They totally planned to sell us off, and turn a profit. Really was too bad for them. Their plan totally would have worked if I wasn't a disguised dragon. They'd forced me into a tight spot when they'd taken some of my blood.

With my new lightning element on top of my water, and air elements, I evolved into a storm dragon. I was still getting used to my new coloration. I still kind of wanted to know what their podium said about me. Maybe there was another way I could find out. Meeting Savannah's dad had been a terrifying experience.

The trip back to the academy was uneventful, and let's just not talk about the awkward reunion with Ethan after almost dying. Now I was standing out in front of the headmaster's office stuck in my human form once again. We were both getting debriefed after all the chaos that happened back on the planet. Savannah was going first. I fidgeted as the discomfort of being camouflaged worked it's way through me.

I wanted to go back to my room, and see how much of a difference all those levels had made on my size. I felt awesome considering how long I'd been awake now. Normally I would be practically passing out by now from the sheer exhaustion. It was so weird to be fully aware of my surroundings still. I had to wait for Savannah to finish her debriefing before I could take my turn.

Even if my mentality had improved a little I still wasn't all that patient. I nudged our bond with a tiny wisp of mana. I smiled as a panicky feeling came back through my connection with her. I almost chuckled to myself. That little wisp was probably enough to make her sweat.

I knew Ethan was waiting back at the room for me, and that Savannah would probably go to the room when she was done here. I ran my tongue over my teeth slowly. My canines were slightly longer then they were before the whole rift city mess. I guess I now had two little gifts from from that Basilisk that I couldn't quite hide. I reached my finger inside my mouth to press on the little bulge just behind the left canine.

My canine extended nicking my finger as it started pumping venom out. I yanked my finger out of my mouth, and the canine went back to it's new normal length, but now I had a little Basilisk venom in my mouth as well as on my finger. I swallowed the nasty tasting liquid that was in my mouth, but what was I supposed to do about the venom on my finger. I wiped the venom off my finger onto my shirt, and the tiny patch of shirt that got venom on it turned to stone. I broke that patch of shirt off the rest of my shirt, and dropped it next to me on the ground.

I felt kind of awkward now that there was a piece of stone that used to be shirt on the ground next to me. I looked at the cut on my finger. I stuck my finger in my mouth, and sucked the blood off my finger as I healed the cut. I knew my damage resistance was pretty high so the fact that my finger got cut meant those fangs of mine were really fucking sharp. I couldn't ignore the little rock I'd accidentally made though.

I picked it up quickly, and stuffed it in my pocket. At least no one would get the chance to look at it if it was in my pocket. I was still wearing the somewhat baggy clothes that I'd snagged when we'd been in the poachers base. I kind of liked the feel of the boots though. I'd probably keep them.