

It took me less then an hour to place all the spatial stones I needed to. I slipped back into the knot at the end, and moved up the tree. The tree sent me up the trunk even faster. Apparently it liked what I had done. The hole I'd made in its bark slowly sealed up as I watched.

The tree itself was hiding the evidence of my passage. I sniggered to myself as I watched the tree seal itself. I jumped off the higher branches of the tree, and glided down to the rooftops of the city below. I snuck through the gate, and back to the hotel. Getting in the hotel was the challenge.

I sat down on the roof to observe the flow of the people outside the building. I chose to just drop down into the alley way. My silent landing in the alley went unnoticed by the slaves that lived in the room near the alley. Daylight was still at least an hour off so they were getting all the sleep that they could while they could. The guards weren't watching this alley as closely as they were the front of the hotel.

I suspected it had something to do with the fact that this alley was a dead end that led straight into the back of another building. Getting in or out unnoticed wasn't exactly easy. Besides the street the only way into the alley was a three story drop. People weren't exactly able to drop from a height like that without getting injured. Not normal magicless people anyway.

I flashed through the bottom floor quickly before rushing up the stairs to the room. It was hard to move with that kind of speed unnoticed. I could draw the shadows to me without using mana, but I couldn't manipulate them too much. They couldn't follow me as I went into the building, but new shadows could be drawn to me. They wouldn't hide me completely.

Hiding my aura, and magic was largely second nature by now. Unless they laid eyes on me directly they wouldn't notice I'd left at all. I slipped into the room silently. Closing, and locking the door behind me. I sat down in the chair by the door, and looked at the corner where the dwarf was sitting silently.

"Good to see you up Balock," I smirked as I turned my attention to Sekka who was sleeping.

"What do you plan on doing with me?" Balock looked at me with some concern.

"I'm going to set you loose on the world of man," I shrugged, "Sounds fun right?"

"What are you?" Balock's expression turned incredibly grave.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I blinked over to him, "Tell you what. I'll tell you exactly what I am after I'm done with this mission."

"Why would someone like you team up with an elf?" Balock turned his attention to Sekka.

"Who said anything about teaming up?" I smirked as my eyes turned more bestial, "This whole mess was my plan. I dragged him along so he could hide me as I did whatever I wanted." I cocked my head, "The hardest part is pretending that I'm the weak one between the two of us."

The fox mask that appeared in my hand drew a surprised expression from the doom, and gloom that had covered it before.

"My little friend here is the wolf," I chuckled, "If you knew anything about human legends then you would know that fox's are known for deception, and wolves are great hunters."

"You're hiding your true nature under the skin of a weak human," he switched to another language.

One I didn't know.

"What language is that?" I asked in all speak, "I've never heard that language before."

This seemed to surprise the dwarf more then anything else I'd done before that. He leaned back into the wall as if I'd struck him.

"What's the matter?" I switched back to the elven musical lilt, "Was it something I said?"

I'd forgotten to add an accent into it. I'd spoken in perfect elven without meaning to. I'd chosen to have an accent on purpose just to make it more believable. Human vocal cords couldn't perfectly replicate the musical lilt. Sekka took after his elven parent more then his human one so he was able to use the elven language better then a human could.

I frowned to myself when I realized I'd used perfect elven.

"My bad," I smirked as I switched back to my accented elvish, "I shouldn't change my voice so much. Might just make those eyes roll out of that skull of yours."

"You can use all speak," Balock's jaw threatened to fall off his face, "All speak is the inherited knowledge of the high races."

"High race, low race," I snorted in irritation as my eyes went back to being completely human, "What's the fucking difference?"

"What's the difference?" Balock managed to pull in his shock, "High races are the oldest intelligent races. They've been around long enough that some of their knowledge is passed through their bloodline. Legend has it that they made themselves as strong as an origin species. There are only half a dozen that are known to the universe, and most of them are said to be extinct."

"Sorry, but technically I'm only four," I shrugged off his shock, "And I was raised up by humans so I don't know anything about this high race nonsense or why you put so much stock in it."

I snapped my fingers. Breaking the enchantment on his collar with a simple gesture.

"I could easily be killed by some of the more powerful elves on this wretched planet," I put the fox mask back in my spatial storage, "If there really was such a big difference between low, and high then your races would have been killed off instead. You really think that such high, and mighty old races would have let you rise high enough to destroy us."