

Anything that came into contact with it would absorb it, and slowly be destroyed from the inside. My high resistance to poisons, and my elemental control over poison were two reasons I could survive exposure to such a deadly element. My ridiculous ability to heal, and the general high adaptivity of my cells was able to combat it to the point that radiation itself was unlikely to affect me directly. I'd had to avoid any human contact for nearly a month after swallowing that radioactive bar of death. It simply took me that long to contain it so I wouldn't harm my bonded.

I understood completely why it was illegal for humans to produce such deadly materials. It was also a completely magicless poison. It would simply slip past most magical defenses as if they weren't even there. I'd already tested it on Letty. The effect was impressive.

Letty had spent the rest of the weak coughing up blood, and trying not to fall apart as the poison ravaged him over, and over again. I had to reabsorb the remaining radiation to stop it from destroying what would be our future home. I could strengthen the radiation or absorb it freely, but the effects it had on a body were lasting regardless of how long an individual was exposed. I still lacked the knowledge required to reverse its affects so I couldn't use it freely. It had been sitting in my gut for over a year now, and I still hadn't managed to find a way to reverse it's affects.

The weapons humans could create were truthfully nasty. Turning tiny pieces of metal into lethal projectiles was just one of many crazy accomplishments. Should they be allowed to grow as mages they would stretch across the universe rather quickly. Coming up with insane spells, and strategies that no one sane race would be willing to employ. All it would take was five or six generations.

The younger dragons would fall behind humanity eventually. The gap between human, and dragon would only be bridged by the mountain of experience the older dragons possessed. It really was too bad that dragons were unlikely to inherit that tenacity from humans. I frowned to myself. Rushing along the rooftops with an incredible amount of speed while still remaining silent.

It didn't take me long to reach the middle circle. Jumping off the rooftop quietly, and switching to flight. It was simply a lack of gravity combined with the wind element. Scaling the distance between me, and the tree in mere moments while still hidden by the shadows. I couldn't make myself bigger in this situation so I couldn't use my wings.

That forced me to use my magic a little. No one would be tracking an insignificant slave. I really hoped this plan to sneak into the the innermost circle would work. I'd rather go unnoticed for now. They might question why I'd tried to get into the inner circle in the first place.

I found the upper branches of the tree in no time at all. The barrier had seeped into the trunk of the tree over time so the tree could not sway as I thought it might. Now that I was closer I realized that the barrier wasn't within the tree so sneaking in was entirely possible if you could fly. I wouldn't be able to use the branches as I thought I would when I left. I'd have to go straight for the trunk.

I'd have to hide the hole I would make to slip into the inner circle. Given enough time the tree would hide my passing on it's own. I used darkness itself to borrow my way into the tree. The bark was incredibly tough, but the insides didn't have mana circulating through it like the bark. The tree also appeared to fight my passing.

I responded with simple power. Plowing through the bark of the tree in one single small spot. Allowing me to cut through the inner trunk of the tree itself as I dug downward. I knew there was a natural knot lower in the trunk of the tree itself. I wouldn't have to cut through the bark of the tree itself.

The massive tree didn't appear to know what to do with me. The fact that I hadn't continued to attack the tree seemed to leave it slightly confused. It wasn't the most intelligent being, and it was in pain which was the only reason it hadn't responded to me yet. I placed my hand on the bark of the tree as I exited. I placed my hand on the trunk of the tree as I exited.

I couldn't sense the exact core of the tree or how intelligent it was, but maybe the tree could learn. I looked back through my memories. Stopping on the one of when I created the poison affinity. I relayed information into the tree similar to the way I relayed information to one of my bonded. I placed a small poison core in the flesh of the tree near it's bark so it could study it.

The tree couldn't move so allowing it to learn an affinity that went mostly unnoticed, and was more lethal then most. The trunk of the tree shook slightly as it responded to the information I gave it. I wasn't sure it understood what I had told it. If it didn't understand then I wouldn't know. I'd simply relayed the feeling of creating the poison affinity.

If it did understand then it might try to create the affinity on its own. That was the goal. Teach the tree to poison. See what happens. It would be fun.

I jumped down from the knot in the trunk. Landing on the ground silently. I slipped through the guards with ease. The ambient mana from the tree worked as perfect cover for me to use some weak spellcasting. The darkness clung to me tightly as I shifted from shadow to shadow.