

I'd been using my mana breath constantly since I'd returned to earth. It had leveled up numerous times in a short amount of time. I wanted to level it up even more until I could regain enough mana to have a nearly limitless supply of mana while on earth. It bothered me that I wouldn't be able to use this leveled up skill on other planets. Being able to draw in mana by breathing would work to my advantage.

I snarled slightly to myself. All of this was more then a little frustrating. If the mana of other worlds didn't poison me then I'd be able to gather mana like I did here. The amount of power I gained just from stepping foot on earth was no joke. It would be time to hunt again soon.

Two days of not really eating anything had made me kind of snacky. I roared to call her to me, and she responded with her own roar. It didn't take long for me to create the portal. I leapt through about the time she reached the top of the hill. She rushed through a few seconds behind me.

I jumped into the air, and circled. I scanned the surroundings quickly. There were less soldiers this time then before, but there was still a large number of them walking around. The ones that were close enough to see me looked alarmed. I completely ignored them.

I wanted bigger prey, and human meat just didn't sound appetizing. I was glad my wings could hold my weight so well. I ignored most of the movement the soldiers made. None of them gave me a feeling of danger. That meant individually none of them would be able to harm me.

I was too fast for them to gather around my location. They were having the same problem with Aurora. She was careful to keep an eye on me. I was careful to do the same for her. If we kept an eye on each other we wouldn't be overwhelmed easily.

It didn't take us long to find the prey we wanted. Aurora claimed hers, and took it up the mountainside to enjoy her meal. I just ate where I'd made the kill. The soldiers started closing on me. They seemed to think I hadn't noticed yet.

I rolled the core of my kill in my fingers gingerly before setting it down, and rolling it toward the closest human. Winking his direction before I circulated my mana through my limbs, and dashed away from him at a breakneck speed that would put a cheetah to shame. Disturbing, and breaking most of the branches in my way. I jumped into the air after I was good, and clear of the human soldiers. I circled above them slowly before banking sharply to head toward Aurora.

We'd need to find a new hunting ground soon. I gathered mana while in flight. She'd already finished her meal, and was leaving the ground. I roared out as I created a spatial portal in front of me. Tucking my wings in as I rolled my way through the portal. Aurora needed to circle a bit further before she would be lined up to the portal.

I'd need to stay close to hold the portal open for a bit longer. I circled the portal tightly for about a minute before she came through. I let the portal close behind her as we fell in wingbeat with each other. We were high above the werewolves island. It was the only other place I could picture clearly whenever I thought of the werewolves island.

I was curious if the island had a name of it's own, but I didn't really care. That was their business. I knew it wouldn't be on any maps. The military didn't want anyone knowing the werewolves were there. There had to be a few that could keep an eye on us.

Goliath's vote of confidence would have put him out of favor. I doubted they'd let satellites point at a place that didn't exist. That made me curious when was the last time anyone had come here to check in. I glided down into the middle of the little town. Scanning my surroundings for anything important.

There wasn't much I needed to do besides improving my elemental control. I was waiting on a phone call. I'd never expected to be hanging on someone else's word. The next two weeks were just as uneventful as the first couple weeks back. We were starting to see a problem at rift city.

We hadn't attacked any of the soldiers there, but we were two large flight capable beasts. They would hunt us whether we were causing problems or not. It was nice to be past the halfway point of incubation. I only needed to wait a few more weeks before another dragon came into the world. It was exciting.

Bryce was starting to get nervous, and jittery. I'd flat out told him that this drakeling would probably bond to him when it hatched, and that he would be one of the main people in charge of his health. Goliath would be the one monitoring Bryce through the hatchling stage. It was the stage where the drakeling would be the most vulnerable. I wanted to keep an eye on the two of them at first.

A week to make sure the bond solidified properly. I'd be able to tell when they bonded. That much I was sure of. I'd probably be able to tell when the bond stabilized as well. I'd trusted Goliath not to harm Aurora.

I trusted Bryce less then I trusted Goliath, but I was glad to know that Goliath would be here to watch over them whenever I wasn't here. About three weeks left until the egg hatched. The phone call I was waiting for came in right after we finished hunting. We'd been hunting every other day to keep the soldiers from getting a solid feel for how we hunted. Rift city was starting to look like more of hassle then it was worth.