

I lapsed into deep thought. Vernon thought it was a good idea. We could always report them to the higher ups if they were dangerous. We wouldn't be losing much if we took them in. Our guild was half assed together for the most part.

Clever budgeting was the only reason we hadn't gone under so far. We had a low rate of casualties doe to my own insistence on the armor, and weapon rental gimmick I'd set up for guild members. I was running behind though. The number of sets of armor we could rent out had dropped to the double digits, and most of it was low quality. The ones that were higher quality were forged here.

Blacksmiths could be generous sometimes, but they still needed to make money as much as the rest of us. Our medical care was second rate as well. The only medical services we offered were from people that were loyal to this guild. In other words, the kids that were born, and raised here, and medical professionals that had come here after they'd been let go because the place they worked previously found someone better. Coming here in the hope that this higher ranked planet would get them what they wanted. Whether that be money or influence.

Then they stayed when they realized how loyal we were to our guild members.

"We'll take them in," I voiced my final decision, "If they prove dangerous we have options to get them out of our hair."

Vernon smiled at me. Clearly approving of my choice. We'd opened this guild together. We were powerful ability users back in the day, but out here that felt like peanuts in comparison to the beasts we faced every day. If it wasn't for our intelligence we wouldn't stand a chance against half of those beast either.

"How long until they make the jump to this planet?" I looked at Vernon since he clearly wanted this to happen.

"Once we give approval they'll jump right over," Vernon shrugged, "An hour or two tops."

"Give the approval then," I rubbed my forehead, "I should be able to clear out one of the vehicle warehouses for their beast before they get here. We don't have enough vehicles to fill both of them anymore anyway."

I left the main office, and got to work. Letting people know what was going to happen. Making sure to inform people who would get the word around the whole settlement before this unusual party showed up. I didn't want people mistakenly walking in on the big beast by mistake, and startling it. That could get some idiots killed.

After I was done with that I received a message informing me that the ship bringing this unusual group down to the planet was entering the atmosphere. I went over to the landing pad, and waited just outside of the blast shields in a soundproof waiting room. Watching the small skiff go from a speck in the sky to a dropship capable of dropping thirty people on planet at a time. The blast shields came down, and the side door meant for individual people to enter or exit opening. Three teenagers walked down the steps to the ground.

A black well muscled boy first. Then a redheaded tomboyish girl. With another young man following at the rear of the group. He seemed like the odd man out of the trio. Must be the newest member of the group.

"So," I pointed at the black kid, "You're Ethan?"

He didn't seem to like that I talked to him, but he nodded confirmation. Not real social that one.

"That means you're Savannah," I pointed to the girl, "And you're Jax." I pointed to the odd man out, "Where's the beast?"

Savannah just pointed back at the drop ship with her thumb, and a slight smirk at the exact moment that the rear loading doors starting opening. The doors opened so slowly that it was almost agonizing. The clank of the doors hitting the ground, and the silence that followed once the hydraulics stopped was also a bit disturbing. Then the beast's head emerged. Those intimidating black scales, and impressive symmetrical horns as it locked eyes on me suddenly sent a shiver down my spine.

I hardly noticed the two different colored eyes as more, and more of the large beast slowly walked its way out of the back of the drop ship. Seemingly getting larger as he relaxed, and his wings came off his back. That was the most noticeable thing to me. The way those wings came off his back when he stopped pinning them down to squeeze into the small space. It felt as if he'd doubled in size just like that.

His long neck made it so he towered over the humans in front of him. His tail was ever longer then his neck. His calm slow way of moving was somewhat disturbing as well. He sat like a dog once he cleared the ramp, and curled his tai around his legs twice loosely. The loading doors closed after he was clear as he cocked his head curiously at me for a few seconds before deciding to ignore me, and rubbing his big nose against Ethan's shoulder.

Drawing a genuine smile from the boy as he rubbed under the big creatures chin with what appeared to be the dull version of an ice pick. Drawing a terrifying rumble from the beast's massive chest. It didn't take me long to realize that this huge monstrosity was purring like an over sized kitten. Then I tried to take in the beast as a whole, and I realized something.

"That's a fucking dragon!" I exclaimed as it suddenly hit me.

As soon as I said it the purring stopped. The pupil of its big brown eye narrowed as it focused on me. Its head slowly turning back to me as the distance between me, and its head went away quickly. I just froze on the spot. I'd never felt anything like this before.

It examined me with the ice blue eye for a few seconds before blinking at me slowly. Whatever effect its eyes were causing vanished the moment the beast blinked, but that didn't take away the way my heart pounded afterward. This thing radiated power. It was hard to believe one telekinetic was powerful enough to subdue, and tame such a beast. The proof was right in front of me though.