
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Filem
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185 Chs

You brough a what (51)

Bleary-eyed and sporting the lingering fatigue of a troubled sleep, Aaron stumbled from his room. The aches and pains from yesterday's battle had vanished, thankfully, but the memory of it all still clung to him like a bad dream. After a yawn worthy of a champion napper, he went through the motions of his morning routine – brushing his teeth, taking a shower to wash away the remnants of the fight, fixing his hair (or attempting to, at least), and finally fueling up with a decent breakfast.

Catching sight of Miyuki's scowling face across the room, a mischievous glint sparked in his eyes. He mustered just enough energy to needle her a little.

"What's the frown all about, princess?" he drawled, savoring the way it made her glare deepen.

Miyuki didn't miss a beat. "Why did you relocate to this abandoned building?" she demanded, her voice laced with suspicion.

Aaron grinned, taking a playful bite of his breakfast. "Well," he started, stretching out the word for dramatic effect, "because explaining how incredibly futuristic my base actually is gets old after a while. Plus," he added with a wink, "Sakura tends to frequent the place for training, and I don't exactly relish the thought of fielding questions about advanced technology every time she walks in."

He sauntered towards the kitchen, snagging a piece of bread along the way. He took a bite, crumbs scattering as he walked past Miyuki, a playful glint in his eyes. "That's the gist of it, princess. Any other grievances?"

Miyuki shot him a withering look. "Why did you choose this dilapidated apartment? It's sweltering," she said, a bead of sweat trickling down her forehead.  Ah, right. The whole cold-loving thing. Aaron chuckled internally.

"Can't you just whip up some frost with your ice powers or something?" he teased, surprised she hadn't already.

Miyuki's glare could curdle milk.  "Just... ugh," she muttered, tossing her hands up in exasperation.

Aaron raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. "Alright, alright, I get it. Here," he said, tossing something towards her.

Miyuki's eyes narrowed as she scrutinized the card in her hand. "What is this?" she demanded, her voice laced with suspicion.

Aaron, still munching on his bread, gave a nonchalant shrug. "Just a little something-something," he said casually. "Think of it as a housewarming gift – a fancy card that lets you buy a place that adjusts to your needs, or something along those lines."

Miyuki scoffed. "I don't need your handouts, or your money," she retorted, her cheeks flushing a faint pink.

A sly grin spread across Aaron's face. "Technically, it's not exactly my cash," he pointed out, leaning closer with a playful glint in his eyes. "But hey, I bet your Cryosian money would work just fine here on Earth. You could buy yourself a nice little pad with a permanent winter wonderland setting, wouldn't that be nice?"

She looked like for a second she believe for a second and thus Aaron decided to annoy her further.

A mischievous glint danced in Aaron's eyes as he watched Miyuki scrutinize the card. "Think of it as a complimentary vacation voucher," he quipped, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Valid on any planet that uses Cryosian currency, of course."

He took another bite of his bread, the crumbs forming a small trail behind him.  "But hey," he continued with a nonchalant shrug, "maybe you could barter with it? Trade it for a lifetime supply of popsicles or something. I'm sure someone on Earth would be willing to make a deal."

The corner of his mouth twitched as he saw a flicker of annoyance cross Miyuki's face. He knew her Cryosian currency wouldn't work here, but he couldn't resist poking fun at her.

Miyuki stormed out of the room, leaving Aaron in a state of amusement. He chuckled as he felt his little sister, Rui, tugging playfully at his hair. He decided to indulge her for a while, letting her have her fun as he turned his focus inward.

Time skip

There was something unsettling about Gifu, a feeling that gnawed at Aaron's gut. He reviewed the battle in his mind's eye, searching for any inconsistencies, anything that didn't quite fit.

Suddenly, a notification buzzed on his phone. He glanced at it, a weary grin spreading across his face. The notification displayed a staggering sum: "You have spent 1,516,000,000.00 Yen."

His eyes bulged. How in the world did Miyuki manage to spend a billion and a half yen on a single house? He glanced back at Rui, a playful question forming on his lips.

"Rui," he began, "what are the winning lottery numbers for today?"

Rui, ever the tech whiz, quickly used her device to find the information. Aaron, armed with the knowledge, decided to try his luck.

"Isn't this gambling, Nii-san?" Rui asked, her voice laced with concern.

Aaron simply shrugged. "Is it really gambling if I already know the answer?"

Rui pondered that for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Guess not," she conceded.

"While you're at it," Aaron added, "how about we invest the winnings in some stocks that are guaranteed to skyrocket in the next few days?"

Rui's eyes widened. "But wouldn't that mess up the economy?" she questioned, her ethical compass kicking in.

"Look," Aaron explained, "it's not like I'll be using all the money. It's just a safety net, in case I need it."

"But what about all the bills for the damage you caused"Rui said looking at him.

"Ugh, don't even get me started on the damage bill," Aaron groaned, stretching his sore muscles.  He shot a glance at Rui, who was diligently crunching numbers on her tablet.

"So, how bad is it?" he asked, already bracing himself for the answer.

Rui looked up, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Alright," she began, "adding up all the incidents so far, we're looking at around 10 million yen in damages."

Aaron winced. Not ideal, but manageable.

"Now," Rui continued, "if we factor in the destruction caused by Yami, that bumps it up to 15,173,000 yen."

Aaron whistled. That was starting to hurt.

"So, total damage excluding casualties and reconstruction efforts is already at 25,173,000 yen," Rui concluded, tapping the final figure on her screen. "But that's not all. When you factor in potential civilian injuries, property damage, and the cost of rebuilding everything you've... ahem... lightly bumped into during your nightly patrols, we're probably looking at closer to 50,000,000 yen."

(A/N dam Yami attack putting this man in deep debt)

A mischievous glint sparked in his eyes. "So, how about a refreshing cup of tap water for dessert tonight, followed by a teaspoon of water for breakfast tomorrow? Maybe with some raw noodles for lunch if we're feeling fancy?"

Rui swatted Aaron's arm playfully, the force barely registering against his broad frame. A smile tugged at her lips despite his morbid joke. "Don't even think about it, Nii-san," she chided, a hint of worry lacing her voice. "We'll figure something out. But seriously," she added, her tone turning serious, "maybe try to minimize the collateral damage next time you save the world, okay?"

Aaron chuckled, leaning back in his chair with a carefree air that belied the gravity of the situation. "Yeah, yeah," he conceded, scratching the back of his head. "But hey, someone's gotta pay for all this mess, right?" A sly glint flickered in his eyes. "Maybe I'll just borrow some cash from the Yakuza again," he said nonchalantly, emphasizing the word 'borrow' with a mischievous drawl. (A/N he didnt stutter he said again)

Rui's playful demeanor vanished instantly. "Are you serious, Nii-san?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. "Those guys are dangerous!"

Aaron's smile widened, a hint of defiance flickering in his gaze. "Relax, little sis," he reassured her, though his tone lacked conviction. "I can handle myself."

Rui narrowed her eyes, unconvinced. "But what about paying them back? You know they won't be happy if you don't."

Aaron shrugged nonchalantly. "Nope," he said with a flippant grin.

"But Nii-san, that's bad!" Rui exclaimed, her voice rising in pitch. "You can't just take their money!"

A mischievous glint danced in Aaron's eyes. "Who says I'm taking it?" he countered, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "I'm simply planning on, ah, borrowing it... without their knowledge, of course."

Rui's jaw dropped. "Stealing?" she blurted out, her eyes widening in disbelief.

Aaron held up his hands defensively, a mock look of innocence plastered on his face. "Hey now, don't use such harsh words," he protested. "Stealing implies they earned it legitimately in the first place. Besides," he added with a sly wink, "it's not like they're using that money for charity, right?"


Rui's frown deepened as Aaron continued his justifications. "But isn't that just plain stealing, Nii-san?" she pressed, her voice a mix of frustration and concern. "Taking something that doesn't belong to you, even from bad guys, is still wrong."

Aaron leaned back further in his chair, a nonchalant air clinging to him despite the weight of her words. "Sure, from a certain perspective," he conceded, a playful glint still dancing in his eyes. "But think about it this way. Who are they going to call, the cops? 'Yeah, officer, they stole my money... the money I earned from, you know, the usual.'" He mimicked a gruff voice, his fingers forming air quotes around the last phrase. A sardonic chuckle escaped his lips. "'Human trafficking, drugs, the whole nine yards.'"

He shrugged, his expression feigning innocence. "They wouldn't exactly get a sympathetic ear from the authorities, now would they?" A beat of silence followed, then he added with a wink, "Besides, wouldn't it be poetic justice? Taking their ill-gotten gains and using them to fix the damage they indirectly caused?"

"And just to make it better,what about i found whatever people they have captive and free them,even reveal intel of their yakuza boss to the public"He added nonchantly.

"Nii-san arent you a kamen rider,why would you create another alter ego"Rui said lookin at Aaron who just smile saying "For fun"

"Don't lie to me Nii-San "Rui shot back to which Aaron just smile before saying "Arent you a tough cookie."He sigh before patting her head saying "The alter ego is just there in case, Raion cant operate, a back up plan you might say"

A notification buzzed on Aaron's phone, momentarily breaking the tension between him and Rui. He glanced at the screen, a flicker of amusement crossing his features. "Well, well, well," he drawled, "looks like Miyuki's done with her little shopping spree."

Rui leaned closer, peering over his shoulder at the message. It displayed coordinates, a location pinpointing a specific area. "Let's see what our Cryosian princess has gotten herself with all that earth money," Aaron said with a hint of a smirk.

He and Rui ventured out, the coordinates leading them to a secluded part of the city. As they approached their destination, a sense of anticipation built. Turning a corner, they came face-to-face with a sight that left Aaron speechless.

Towering before them was a mansion. Not just any mansion, but a colossal structure that seemed more suited to royalty than a single person. Intricately detailed facades, sprawling gardens, and a sprawling swimming pool gleamed in the afternoon sun. Aaron stared, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple.

"Isn't this a tad... excessive?" he finally managed to sputter out, turning to look at Miyuki, who stood beside him with a perfectly composed expression.

"Nonsense," Miyuki replied coolly, her voice devoid of any warmth. "It's merely large enough to accommodate the essentials." Her words were laced with a hint of sarcasm, a barely veiled jab at Aaron's earlier comment about her Cryosian money.

Rui, however, seemed oblivious to the tension. Her eyes sparkled with childlike wonder as she gazed at the opulent mansion. Her expression mirrored that of a toddler mesmerized by a giant castle in a fairytale.

"Nii-san, can we explore it?" she pleaded, tugging excitedly on Aaron's shirt. "It's like a giant palace!"

Aaron sighed, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. He knew he wouldn't win this argument. With a resigned shrug, he turned towards Miyuki and held out his hand expectantly. "Key please, your Cryosian majesty."