
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Filem
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186 Chs


The sudden intrusion of a man wearing black, named Markus, into Aaron's apartment caught him completely off guard. Aaron's expression reflected his confusion and surprise as he faced the stranger.

"Who are you again, and why are you here?" Aaron questioned, trying to make sense of the unexpected situation.

Markus, however, left no room for ambiguity in his response. His voice carried a chilling determination as he declared, "I am Markus, and I am here to kill you." The statement left no doubt about his intentions, and the atmosphere in the room grew tense with the threat of impending conflict.

Markus revealed the source of his pursuit as he explained, "I tracked you down from the little show you did in front of Suel."

The mention of the confrontation and challenge that Aaron had issued to Suel only hours earlier seemed to have led Markus to this apartment, intent on exacting revenge or settling a score.

Aaron's confusion deepened as he couldn't fathom why someone who seemed to have no personal stake in their conflict would want to kill him. He regarded Markus with a quizzical expression, forming the impression that he might be dealing with a wealthy individual with far too much time on his hands.

"Why do you want to kill me again?" Aaron inquired, searching for a rational explanation behind this unexpected threat.

Markus, however, provided a startling motive. He pointed a gun at Aaron and revealed, "Lady Naomi is wasting too much of her time on her insignificant bug like you. Killing you is the best way to make her get over you."

Aaron's expression shifted from confusion to a mixture of anger and frustration. "Wait, Naomi? Like the Naomi that has gotten me into this horrible hellhole to begin with? Do you think that I...," he trailed off, his face contorted with disgust at the mention of Naomi's involvement in his complicated and perilous situation.

As Markus continued his relentless pursuit, Aaron skillfully evaded the shots fired from Markus's gun, his reflexes and agility serving him well. Markus's intentions were clear – to kill Aaron and prove to Naomi that he was not worth her time.

However, Aaron's response was unexpected. "I don't want her. In fact, you can have her. I don't like her," he stated, a touch of weirded-out humor in his voice as he dismissed the idea of him and Naomi ever getting together.

But Markus wasn't convinced and persisted, "Don't act dumb. You assaulted her before, and that poor girl is probably broken."

In the face of Markus's accusations, Aaron's frustration and annoyance became evident. He swiftly dodged another bullet and delivered a powerful punch to Markus's gut.

As Aaron deftly dodged a barrage of attacks, his frustration grew. The relentless assault from Markus, who seemingly possessed unusual powers, was taking a toll on him. In a sudden and unexpected move, a couch was hurled at Aaron, sending him flying across the room.

"Fucking Xalara and their fucking powers," Aaron muttered under his breath as he staggered to his feet, his resilience keeping him in the fight. He continued to evade Markus's relentless attempts on his life, his determination to protect himself unwavering.

Markus, however, was unrelenting in his accusations and anger. "How dare you take the lady the first time?" he spat out, his rage apparent. In another bizarre and disturbing attack, Markus threw a TV at Aaron, who managed to dodge it.

The mental image that the man's words had conjured left Aaron feeling both disgusted and infuriated. The relentless aggression and absurd accusations had pushed him to the brink of anger.

He knew that the man had telepathic power but he had a weakness and he had dealt with their kind before.

"At some point, I think it fell out, she put it back in"Aaron said trying to get into the man head.

As Aaron noticed Markus's anger and emotional turmoil, he seized the opportunity to exploit the man's weakened control over his telepathic powers.

Swiftly, he attacked Markus from behind, taking him by surprise and delivering a decisive blow that rendered him unconscious.

With Markus subdued, Aaron took a moment to collect himself. The emotional turmoil of the encounter had taken its toll, leaving him feeling physically ill.

He made his way to the bathroom, where he emptied his stomach, a mix of shock, frustration, and disgust overwhelming him.

Aaron couldn't believe the words he had been forced to say, nor the idea that someone as unhinged as Naomi could have a suitor.

This revelation left him on edge, realizing that he would need to be constantly vigilant from now on, a prospect he found deeply unpleasant.

Afterward, he glanced at the unconscious body of Markus and decided to leave a note, perhaps to offer some clarity or a warning, before taking the necessary steps to secure himself in the wake of this unexpected and dangerous encounter.

Stuck it to the man back, before dropping the man off in front of Naomi house, that is her problem not is, now he need to go back ho....

His thought were interested by the woman standing in front of him, the mere sight of her just left one thought in his mind
