
The Ancient Vampire Trial

The story behind one of the greatest and most secret wars the world has ever known is about to be revealed but first you must know the story of the vampire who adopted the prince of darkness and who helped an English count in that revolt. Because Nicolet Ardelean's name will go down in history now that the underworld is coming out of the shadows.

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12 Chs

2.- Transformation

I woke up very slowly my eyes were heavy I was sleepy, but the screams of Velkan woke me up apart from the insistent noise of many people talking when I opened my eyes I realized that I was in a cage and apparently in one of those abandoned castles by the weak facade that had, with my hands on my back still bleeding and by the amount of blood that was around me my conclusion was simple it would not take long to die.

-Doru already woke up the lady you brought- said a person who was constantly looking in my direction. The person I called started to approach and until he was close enough I noticed it was the same vampire that pretended to be a wounded traveler and massacred my people.

-Lady, I'm glad you're ok- said that thing that I now knew was called Doru -To be honest, I was going to let you die, but you made fun of me and I can't accept that- he said mockingly.

-And why am I not dead yet?- I said forcing myself to speak. - I said forcing myself to speak.

-Well that's a good question- he said confused.

-Well now you've made a fool of yourself again- I said mockingly.

-You...- he said breaking the bars in front of him, he was about to kill me when a door of that suspicious castle opened abruptly, he stopped suddenly and turned to look in the direction of that stranger, everyone froze and ducked his head.

-Someone would be kind enough to explain to me why there is a town massacred on the way here- he said with a thick and threatening voice. Everyone in the room was silent, the silence was so big that I could hear the footsteps of that intimidating man, the footsteps were getting closer to where I was, maybe it was the frightening aura of that man that made me get up with difficulty and lean on the bars behind me -Miss, what are you doing in a place like this? - I tried to speak, but my efforts were useless until I managed to get out a little bit of my voice.

-I don't...I know when...I woke up, I was already here- I said with a gasp as my breath began to fail me.

-Poor girl, they are letting you agonize and suffer why? - he said not with sarcasm but it sounded like the concern was honest and real.

-Why? Why? I don't know- I said starting to collapse, but he managed to put his hand to avoid hitting my head and pulled me out of the cage and put me delicately on those long tables where the vampires used to talk. Everyone turned away to see what he was doing, they were intrigued and surprised, and to be honest, I was too, I just didn't have the strength to show my surprise. He took a knife and opened his wrist and a lot of blood started to fall from his arm and he put his wrist close to my mouth while he whispered in my ear

-Do you want to live? Do you want revenge? - he said in a calm voice even though it was a whisper it felt like he was floating just hearing it when I realized he had taken his hand and was bringing it to my mouth my mind was saying: Don't do it, how different would I be from that Doru guy, will I become a monster like him? Every thought I had stopped because my chest started to burn and it was more than the pain I was already feeling so much it hurt too much I felt a strong pang in my chest that lifted me up I was sitting up and the oxygen was coming back into my lungs I started to breathe heavily but the air coming in made everything burn and as if it was a blow I lay down again and I was writhing from the pain it was too much it was all over my body I couldn't tolerate it I wanted to die I wanted this pain to end and suddenly it stopped my sight went black and as if it was a dream I saw my parents holding their hands and walking away from me I stretched my hand to reach them but I couldn't when I opened my eyes someone took the hand I had stretched and pulled me gently to stand up I felt my body lighter I saw my free hand I turned it around to see if there was anything strange but there was nothing I saw my stomach where before there were some holes from Doru's attack now there was nothing in fact I felt my stomach with my hand to look for the wounds but there were none the scars that I had left throughout my life were not there either.

- How are you feeling? - said the man who helped me before

-I feel...fine. What happened to me? - I asked, I was very confused until a moment ago I felt agonizing pain and now I felt...nothing.

-Doru, would you explain to her what happened- said that terrifying man to the vampire that not long ago almost killed me

-You just died- he said with a certain surprised tone, but also trembling with fear -And you just transformed into a vampire- he said scared like most people and not only that I felt my body cold and I almost lost my balance, not only I had died and continued walking and breathing, but I had also become a monster like the one that massacred my family.

-But why do you look like that? How did this happen? - I said a bit shocked by everything that happened then I turned my eyes to Doru and remembered everything. It was all his fault, I got closer faster than I thought and put my hands on his neck, everyone there was surprised, although I didn't know why, -This is all your fault, you would have killed me when you had the chance because now I will do it- I said squeezing harder but then that man put his hand on top of mine transmitting warmth in a way, although it was ironic because his hands were freezing.

-Follow me- he said with a warm voice and then started to walk behind that man I felt something but it was not fear it was similar to when I was afraid and my parents hugged me until I fell asleep now I felt somehow .... safe.