
The Ancient Vampire Trial

The story behind one of the greatest and most secret wars the world has ever known is about to be revealed but first you must know the story of the vampire who adopted the prince of darkness and who helped an English count in that revolt. Because Nicolet Ardelean's name will go down in history now that the underworld is coming out of the shadows.

HaiSaveucZ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

1.-The Beginning

Monsters exist and they are everywhere disguised as an innocent I wish I had noticed it before.

My normal life changed with the arrival of a traveler who claimed to be sick so he asked for asylum in our small village, as a law of our culture giving asylum to a person was mandatory so the traveler stayed with us. The asylum included one of the huts, food and medicine that we had developed. If only our small village had been closer to other villages we would have known that vampire attacks were very common so we could have avoided a massacre.

It was on the fifth day after their arrival that things went bad. It was around midnight when by reflex while I was sleeping I saw a very intense light outside our house, I looked out and what I saw was the beginning of our hell all the houses were burning people were running from one side to another, but those I could see that passed by my window just fell in the blink of an eye when I saw the floor were their bodies inert so by the impression I went backwards scaring my parents and younger brother they got up in a hurry at the same time that I took my brother to a corner of the house so he would not see the massacre that was happening outside. My father opened the door and ran outside to try to help with the fires, I saw a shadow in front of him, at the same time he moved his hand up very fast, my father came back into the house, secured the door and pushed one of the small pieces of furniture to the door and with that he robbed it and then fell to the floor, my mother ran to him and so did I.

My father had a very serious wound that went from his stomach to his throat that action that monster had caused him, my mother saw him and then she said something in his ear and smiled at him.

-Nikolet, take your brother and follow me- said my mom as she leaned my dad against a wall, I stood up and went to Velkan, picked him up and went to where my mom was, she was in the opposite corner from Velkan, pushed the wall that was on it and opened a small door. Before I knew it my dad was already behind us and he just hugged us and then my mom joined him.

-We love you children very much, we would give our lives for both of you- said my father while crying.

-We already had a life and it's time for you to have yours- said my mom with a face full of tears -So go live and... -she said while she covered her mouth.

-Don't forget us, yes? - said my dad

-What are they talking about? We can all leave together- I said desperate since I knew what they were talking about.

-No, we can't, it would only delay them, I'm already very hurt- said my dad.

-My children have a long life, yes? Although I would have liked to see them get married and have children- said my mom while crying again -Nikolet listen to me, protect your brother, ok? - she said

-Yes mom- I said starting to cry

-Velkan, listen to your sister, yes? - said my mom

-Yes mom- said my little 12 year old brother while crying loudly we were hugged again, but this time it was a little longer and with all of us crying. Then the door started to shake very hard

-Go now- said my mom as she pushed us through the small door I went out first and then helped my brother downstairs my parents watched us one last time and then closed the door and listened as they put the furniture back in front of the door.

I took my brother by the hand and we started to run towards the forest, we ran and we hid in a tree from where we could see our house. We saw how something entered our house and then we heard screams of what we assumed were our mother's screams, when that happened my brother just hugged me and then cried for now I could not afford to cry, I had to get my brother to safety.

-Velkan, we have to go- I said as I pulled him by the arm and started to run again, we both ran a lot dodging the trees that we could barely see thanks to the moon, but also in the distance we could see a town so we ran towards it but we started to hear footsteps coming towards us when I turned to see what it was I realized it was that traveler we had received and because of how fast he was running I guessed he was not human so I just pulled Velkan hard so that the moment he tried to run towards us he would collide with that huge tree and that's how it happened. We were already very close to the village and we ran towards it, but right at the entrance, that creature was waiting for us.

-So that last house was yours right? - he said with a thick and frightening voice, I just put Velkan behind me and tried to hide him, -Too bad young man, a lady should protect you?Humans are the worst, there is no chivalry anymore- he said in a sarcastic tone at the same time some bells were ringing.

-Vampire! To the church, everyone- said a voice in the distance, followed by many people running towards the old building and then closing the door.

-Shall I tell you a secret, miss? - said that creature -That place will not protect them from me- he said with a devilish laugh, but on the arch that was just above him it said in Latin "the blood of the innocent will protect this sacred land" I had a plan to find out if that sentence was true. While he was distracted I ran hand in hand with Velkan and we were able to enter the town, we arrived at the church and I knocked on that wooden door.

-Please open up, I want to save my brother- I shouted and the door opened slowly revealing what I assumed was a priest.

-They are gypsies, aren't you? You can't come in, I'm very sorry- said the chubby person.

-I will do whatever it takes to let my brother in, I will leave everything I believe in just as him, right? - I said looking at Velkan, he looked at me a little confused, but at the end he nodded.

-Sister, what's going on? - he said frightened as they opened that huge door.

-I am keeping the promise I made to our parents, I am protecting you- I said, beginning to cry -Sir, it is true what is written on the arch at the entrance?-

-But what are you talking about? Of course it's true- said the little man -this land is sacred what protected us is not as strong as it used to be- to which I just nodded.

-I Nikolet Petran couldn't ask for a better brother than you Velkan,- I said crying and then I pushed him inside that building.

-Sister! Sister! Don't do it- I heard him shouting from inside through the sales of that place. I could see him as some people pulled him back while a woman just hugged him and I was internally grateful that they were protecting him, I dried my eyes and stood at the door.

-Miss, you would have entered with those cattle- said that thing.

-I am the eldest daughter of the Petran family, my duty is to protect Velkan- I said firmly, but inside I was trembling.

-Well, try to protect this- he said while he buried his nails that had grown a lot while we were talking I felt so much pain that it was hard for me to stand up the nails were so long that they had gone through me and reached the door in the glass part I tried to stay conscious, but Velkan's scream made me dizzy then I only heard his cry I turned to look through the glass and he was in front of me only separated by the glass his face was red from how much he was crying I just smiled and turned back to that thing.

-Now the one who looked like a fool is you- I said and then fell to my knees, the blood began to come out staining the stairs but then that red liquid began to glow and change color to a very intense white, that liquid was moving very fast along the building, that thing tried to enter the building so when he touched the door his hand began to burn in flames and he just screamed and turned to see me. -You should study some Latin- I said mockingly, he came up to me and carried me but my resistance was over, the last thing I saw was that we were walking away from that place

Was I dead? Were the stories I had heard true? Would I see my parents again? Would they be sad that I didn't live the long life they wanted? What if I was dead because my stomach still hurt?