
The Ancient Vampire Trial

The story behind one of the greatest and most secret wars the world has ever known is about to be revealed but first you must know the story of the vampire who adopted the prince of darkness and who helped an English count in that revolt. Because Nicolet Ardelean's name will go down in history now that the underworld is coming out of the shadows.

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12 Chs

12.-The Refugees and the Butler

As soon as we received orders we moved with the guy we met and the prince, both walked in front to continue watching them outside there was already a carriage waiting for us. The young master along with the prince got in the box along with Luke, but before we got in the young master signaled me to keep an eye on the other guy so I went with him upfront he avoided my gaze and I didn't blame him a few minutes ago I tried to eat him.

Through the small window of the carriage, the Young Master spoke.

-Nikolet take care of the refugees and take them to my ship so they are safe- he said as he handed me a brooch with his family shield -Show it to the people there so they will help-

-Yes sir- I said to jump out of the moving carriage to use the cloud of bats again and get faster to the dock where I had left everyone before, I was just touching the ground and everyone started to surround me.

-Miss Nikolet, good to have you back- said a young man.

-I promised I would come back and I have orders to take them to a safe place where you can rest and they will give you medical attention and food- I said seeing how many of the frightened or tired expressions slowly light up.

-We don't know how to repay you- said another man.

-No problem- I said smiling warmly -Now everyone takes your things and goes over there I said pointing to where the boat was, but also while watching not only all the people but also the surroundings. I also noticed that there were many elderly people who were already unable to walk, everything I was thinking was interrupted by a little girl who was crying non-stop.

-Help me please, my mother is very weak- said the little girl as she pulled me by my dress to take me to her when I saw her I noticed that she was not hurt but that she was about to give birth I turned around to find a way to take her because I could not walk there as well as the old people. And then I saw the wreckage of a ship that was on a kind of wheelbarrow.

I approached the debris and put the boat upright on the wheelbarrow and checked it was safe but the cabin was so destroyed that I simply pulled it over to make more room so I moved it closer to the people.

-Listen to me- I spoke in a loud voice and everyone paused what they were doing to look at me -Now everyone who can walk starts walking to where I tell you to go those who can't walk get on the boat the rest support them- Some started to walk to the boat and others helped the older people to get on the boat. I approached the pregnant woman and carried her to the boat the little girl was behind me watching with concern her mother while I sat her on the boat she was complaining -I'm sorry if I hurt you but I wouldn't know how to help in your situation the best thing to do is to hurry to get you to a doctor-

-Don't worry, I'm fine, it's just the loss of practice- she said as she took the girl's hand and as if it was a flash I saw my mom taking my hand, I just smiled in response, I got off the boat and got in the back of the boat, I held my skirt with a ribbon to avoid tearing it and I started to push slowly at first and I slowly increased the speed so the way that would have taken us almost an hour took us a few minutes when we arrived I stopped the boat next to the huge boat of the Young Master, at the entrance, there was a bridge and a chain protected the entrance together with a man in uniform with a serious look, I slowly approached him and he looked at me with a certain curiosity.

-Miss, this is private property, please leave- he said with a hard voice, but with a kind tone.

-Excuse me, I have ordered from Count Edevane to give shelter to these people- I said showing the Young Master's brooch.

-Excuse my rudeness, I had no idea, I will call all the staff at this moment- he said entering the ship shortly inside and then he came out with a line of women and men in uniform and with blankets in their hands all of them -All of them are at your service-

-Please support all these people and if there is a doctor bring him that woman is about to give birth- I said showing them the woman -Please take care of them all for the amount I have to leave for the Count-

-We understand and we are aware of your situation, trust us, leave them in good hands- said the man.

-Maybe tomorrow the Young Master will come to check on you and what you are about to see will not leave here- I said.

-It's a promise- he said followed by a woman nodding to what the man said then I turned in a cloud of bats and advanced to the carriage where Luke, the Young Master, the prince, and his servant were.

I found it funny that in the time I had been doing all the refugee stuff they hadn't made much progress. Before the prince's servant realized it, I was already sitting next to him again and he looked at me in surprise. I turned and opened the small window of the carriage and saw that the Young Master was looking at me with a certain pride while Luke was smiling from ear to ear.

-How did it go?- asked the Young Master

-It's all set, everyone is safe- I said.

-Wonderful, tomorrow we will go to see them and see what to do about their situation- he said then I closed the window and sat up straight and looked straight ahead.

The road was taking forever, maybe because of my pace of doing things, but that night I stopped to think a little about all the things I could do and would have liked to do with my family. I would have liked to take my brother in a carriage and my parents to a party like the one we went to, all the scenarios in which I did what I wanted with them seemed so unreal and so far away because I was reliving the day they died and the day I had to separate from Velkan.

I was also wondering what day I could go to Transylvania to see my dad and Aaro, I had a lot of things to tell them. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt that boy's gaze.

-So... a vampire- said he -I thought they were only in Transylvania-

-I'm a vampire out of the ordinary-

-I noticed that.

-You seem more understandable than I thought- I said, seeing that he was still staring at the road.

-I know what you're asking, but I only follow orders from him, although he has been acting a little strange the last few months, I think he was acting strangely since the beginning of all this, but I followed what he asked me to do, no matter how sick and twisted it was-

-He was acting strangely? How strangely?-

-If only how they found him he would never be sitting like that, he is very vain, but of his Majesties, he is the most human, he feels pity and pain for others, that's why I never thought he would do something like that-

I kept thinking about what he said there were too many coincidences first of all the Young Master's cousin had a hole in his memories just like the prince there was something very strange about all of this.

-Did he start acting strangely after some event? -

-Yes, after he saw a supposed friend of him-