

Across the sky, an expensive aircraft flies, cloaking itself from everything below. It's got "Silver Sable International" painted on its stern.

Aboard, Ms. Nemirovsky tires herself, as she adds upgrades to her new Crimson Dynamo exosuit. In times like these, she wonders if she should've stayed with the Avengers, as Iron Man... But she always shakes her head, and decides against it. She's warming up to her new life as Crimson Dynamo, and as a member of the Silver Sable's Wild Pack...

First class, Silver and Victor have white wine, and talk. They're both a long way from Symkaria and Latveria.

"Ms. Osborn's not going to like this," Victor tells her.

"You don't have to tell me," Silver reminds him. "Really."

"There are plenty of other companies you could do this to. I'm sure Prussia's producing a lot of excesses, fighting the French on the Rhine. Also, Japan's doing a lot to mimic Europe. You could try storming Yashida Corporation, or Fujikawa Industries..."

Silver shakes her head. "I know more about OsCorp. I know of a few things they make that I could exploit. Besides, there are way too many white people in the world who're under attack. The Osborns like to channel their rage into what they invest in. They are the revenge weaponry that I need." She blinks. "Yashida's stuff is good for revenge too, but... They keep saying that Russia's going to go to war with Japan in a few years, and I'd hate to soil my company's reputation with our will-be enemy's signatures."

Victor arches his brows. "They'd be Japanese calligraphs, no doubt. I've heard that Japan's in the middle of a civil war. They're replacing their samurai-led feudal system with a more European capitalist regimen." He scoffs. "Crazy..."

"I hear the Japanese have just hired an American colonel who looks a lot like President Grant."

Victor scoffs. "I'd hate to see how THAT'LL turn out..."

An explosion happens in Nemirovsky's lab, startling Silver. Silver sighs. "Could you keep the experimentation down, Galina?! Most things aboard this craft don't react well to bullets!"

"Sorry," Galina shouts, from the lab. "If it's any consolation, I wasn't expecting that to happen!"

Silver scoffs. "I'm sure Iron Man never did, either," Silver mutters, "back when he was alive."

"We should probably land this thing," Victor offers. "There might be somewhere nearby where we can refuel..."

Silver shakes her head. "We're going straight to OsCorp. My fellow whitefolk are in danger. Every second we spend preparing is a second our enemies spend whetting us away, one woman and child at a time."

Victor scoffs. "And they think I'M Doctor Doom..."