
Forgetting Peter Parker

The sun rises over New York. For Ms. Brant, it's a new day of pressmaking…

From her bed, she rises. She's in lingerie. She seems tired. Nonetheless, she MUST get the longer story of how a test subject escaped from OsCorp…

She opens her panties drawer. In her panties, Peter sleeps...until the light blares in his eyes.

Ms. Brant lets him sleep in here...under conditions...including the ones where Peter crawls between her legs, on some nights, and give his will-be boss a good time...

"Sorry to wake you, Peter," she says to him, "but I need you again. We're going to OsCorp."

"You sure need me a lot," Peter comments. "Are you sure I'm just a freelancer?"

She giggles. "If I hired you full-time, I'd lose my job for sure. And I am a very rich and powerful lady. I NEED to make money."

She holds out her index finger. To Peter, it's like half a bridge.

She shrugs. "I could just...tell your ex-aunt, Ms. Reilly, what you really do at nights..."

Peter sighs, shoots a web, and swings up onto her nail. Her nail is so big, he could play tennis on it.

"Ah, that's such a good spider!" She cups her hand around Peter. Her hand is huge. Everything about her is huge; she's like a fucking titaness. And to think she's only a newspaper editor...

"Actually," she confesses, "at your size, you're more like a mite..."

She sticks her finger into her own rack, and pulls it out. Peter isn't on her nail when she pulls it out...

Over here, this is OsCorp. It seems the parking lot outside it has admitted less traffic, since the escape...

From the sky, Rachel Grey uses her powers to descend. She lands on the roof of OsCorp Tower. She's here to save a fellow hero in despair. She knows that Peter Parker is alive...unlike a lot of other heroes who used to know him...

Much farther down, Ms. Brant enters the waiting room. She takes off her shoes, and sits in a green-upholstered chair. She looks around. It...seems that green is the dominant color of all the interior décor in this facility...

She grabs a copy of the Bugle from the reading table, and flips through it. Somehow, Bugle readers are STILL on fire about Mr. Jameson's kidney stones... Ms. Brant's pretty sure that she's now making more money from her ex-bosses kidney stones alone, than he ever did offering a reward for a photo of Spider-Man going bad...

I mean seriously; offering rewards causes a business to LOSE money. What the hell was Mr. Jameson thinking?!

As Ms. Brant reads, Rachel comes downstairs, via the elevator. She sneaks into the waiting room, and takes a seat. She grabs a photo book, and flips through it. They're all photos of outer space; the stars, specifically...

She acknowledges Ms. Brant. With her powers, she can hear her thoughts. She's about to have fewer. Rachel places her fingers against her head, and concentrates...

On the other side of the paper, Ms. Brant gets to a certain page. There's a caption there. It's been there for a while, but Ms. Brant looks at it as if she's just now noticing it. It reads, WHO IS SPIDER-MAN?

"Hmm," she asks, scratching beneath her black bob. "Who IS Spider-Man?" She shrugs. "I should probably pay one of my photographers to find out." She chuckles. "He probably isn't the same person as before."

"Oh," Rachel whispers, and subtly scolds herself. "Not THAT much!"

Ms. Brant looks up from her paper. "Did you say something?"

"Uh," Rachel stammers, "I said, 'this place is green a bunch!"

"Oh!" Ms. Brant flips through her paper, and looks around. "Yeah, I noticed that to. Here, you'd think every day is St. Patrick's Day!"

The two women share a giggle. Alas, Rachel sure hopes this conversation doesn't get TOO sentimental...

Now free of Ms. Brant's blackmail, Peter swings through the building, like a mite. With luck, Yellowjacket hasn't been breaking and entering too often...

Somehow, he finds the place where Speed Demon was kept captive. He starts sleuthing...

As he suspected, there are no signs of forced exit. But then, Speed Demon was a speedster; seems like he could've phased through everything. Question is, why didn't he earlier? If he was always this capable of escape, why did HAMMER even succeed in catching him?"

This has got Peter stumped. Nonetheless, he swings upstairs. There's a certain someone, in the CEO's office, who Peter can't wait to stalk...

With luck, he'll have better luck stalking her than he's had his will-be boss...

Alas, Speed Demon isn't the only interesting thing OsCorp has acquired. It's also not the most interesting thing OsCorp has MADE. And hence, Peter gets distracted. This is, after all, how (and where) Spider-Man got his powers...