
The Ametrines of Allurion

Synopsis: Upon coincidental encounters and already established friendships, a group of 6 friends and their own friends are unified by a force of opposition. The story follows the Ametrines gang around along on their goofy but sometimes serious adventures that they go through together. It’s never known what they’ll get themselves into, and often times the issues they get into are accidentally provoked while others have hidden reasons. Follow them and see what’s in store for The Ametrines of Allurion. join in my discord to see whats going on also https://discord.gg/3B9xaA6KZN

_Sesame_ · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Kits Special Pt5

Kit really didn't give a fuck about helping out with the research he, just came because he was bored. He didn't think this was more boring, but he soon realized and regretted his choices. To pass the time, Kit chose to go to the comic book section and read a few comics since there was so much to choose from and from all over the universe too. He went off on his own, found the section, and began reading. He was very stuck on a series he found about a hero who fell in love with a villain but slowly the two became neutrals and fell in love with each other and together they fought their own fights, good or bad. Kit was too invested in the series to put it down, but unfortunately, he finished it pretty soon and had no interest in anything else in the section. He went around and poked at other books around the area but didn't find anything interesting. He stumbled upon magic books and practiced a few of the spells on them until he cast a flame and brunt a small section; he didn't want to make it his problem, so he just walked away from that area and went back to the comic section. He started skimming through a few good-looking ones, but none really seemed enticing to him. After some time, he went to the printing room and printed a few pics of Dev, cut off the faces, took some glue, and started gluing the faces on the covers of comic books that had females on them, a blast to him. A janitor walked by and saw him and told him it wasn't okay to do that, but Kit didn't really care and kept going.

The janitor grew annoyed by his disobedience and ran to hit him with the broom; kit ran to get the mop and slapped the janitor with it back. After a few minutes of attacking one another, the janitor grabbed his spray bottle and started spraying Kit, making Kit run around to dodge it. Some time went by, and somehow Kit got ahold of the bottle, sprayed the janitor back, and chased him around. The janitor called in for the guards to come and get him, and soon enough, they had Kit outside and banned him from entering again. Kit didn't give a fuck, though, and decided to go around and stick the remaining faces of Dev around the building outside. After that, he went into fox form and decided to take a nap in the warm sun, so he did while he waited for the other morons to come back. So he did.