
The Amazing Spider-Man 3 - With Great Power Comes A Dark Side

After losing Gwen, Peter stops or quits being Spider-Man for 4 mouths but he listen to Gwen's high school graduation speech video tape and he puts the suit on again but little did Peter know on what's coming in the future he would never put the suit back again because the Sinister Six are coming and... Peter stopped pulling my punches! this time.

NallurGagan · Filem
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Beyond the Mask

We see a dark room where Peter's sleeping; he is having a dream, where he is trying to save Gwen in every possible way he can. The scene takes place in the Amazing Spider-Man 2 after killing Electro but a little bit changes were made because he's is having a dream.


A flash of green light arks from the sky towards the let-up power grid.

Peter: I think we can still make your flight.



Spiderman look up at the sky


the flash of green sweeps between towers Spidey holds his hand up.

Peter: Gwen, stay there.

Wearing the oscorp body armor Harry looks between Spidey and Gwen on the green hoverboard. Harry looks back from Gwen to Spidey again.


Harry: Peter, when you said Spider-Man said no…you meant you said no!

Peter: Harry, what did you do?

Harry: What you made me do.

Harry: You were my friend…and you betrayed me!

Peter: No, I was trying to protect you.

Harry: Ha-ha-ha, look at me.

Peter: Hey, it's gonna be okay. This is gonna be all right.

Harry: You don't give people hope. you take it away.

Peter: No, Harry.

Harry: I'm gonna take away yours.

Peter: No! Gwen! run!

Gwen: Aah!

Peter: Harry!

Peter: Harry, put her down!


With Gwen at his arms Harry rockets up around the clock tower Spidey gets chased he jumps and shoots some web try to catch Harry as Harry circles round above the tower Spidey stops shooting web and looks up.

Peter: Harry, stop this right now! This isn't you, Harry! This is… This is not you! Harry, put her down!

Gwen: Harry…

Harry: Harry is dead.

Peter: Harry, this is between you and me. You wanna fight? Fight me! Let her go!

Harry: Okay.


Peter: No!

Harry drops Gwen and Spidey catches her they fall through glass roof and land on a walkway inside the tower

Peter: You okay?

Gwen: Mm-Mm.


A granite breaks the walkway

Gwen: Aah!

Spidey grabs dangling Gwen's hand

Peter: I got you, Gwen. I'm gonna put you down right here.

Peter jumps to the sky and aims his web shooter to Harry and pulls himself down to him like when you carry your girlfriend on your hips.

Harry tries to punch Peter but he escapes from it and Peter tries to punch Harry too and he successfully punches from left to right and left and then Harry gets angry and uses his Oscorp Exo-Suit power punch to Peter and he knocks him to the ground it takes a little time for Peter to see what's happening and when Peter tries to get up Harry throws a sharp Goblin knife at his left shoulder Peter falls to the ground and tries to get up but this time removing the Goblin knife from his shoulder and when he is trying to get up Harry jumps at him with the glider and tries to choke him and then Harry lefts his right hand with a goblin knife and try's to stab him on his head he goes from left to right but he couldn't because Peter was using Spidey senses and then Harry try's to stab him on his four head but Peter Spidey senses try's to help him by showing him that Harry is riding on his goblin glider so Peter kicks the glider and the glider spins upside down and falls with a boost towards Gwen and boom the clocks mechanical gear breaks into pieces and since Gwen was standing around the mechanical gear with nothing but only gears surrounded around her so she falls. 

Gwen: Ohh!

And then we move back to Peter VS Harry. Yeah, Peter kicks the glider and the glider spins upside down and falls with the boost towards Gwen and while this was happening and since Peter kicked the glider in which Harry was riding on Harry falls on Peter and gets knocked out on Peter's chest and Peter also gets knocked out.

Gwen: Peter?

Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter the echo of Gwen saying Peter's name at her last breath awakes Peter up.

Gwen: Peter?

Peter pushes Harry's body to the left and comes forward and web shoots from his right hand towards Gwen and he catches her.

Peter: No Gwen, I got you, Gwen I got you, now give me your hand, Yeah just like that just like that.

Boom Harry stabs Peter from behind in his lower back and Peter screams Ahhh! But Peter won't let go off the web that he is holding because Gwen is hanging on it and Peter gives an elbow punch to Harry's face and kicks him on his ankle and makes him fall but Harry gets up and start laughing at Peter. 

Harry: You can't stop me now, Peter.

And then Harry uses his oscorp Exo-suit and power punches Peter and knocks him out and you know when people get knocked out they can't control their body it's like fainting on the ground you can't really stop it either way so let's get back to the story so Peter gets knocked out, his body gets loose so he loses control of his body, his hands which are basically holding Gwen from a single web shooter and the web shooter starts to losing up and the web shooters fall fastly and then all of a sudden.

Gwen: Peter?

Peter wakes up hearing Gwen's voice he opens his eyes and he start growling biting his teeth together and then Harry tries to get up Peter kicks him again on his ankle and makes him fall and then Peter shoots his web shooter towards to a running mechanical gear and while Harry was getting up Peter puts the web around Harry's neck and pulled his right hand, there is Harry and from his left hand there is Gwen and he's doing the superhero pose with his left leg on his knee and he's right leg is in sitting position and Harry pools the goblin knife out of Peters back and stabs it back again Peter screams Ahhh! And pulls the web more harder this time from both the sides screaming in pain and because Peter pulled the web on Harry more harder this time Harry flew over do the mechanical running gears Also known as the wall of running mechanical gears and the mechanical gear starts to jam because Harry was stuck to it and suddenly Peters spider sense activates the camera goes to the first person mode and the camera flies over the gear that was jamming and the camera goes in reverse back to Peters eyes. Peter Stands up he puts his left leg on the gear to make it work And the mechanism couldn't hold this for too long so it breaks add in the comics way on the left there is Gwen's face and on the right there is Harry's face and in the middle there is peter's face And then there is the web shot the web breaks I mean cut off And as the mechanism breaks a big metallic gear spins towards Peter from the back and hits Peter on his head and knock him out he falls to the ground unconscious and only thing that could wake Peter up is none other than Gwen herself and if you have any questions about why he only wakes up when he hears Gwen's voice then you can watch The Amazing Spider-Man 2 if you still didn't understand then you can just fuck off! also let's get back to the story.

Gwen: Peter?

Suddenly hearing Gwen's voice Peter wakes up, he opens his eye he gets up very fastly and he runs towards the edge of the metallic gear that he and Harry were fighting on, he runs and jumps on the edge. 

Peter: No Gwen no!

The mechanisms brakes cobweb losses and the string is cut as the hands were around the clock face Gwen falls, the entire mechanism collapses Harry is thrown on to a walkway duh Bree falls around,

Peter dives headlong towards Gwen he continues to fall amongst duh Bree. Gwen is open mouth wide-eyed her head bellows around her face as she falls,

Peter flicks his right wrist out, time seems to slow down as a strand of white web arrows from the shooter and passes tumbling sections of the broken clock mechanism sealing amongst more folden and broken duh Bree and attaches to a broken duh Bree and Peter spins around and pulls the duh Bree, He shoots his web from two sides left and right aiming to the wall the web attaches to the wall and then he pulls himself down quickly then Gwen realizes that she can't be saved anymore so she breathe out her last breath and closes her eyes Peter shoot his web Both the side again this time aiming for Gwen And when the web was reaching her the web does something crazy the web spins around one another and makes it a bigger web the web catches her immediately he pulls himself down to her #BuildingSuspense The ground gets close to her ground gets close to her as Peter reaches Moments before disaster before Gwen was about to hit the ground Peter catches her and hugs her spins upside down and falls to the ground the knife that was hanging on his lower back went completely inside of him and the screen goes black and white making a sketch of him screaming and then he opened his eyes wide open his Spidey sense kicks in all of a sudden and shows that, that the broken duh Bree falling is not going to stop and if it hits Gwen she's probably going to die so he hugs Gwen and turns himself over again downside up I mean not again but whatever.

Peter: Gwen duck.

The broken duh Bree falls on Peter and the screen goes blank.

INT. Peter's House Living Room - Evening

Five Months after Gwen death.

And then suddenly he woke up from his dream putting his left hand to his heart and his right at the camera which is pointing at his face he gets up and turns the alarm off and then goes to the bathroom sad and depressed he splashes water to his face and sees his reflection and imagines Gwen death he turns the tap off and closes the door After that he heads downstairs.

Aunt May: Oh, you are up I was just waiting for you what were you doing up there.

Peter: Nothing just thinking something.

Aunt May: Well, your breakfast is ready have a seat.

Peter comes and has a seat and turns on the TV.

TV: Russian Gangster Aleksei Sytsevich…was broken out of a classified penitentiary…known simply as the Vault by an unknown team of men. It's yet another example of increased criminal activity…since the disappearance of Spider-Man five months ago. The web-slinger's absence has left a hole in the heart of the city. Believe it or not, even, even the New York City Police Department…has joined the chorus of new Yorkers in hoping…for the return of the web-slinger. The entire world seems to be asking the same question: Where is Spider-Man?

Peter turns off the TV.

Aunt May: Too bad about that spider guy. Too bad he's disappeared. Like everybody really needs him.

Peter gets off his chair and starts leaving.

Aunt May: Where you going?

Peter: Just too… eat my cereal.

Aunt May: Peter… Where you going?

He stops with his back to Aunt May and breathes aside Peter [SIGHS HEAVILY] he turns to her.

Peter: I don't know.

Aunt May: You know, it's so funny. I've been…I've been trying to clean up around here, get organized… and been putting some of Ben's stuff in boxes. And it's so funny, the heavier the box gets, the lighter I feel.

Peter: You're throwing his stuff away?

Aunt May: No. no. god, no. I couldn't do that. It's part of me. I'm just feeling…a better place for it. I'm gonna take one last look…and I'm gonna put it where it belongs.

Cut To

INT. Peter's Room - Evening

May is filled with tearing eyes, Peter blinks thoughtfully, in his room he approaches his desk and sees countless polaroid photos of Gwen on the notice board above it, he picks up a photo beside his camera, putting it down he sports a memory stick and turns it on his hands, a crude masking tape labelled on the USB called Gwen's speech he plays it in his laptop and watches footage of Gwen at the graduation ceremony [TAPE KEY].

Gwen: [OVER COMPUTER] It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today. But there will be dark days ahead of us too. There will be days where you feel all alone. And that's when hope is needed most. No matter how buried it gets…or how lost you feel…you must promise me…that you will hold on to hope. Keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer. My wish for you…is to become hope. People need that. And even if we fail…what better way is there to live?

He packs away mementos.

Gwen: As we look around here today…at all of the people who helped make us who we are…I know it feels like we're saying goodbye but we will carry a piece of each other into everything that we do next to remind us of who we are.

He opens his closet. 

Gwen: And of whom we're me meant to be.

Inside is his Spider-Man mask.

Gwen: I've had a great four years with you. I'll miss you all very much

EXT. Times Square New York City - Evening


Pedestrians flee as a figure mechanical body armor strike out of a bank having left a gaping hole on the wall.


Bank notes fall through the air in, his room Peter stares at the Spider-Man mask, in the city a car crashes down on the taxi [PEOPLE SCREAM] in his room Peter stares of with a glowing resolve, a metal foot crumbs down in the road.

Cops: Let's go! Move it!

[PEOPLE SCREAMING] and rhino starts walking on the road, police officers open fire from behind a road block and rhino starts firing machine gun on the cops.

Reporter: I'm here live on park avenue and 56th street where it is complete chaos. a man in some sort of weaponized armored suit is wreaking havoc on midtown.

Inside the suit [laughing] is Aleksei Sytsevich.

Police: Get down! Take cover!

Aleksei Sytsevich: I am Rhino! I told you I would be back!

Rhino riddles the police cars with bullets a crowd is gathered to watch behind the barrier amongst them there is a young boy Spidey who was rescued from the bullies dressed as Spider-Man he slips under the barrier and runs away from his mother. 

Mother: No! no!

Cop: Hey kid!

Cops hold their fire because little Spidey was running with a Spider-Man Mask in hand.

Mother: hold your fire! Everybody hold your fire!

Rhino: Huh?

Police: unit two! stand down! stand down! civilian in our line of sight.

rhino locks his eyes on the kid [Breathes deeply]

Cop: you gotta get--!

the cop ducks from the oncoming fire

Rhino: look, New York! Spider-Man is back!

Man: leave the kid alone!

Mother: my baby! please!

little Spidey boy puts on his Spider-Man mask on

Rhino: brave boy, eh? does Aleksei scare you, little boy?

little Spidey boy is ready to fight with his hands wide open rhino starts walking towards him [webbing whizzing] people suddenly look up [webbing whizzing, whooshing] an officer stares up thankfully has something passes over him rhino stops

Spider-Man: hey, Spider-Man.

little boy Spidey turns and looks up to his Idol standing before him the two Spidey's look at each other little boy Spidey removes his mask and greams

Little Boy Spidey: I know you'd come back.

Spider-Man: yeah. thanks for stepping up for me. [chuckles] you're the bravest kid I've ever seen. I'm gonna take care of this jerk. you go take care of your mom, okay?

fist bumps him. 

Spider-Man: all right, get out of here. go. go.

Crowed [CHEERING] Spidey! Spidey![crowd cheering, applauding] Spider-Man is given a loud hailer.

Rhino: you fight me? you fight me now? huh?

Spider-Man: on behalf of the fine people of New York city and real rhinos everywhere, I ask you to put your mechanized paws in the air.

Rhino: never! I crush you! I kill you! I destroy you!

Spider-Man: you want me to come down there so you can kill me?

Rhino: yes!

Spider-Man: I'll be right there. ah, there's no place like home.

He tosses the loudhailer and Rhino charges galloping on all force he fires three missiles which Spidey reflex the manhole cover flying through the air Spidey wheels the manhole covers like a shield on the end of the web sealing down at Rhino he swings makeshift weapon at him with force and boom the camera cuts to black.

Spiderman hits rhino with the manhole cover and rhino stumbles falling to the ground, Spiderman lands on his feet to the ground as rhino falls, rhino gets up angry I like I want to kill Spiderman as rhino gets up Spiderman understands that rhino can't get up quickly so rhino is standing up and Spiderman jumps and shoots his two webs towards rhino pulling himself to rhino in a standing landscape position and kicks him rhino stumbles backwards waving his hands to Spiderman to catch him but by the man was too far away to catch as Spiderman kicks the rhino he jumps backwards and spins from going towards rhino two turning away from rhino. facing himself forward as behind his rhino as he is doing that Spiderman shoots his two webs from backwards of his hand and pulls himself again to rhino and again kicks him and this time rhino falls to the ground as rhino is getting up Spiderman knows that this is his chance of stopping him yeah, rhino is about to stand up Spiderman shoots his two webs on the manhole cover and pulls it towards him as the manhole cover is Quickly coming towards Spiderman, Spiderman makes a sudden shift and point the manhole cover facing the rhino and boom the manhole cover hit the rhino to his rhino shaped helmet and rhino shaped helmet breaks a little bit As Spiderman hits rhino with The manhole cover the manhole cover bounces back to Spiderman and Spiderman catches the manhole cover from his left and turns back to rhino from his right hand jumping high on the sky as Spiderman is about to hit the rhino, rhino looks up and boom Spiderman hits the rhino Completely shattering His rhino shaped helmet Into pieces and Spiderman crawls on the rhino The left Aleksei Sytsevich: who was inside of the metallic rhino suit board before Spiderman brings Aleksei Sytsevich: who was inside the rhino suit out Aleksei Sytsevich: presses the self-destruct Mode and suddenly Spiderman senses something to so the Spidey sense kicks in and the camera goes to the first person mode and the whole world is at stop like there is no time flowing in this world so the camera flies towards Aleksei Sytsevich: who is inside of the metallic suit off rhino Literally about to press the self-destruct mode button the camera goes back in reverse to Spiderman and everything goes back to normal and Aleksei Sytsevich: who was inside of the metallic rhino suit presses the button finally instead of dragging this fight scene for too long and Spiderman pull Aleksei Sytsevich: and Webb's him to the outside wall and there is about one minute long before the rhinos suit bust into pieces so Spiderman web's The rhino suit but wait a minute why is this going so smoothly because there is a catch and that is the question literally why? you see all of this is happening for a reason Also known as complete evil planning by Gustav Fiers that man planned this for a long time but he got one thing wrong and that is that he thought Spiderman was an easy kill so Gustav Fiers planted a symbiote also known as venom inside the metallic rhino suit so when the man presses the self-destruction mode button the venom symbiote comes out of the metallic rhino suit and attaches to Spiderman so he could turn evil and join Gustav Fiers you see that when Spiderman lost Gwen Stacy he stayed in grief that because of him Gwen Stacy died and for five months he stopped pulling his punches and stayed in depression And in that five months Gustav Fiers started to build a team one by one with Harry and you know what this is enough back story for now let's get back to the story so where was I yeah the venom inside the rhino suit but unfortunately the venom couldn't catch Spiderman in that time because Spiderman was too far away there's only 20 seconds left for the rhinos suit to explode, Spiderman webs the rhinos suit in every single way around

Spider-Man: Everybody can get down, get down right now!

And in the meantime, venom escapes from the rhino suit and the suspense built up and we can hear the heartbeat of Spiderman as the seconds run out and finally the timer hits zero and nothing happened Spiderman is at shock like what is happening right now and all of a sudden, the man starts laughing 

Aleksei Sytsevich: You thought I was going to blow everyone up ho come on I am not that of a cruel person relax Spidey, it just a joke also I wanted to see the fear inside of you

Spider-Man: How you prick, you almost gave me a heart attack (breath heavily) officers take him

Police: Yeah, we got him from here Spiderman

The cops arrest the man and the little boy Spidey runs up to Spiderman

Little Boy Spidey: I knew that you would stop him no matter what

Spider-Man: Yeah, no matter what now go to your mom she must be worried about you okay

Mother: Thank you so much for saving my sons life thank you so much

Spider-Man: Ho it's nothing it's really nothing mam you have a brave kid

Police: Hey Spiderman I have a request for you our cars have been blown up and damaged so it's gonna take some time for the backup to arrive so can you please take this bag of money and return it to the bank 

Spiderman put the bag down and as he is talking to the cop, venom slips inside the bag after the conversation is over Spiderman picks up the bag and zip's it and Spiderman jumps to the sky with the bag on his shoulder and start web swinging to the bank and when Spiderman reached the bank

EXT. Bank - Evening

Bank Manager: I am sincerely happy I'm so thankful of you

As Spiderman gives the bag to the bank manager the bank manager doesn't take the bag, he only takes the cash out of the bag and Spiderman tries to give the manager the bag

Bank Manager: No, I don't need the back I only needed the cash

Spider-Man: Okay, I guess?

 Spiderman leaves the bank and starts heading to the daily bugle Office to get His old job back but while Spiderman is in the air web swinging aunt may calls Spiderman and Spiderman picks up the call in the midair web swinging

Aunt May: Hello peter Gwen's mother Helen Stacey just called me and she sent me Gwen's last voicemail to you, but she accidently sent it me in some period of time so do you wanna hear what she said

The camera goes in slow motion focusing on Spiderman's face

Spider-Man: Yeah? sure send it to me

Aunt May: Ok

Gwen's Voicemail: Hey Peter it's me Huh? I sent you a voicemail earlier but this one is about me missing you I got into Oxford yeahhh! it's very exciting and also very depressing that I don't get to see you I'm in the taxi headed to airport I thought leaving a voicemail to you would be easier I guess in this way but it's not I think maybe it's time to let this go, I guess. this is my first time saying this to you, please don't let me go Peter don't let me go and I really want to go away to stop remembering you and even forget about you and move on but I just can't I don't want to and that's not because I don't love you, actually because I do so don't let me go Peter don't let me goooo!

Peter stops at one point he turns on his phone on and sees that his lock screen wallpaper is Gwen kissing peter he makes a decision not to visit the daily bugle Office instead he is now headed to the grave yard he finally reaches the grave yard Peter is in graveyard standing with his two hands on his Court as he is looking down on Gwen Stacy's grave as the camera comes to Peter's left. We can see that his hands on his jacket

EXT. Grave Yard - Evening

Richard Parker: Peter?

Peter turns back slowly from his right

Richard Parker: I don't want to frighten you.

Richard Parker takes a long breath and blows it out

Peter Parker: Stay there stay right there don't move

Richard Parker: Okay what I like to tell you is a few things if that's all right I know this is impossible to understand. Peter, I thought I knew what to say but I don't. I don't know what to say to you except I'm sorry

Peter breaths heavily

Richard Parker: It's me it's me Peter and I'm sorry

Peter Parker: You're not my father

Richard Parker: I am your father Peter and I want you to just listen to me

Peter Parker: My father is dead

Richard Parker: Peter listen to me

Peter Parker: He's dead who are you

Richard Parker: I had to disappear and I'm sorry we stand that I had to disappear to keep you safe. Keep you safe

Peter puts his hands on Richard Parkers collar and pulls Richard Parker towards him screaming on his face

Peter Parker: What, what say it say what you want to say what do you want to say where have you been? Your dead

Richard Parker: I'm not dead Peter, I had to die to keep you alive. I had to disappear to keep you safe Listen to me listen to me I had to disappear to keep my mistakes from catching up with you. I had to stay away from you to keep Osborne from hurting you, you understand what I'm saying. Hey there was no other way to keep you safe Peter I am so sorry. I am so sorry

Peter hugs Richard Parker tightly crying. Peter and Richard are walking on the grave yard and it's snowing

Peter Parker: Why now? Why you come back now?

Richard Parker: Your mother knew there would come a time in your life when you would need us more than anyone else

Richard and Peter sit on a bench together

Richard Parker: Before she died. I promised her that I'd be there for you. No matter what and the time came. I know what it's like to lose everything you love. If you lose hope than the Osborne' s is the world really have one, your mother died for nothing. Gwen died for nothing. I can't come to terms with the world like that

Peter Parker: I don't know

Peter sniffs as Richard puts his hand on Peter's left shoulder as Peter breaths

Peter Parker: I don't know how to go on without her

Richard Parker: You don't. you take her with you. I am not the same man I used to be Peter. I used to be arrogant. arrogant enough to believe that it was my destiny to save people to save the world my work, but somehow after everything I did to hide my work it still found its way to the only person on earth who could possibly unlock it. And I realized now maybe it was never my destiny to save anything, you are son and with great power comes great responsibility. I love you son.

End Of Chapter 01....

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