
Chapter Seven

There was about 6 days till the blue moon ball a event every wolf especially of pure bloodline like me loved to attend, this years theme of course was masquerade and I would of had fun planning the outfit for the dance but for some reason I couldn't help but feel uneasy, it was weird that everyone seemed so excited about this grand ball yet I could not help but feel extremely uneasy due to all of this with my father. However as I starred at my pups as they chased one another in the yard all my worries seemed to fade, over the weeks I had trained both body and mind, my wolf and I had started forming a closer bond to each other and now I could use her very gifts as my own which was amazing to me and pleasing, having hidden in the human world for so long i had forgotten what it was like to be an actual wolf.

The world seemed more vibrant, fuller of life then what I had once before, I started letting go of the anger and hate I had towards my father in reality hating him for everything he did to me, and my mothers pack would fix nothing but cause everyone to agree with what they already thought. That I was just another angry, brute rogue who wanted to ruin everyone's happiness but the truth was that I just wanted my home back and to have my children safe. To be loved like others, free, to not look over my shoulder in constant worry, to run without risking myself to run into some old pack member that wanted me dead just to please my father. I just wanted a home even if it meant being alone, I wanted peace which is something human or werewolf alike wanted but the first step in peace is letting go of the pain that was caused to you so for weeks I worked on meditation, anger management like Erik said I needed.

Santy had managed to patch things up with his mate so I was happy for him and now as time passed, he sure helped me when he could, but he didn't hang around me too much, the honeymoon phase as they call it. Smiling I laughed as I watched Quinn chase after the butterfly tripping her brother so she could get a head start. Alexander grunted as he hit the floor but made himself stand suddenly as he ran after his little sister, Quinn froze suddenly as she would look off to the distance in the woods. Standing I listened, the sudden scent of racing wolves hit me when i moved to grab onto Quinn pulling her from her trance i even grabbed onto Alexanders hand and began to run with them but their little legs couldn't keep up. The scent of the wolves was nothing of my pack which meant only one thing it was rogues, we didn't get far when I saw them suddenly circle around me there wolves ordinary sized but they reeked of blood and dirt. Three black wolves and one light silver wolf which i could tell was the leader as he growled towards the other wolves as they began to pace.

"Whatever your about to do I advice that you don't! There are other wolves here, this is neutral grounds so there is no need to be hostile."

I was turning back and forth; Grace was pacing as she was alert as I was but a pit in my stomach let me know exactly who these were, and they were not here for Eric. It didn't take long for the silver wolf to bark, the wolf that circled behind me and to the other that were at my sides suddenly launched at me. Grace took over as she shifted so suddenly the pain didn't even register in my mind as i knocked the wolf to my left away enough sending him flying into one of the bushes, it didn't stop however the wolf from behind me and to my right to bite onto my legs. Grace howled in pain, but we were able to yell at the kids to climb.

Quinn and Alexander made a quick run for the trees as they climbed quickly, the one that bit onto my front leg was the one i was able to bite into his neck and roll my head back and forth my teeth tearing into the fur and skin a loud whine and whimper coming from his snout as he tried pulling away from my bite, shaking off the wolf on my leg, i dragged the wolf in my mouth tossing him into the silver wolf that was trying to make a run for my pups, they collided into each other, their bodies toppling over one another as the kids were able to make it higher then they normally climbed in the tree. Both Quinn and Alexander screaming and crying for help and me, just a little longer I know I had to hold on just a little bit longer.

My hind leg was hurting to stand on but i couldn't and wouldn't let the pain get the best of me, I had been through worse and I sure as hell was not going to let them get anywhere near my kids, the brown wolf I tossed tackled me to the ground from the side, his jaws snapping at my face I dodged , my paws pushing at his chest as I would push with all fours sending him flying back, rolling over I shifted into my human form. My hands and feet with claws as my teeth stayed their sharped canines, the wolf wasted no time running at me, dodging him as best as I could I wrapped my arms around his sides and squeezed ensuring that my arms were around his neck, the loud snap was heard as I lifted him upwards my arms cracking his neck, despite the fact that his paws clawed at my chest or stomach or that i was bleeding, they were not hurting my pups!

"Amelia!" Santiago screamed in my head.

Before I could react I felt the silver wolf from behind me bite into my shoulder as it took me to the ground, his paws pinning me as he locked his jaw on my left shoulder, a scream leaving my lips as i gripped onto the ground tightly my body pushing up as I tried to ignore the pain.


Grace was screaming in my head but the pain and weight of the wolf were holding me down, the blood i could feel dripping and running down my chest as i growled lowly raising up as best as i could to carry the wolf on my back its paws kicking and trying its damn best to buckle me over, my eyes flared there alpha red as my hands grabbed onto his snout, my claws digging into the skin as i pulled the fucking mouth off me, I could feel him tear a piece of my shoulder as I tossed him over me, holding his jaws apart as he kicked and whined I kept my gaze and hold tightly on him as I ripped his jaws in half the sick wet popping sound filling my ears, I let his body fall to the ground in front of me my knees buckling out as I could hear more wolf snarling coming my way.

They had forgotten about my pups and circled me their snarls filling the air as the kids screamed for me to run but I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything but stare at my pups as they cried. Was this it? Where was Santiago? Why hadn't they got here already? I could hear wolves nearby but I still couldn't see them my head bowed as I looked to the circling wolves when suddenly a very large grey wolf tackled the wolf that came my way, I couldn't even register after that what happened because I passed out. My last thought was me thanking the wolf goddess for answering me.


The smell of blood filled my nose and so did another scent and it was the scent of my wolf, my other half, my mate. We were arriving with other wolves a few days early because we wanted to simply enjoy the escape from our own kingdom in Seattle. We needed a break with having to deal with politics, upcoming events and the one thing that had caused great concern for the council and myself was the fact that Alpha Luke was taking in a very large number of rogue wolves, sure his explanation was this bullshit about second chances and wanting to make his pack a neutral home for wolves much like Alpha Eric but i called bullshit. There was something about the old man that both Loki and i did not like and had a bad feeling so we had decided to come a week early just to see if the rumors were true, I had sent ahead by car a few of my pack members that would be staying here with me while I walked with two more wolves. My beta Drexel and another warrior wolf named Marie.

We were running enjoying our time as wolves since in Seattle you can't really do that as much unless we are on pack grounds since there is more city and water. So here in Oklahoma it was nice to be able to run through the woods and fields what wasn't nice however was the smell of blood and sound of growling and children cries. It didn't matter who it was they needed our help and as alpha that's what i provided. My wolf ran towards the sound of snarls the smell of blood growing heavier but as the smell of blood filled our nose the sweet smell of flowers and what I could describe as wet grass was more intoxicating. My wolf growled as he pushed me to run faster.


The loud blood curling scream pushed me to run faster than ever before leaving behind my beta and warrior, I needed to get to her for what was nearly a century I waited for my mate and now that she was in reach I would not lose her. The brown wolf ran at her as she kneeled blood covered both her hair and body and out of reaction I slammed into the wolf, my teeth gripping its neck as i took him to the ground, Loki wasted no time, he tore the throat of the wolf out our fur stained with blood as we turned towards the other two that were suddenly making their way towards me when both my warrior and beta tackled them to the ground not even a minute after were we surrounded by other wolves. The sniffles drew my attention to the tree, high above was two pups that looked like they couldn't be more then 5 or 6 years old crying, there cute round faces stained with tears as they looked back at me. They turned to look at the woman on the ground, her thick black hair covering her face, her naked body exposed to the world to see. Walking towards her i licked the side of her face, trying to wake her when I heard a snarl inside of my head as two large alpha males approached me, one was a black and white wolf while the other was a tan wolf they gave a warning growl as I stood over her.

"Whoever you are get away from Mia!" one snarled.

Mia. That was our mates name, growling I looked to the males and shook my head.

"She is mine!"

I slid her onto my body with the help of my beta and warrior, I growled at them to collect the pups. Marie shifted in her human form and coaxed the children down and once she did, she set the little girl on Drexel's back and for some reason he stiffened his eyes glazing over for a moment before looking up at the little girl that sat crying on him wanting her mother. Marie took the boy in her arms placing him onto Drexel and shifted back as she glared towards the other wolves.

"Doctor!" I growled.

That's exactly where they lead me as I carried my unconscious, bloodied and beaten mate on my back, she had to make it! I waited to long to have her come to me I couldn't just lose her when I had just barley found her.