
Chapter Six

The coppery taste of blood was on my lips from the first punch one of the betas made which was fine by me to be honest my wolf and i both were ready to tear these assholes apart their version in ganging up on me was because i was a rogue alpha. Growling i would move my hands to block the kick from the first beta before using his own weight to swing him towards the other opponent. Watching them collide into one another i grinned spitting the blood onto the floor, the taller and beefier one ran at me trying to tackle me, moving to the side i took hold of his hair with my hands before suddenly kneeing him in the face hard enough to hear the snap and hard enough to smell the blood.

Hearing him scream i crouched suddenly looking to the other male, my hair having come undone as he charged me the people screaming and cheering as they saw him take me to the ground, his right fist hit my mouth directly then the other on the side of my face as he started to pound on me like nothing. Raising my arms up to cover my face and block the punches, i shot up my palm once i had a opening hitting his chin, my body suddenly rolling him under me as i clawed suddenly to the left side of his face and then the other my nails cutting through flesh like butter. Grace was growling with approval as we sliced along the betas face my eyes glowing red as i suddenly stood and kicked him directly in the stomach sending him flying away from into the crowd my breathing heavy as i felt the blood from my nose and mouth slide down my face and neck. "Anyone else?"

The wolves grew quiet, and it did not take me three minutes to realize that it was all because both alphas stood behind me with a look of pure anger on their faces before i grinned sweetly.

"Hey they started it."

A few hours later i was showering in the pack house when i heard commotion tilting my head i looked outside from the top floor to see the wolves arguing amongst themselves and i could hear that it was all about me and the way i beat the two wolves who as of this moment were lying in the clinic trying to heal. Wolves heal fast however some do take time if there attacked by other wolves its fast but still painful, so my bruises were gone but the cuts were taking longer.

"MIA!" Eric yelled as he slammed the door open.

Yelping i grabbed the towel quickly and wrapped it around my body my eyes on him as i looked to him with annoyance. "You could fucking knock!"

"Not like I haven't seen it before Mia. What the hell are you thinking picking a fight with them are you crazy. That is my pack, my people, my life and you're out there fighting them are you crazy woman?"

"Your wolves challenged me damn it. What i am just supposed to suck it up and turn the other direction? Not going to happen."

"your here under my permission this is neutral ground for all beings its why your father did nothing and started no problems but you here starting all this fucking fighting not only looks bad on me but it makes it bad for my wolves damn it."

"Look i wasn't trying to fight with anyone they started it and they still had the balls to continue even when i was in the room so if i have to apologize to you then fine i am sorry."

He glared at me but stared at me and nodded his head slightly before looking away. "I am sorry I barged in but you cannot break the ties here when you do not have any to begin with."

"At the end of the day Eric i am a Luna and alpha why get angry for defending something like my pride don't you do it?"

"No, however its different for you Luna or not you're still a rogue either decide what you're going to fucking do or let me fucking know so that your ass can go back to Texas."

He left slamming the door and all i could do was stare at myself in the mirror. Despite his severe cussing he was right, I had no support, no pack, no mate and not any clue on what to fucking do. I knew i couldn't leave the pack the way it was but i also knew that I was not ready to give up the home my mother left me. It was my only home and the only place I could call that actually ever felt safe despite my father having been strict the entire time I lived there. Going to sleep was hard that night, i kept having to many nightmares and reliving many things the memories kept coming back no matter how hard i tried to ignore it till finally they flooded me as i sat up and saw the moon.


His left hand punched my face as I fell back laughing, my mouth full of that coppery taste of blood, my own blood. My vision was blurred as I tried to stand again on my feet, this time however i was able to see his move coming at me. He aimed for my stomach with his right hand, his claws fully extended as he tried clawing my belly had I not jumped back as quick as I did he would of ended up having my guts probably hanging out.

He laughed as he saw me move back his body racing towards mine as he tried to take me to the ground in what looked like a tackle, bracing myself i moved myself to hit him square with my left shoulder, sure i was not as strong but this wasn't about me. My eyes flared their alpha red as i was pushing into him. My right hand rose and gripped onto his hair as i suddenly pulled back and hit him directly with my right knee in the face, the impact enough to send him back but only for a moment.

He ignored the pain in his face which in this case his bloody nose and suddenly ran at me his body running behind me as his left hand suddenly sliced across my back in a flash, I could feel as the blood and burning sting radiated through my back, the pain making me fall on my knees as I tried to ignore the stinging. His footsteps I could hear a mile away as he came running at me from behind, throwing myself onto the ground I rolled to my right suddenly the blood dripping onto the ground as I was on all fours, my hair having come undone as i growled lowly staring at him, the blood dripping down my mouth and chin, my hands gripping the ground as I stayed on all fours looking at him with no fear.

I do not know what it was but he hesitated and stood tall, he could see very clear that i could barely stand so what he said was shocking even to me.

"let the great hunt begin...since you are my daughter i will give you a five minute head start after that every wolf in this pack will hunt you to death."

My eyes watered as I stood as best as I could and ran suddenly shoving past the crowd of wolves that was starting to circle my father and I which I could not blame them. The great hunt was for exiled wolves or those put to death, and it was pretty much open season on you if they caught up to you most times the wolves would be given a head start but not all of them honored it, especially when it was a display of power or another alpha/luna that was marked for the hunt. Mary was waiting outside with my bag, her eyes their wolf gold as she handed it to me, the strain clear on her face as she tried to ignore the call of the alpha.

"Run Mia!" she whispered.

Looking to her i could not even say goodbye all I could do was just look at her one more time and see the woman that cared for me all this year's unable to defy her alpha. Taking the bag i took the keys and went straight to the car that was parked for me, a small shitty kia Sofia that belonged to Mary taking it i hauled my ass out of there ignoring all the pain I could feel radiating through my back, the sting of his claws and the feel of the blood seeping through my shirt. I didn't realize after two hours of driving that i was crying silently, not because of my father but because i lost my home and now i had no home for my babies. How was i supposed to do this? What could i do now as a rogue? Why did my father have to do this to me? Was i that bad of a daughter that he didn't even blink an eye to kick me out or try to hunt me to death?

My tears kept falling till I finally drove to into Texas and once there I felt I could breathe even if it was for mere minute, I pulled into a Bucky's gas station and slipped on an oversized sweater. My hands reaching for the cell phone Mary stashed into the bag, the first person I called was Eric, but he never answered no matter how many times I called him and neither did drake. I was proved again that i was alone in this and with what was now my only responsibility. Looking to my phone i tossed it outside the car and drove ahead my hand gripping the steering wheel as the feeling of being utterly alone washed over me. I never wanted this outcome with my father but i never knew that this would happen either it was no one's fault, no one's blame, it was just fate and if fate said this was to happen then why and who was I to argue?


Fate was a funny thing; life was a complete mystery you never knew what exactly would be thrown at you but at this very moment all i could think about was the fact that i was not going to sit and hide or even cry anymore. I saw what my father was doing, i saw what my pack was suffering through and i knew that if i didn't stop it then in the end the ones to suffer wouldn't be me but my kids and if i was anything but a mother i wouldn't let that happen. Staring at the moon i made the choice that would change my life and the kid's life for better or worse, I decided that from here on out no matter what obstacle came my way or what challenge I faced I was going to become alpha of my pack and when i did my father was going to pay for everything he had and has been doing.