
The Alpha God

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT A rebellious teenager caring very little about anything and everything finds herself in a situation of submission and helplessness where she remembers nothing about herself or her past. She meets a savior who turns out to be more than just a savior but also connected to her soul. How long will it take for her to realize this?

_Nanika_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs


Hey! Hey! Brody! Snap out of it!' Kyle said.

'You were saying? I wasn't listening.'

'Why wasn't she affected by your aura?' Adrian asked. 'Was that you?'

'No. I think it was her.' He answered

'Told ya!'

'Well I don't think she knows that.' Brody continued.

'You seem to be taking this quite well. Do you know about this?' Kyle asked. 'Well, I doubt you do 'cause you seemed just as surprised as us just now.'

'Hmm. I was surprised, but I've heard something about it before. Let's just forget about it. What are you here for, Kyle?'

'Huh? What'd you mean? You were the one who mind-linked me to deliver ice cream to your study.' he said raising the bucket of ice cream.

'Yeah, right. You guys can leave now.'

'So... am I free?' Adrian asked.

'Just leave.' Brody said.

'Ohhh... thank goodness.' Adrian held his hands together, looking up.

Both men walked out of the study and went straight to Kyle's room (as planned).

"Dude... do you think Brody is being extra wierd with this mate stuff?" Adrian asked.

"I thought the same too. Can't he ask one of the Omegas to get ice cream? Why me?"

"He's turned me into a driver. I'm a Gamma for heaven's sake. There are over thousands of people who can do that job." Adrian said.

"Well, he's probably concerned for her safety. It's only been three days."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to take a nap. I've had a really long day."

"So you're abandoning your duties and going to bed?"

"I can always take care of them when I wake up. I know what I went through waiting for a man to shop with his newly found mate while waiting in the car."

"Whatever." Afterwards, both men dispersed to their separate destinations.


"Sorry to have kept you waiting. I had some things to discuss with Adrian and Kyle. Look, I got your ice cream."

Immediately she saw the ice cream, her spirit lifted. Brody watched her as she took the ice cream like her existence depended on it.

"Do you like ice cream that much."

"Hmm..." she nodded. "... I wish I can have ice cream everyday." She smiled but didn't even spare him a glance.

"Well, I did say you can get it anytime you want."

"Thank you." she raised her head and smiled.

"You're welcome." he smiled back and caressed the top of her head. 'So cute.'

After taking all the ice cream, she dropped the container beside her and looked up at Brody who had been watching her the whole time. She blinked her eyes a few times and asked herself. 'Has he been watching me the entire time? This is embarrassing. He must think I'm some sort of wild animal.' Next thing she knew, his thumb wiped her bottom lip before bringing it to his mouth. Her eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.

"Now that you're done with your ice cream, shall we move on to check the surprise?" He asked.

'Right... the surprise. I almost forgot about that.' "Yes, please." she smiled.

He held her hand in his and walked her to her room on the fifth floor. "I hope you know that this is your room now. But it's temporary. We'll move you to a better room soon."

'A better room. This room is more that the best. How much more better can it be?' she asked herself.

He took her to the closet (which of course she never noticed) that was beside the door to the bathroom and then opened it.

"Woah..." she gaped at the sight before her. There were clothes everywhere and a huge shoe rack that was hard to miss. The shoe rack was a feet taller than her and it's width spanned the entire wall before her. Every single space was filled with sneakers.

"Do you like it?" She heard him say.

"Yes. I love it." She walked around scanning every single part of the room with a very bright smile on her face.

"Everything's for you, Evie." He said.


"Yes. You can get more if you want." He walked over to her and stood in front of her.

"No. This is okay." she said but her smile soon fell.

"What's the matter? Is everything okay?" Brody raised her chin with his index finger.

Evie pressed her lips in a thin line, thinking of how exactly she was meant to explain herself. "I- I-"

"You can tell me anything. Is there something you don't like? I can get you a different one. Is it the sneakers?" He said with concern written all over his face.

"No. I like everything, but..."


"I don't have any way to pay you back. I thought of working for you in the pack house but I don't know if I'm fit for the job. But if you give me the chance, I promise I can learn."

Hearing what she said, Brody couldn't help but chuckle. 'Is this girl for real? I was bothered it was something else but she's thinking of paying me back for something I'm doing for her, for my mate.'

'What's so funny that's making him laugh. Does he think I'm incapable and useless? What do I do now?'

"Evie, you don't have to pay me back. I'm doing this because I want to and because I want you to be happy. Are you?"

"Yes, I'm very happy. But I feel like doing something in return."

'Hmm... this is my chance. But wouldn't it mean I'm taking advantage of the situation? Or should I be patient? No! An opportunity like this might not come again.' he thought and then said; "If you really feel like doing something in return, then, I want you to be my girlfriend."