
The Alpha God

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT A rebellious teenager caring very little about anything and everything finds herself in a situation of submission and helplessness where she remembers nothing about herself or her past. She meets a savior who turns out to be more than just a savior but also connected to her soul. How long will it take for her to realize this?

_Nanika_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs


Evie tried as much as possible to ignore the fact that they were obviously talking about her but she couldn't do anything but sit there curiously. 'When will I get my ice cream? Or has he forgotten?' She kept asking herself.

Brody turned back and stabbed his fingers through his hair. With wide eyes, he said; 'I totally forgot she was here. I could have hurt her. What if- what if I-'

'Hey, Brody, get it together. That's not what you should be worried about. She's totally fine. The question is why she wasn't affected. Is it because she's your mate?' Kyle said.

'I doubt it. We've seen cases where a Luna is subjected to submission to her fated Alpha mate's aura.' Adrian said wiping off his sweat with a rag.

'So if that's the case, it's either Brody's doing or Evie's. One of them is preventing the aura from reaching or affecting her. But there's a greater possibility it's Brody.' Kyle said and looked over at Evie again.

'Why'd you think so? I feel like it's Evie's doing.' Adrian said. 'Brody didn't even remember she was here and didn't control his aura. Do you think he would even think of controlling it like that?'

'And do you think Evie has the power to repel his aura?'

'This isn't about power. What if there's something in her that can repel it.'

'Something in her? Isn't that the same as having the power to do so?' Kyle said before throwing in his final point to put an end to the argument. 'Why don't we ask Brody whether it's his doing or not? Brody... Brody?'

While the two men were busy arguing, Brody was in a world of his own. His elbow was on the table with his forehead resting on his intertwined fingers as a particular statement kept ringing in his head. Memories of a particular time of his life came rushing in.

A middle aged woman was sitting across him while he was training with his sword. He had just received a scratch from his training opponent which he didn't take easy. Out of anger, he let out a great amount of his aura. The man fell on his knees with his hands tightly gripping on his head.

"Brody!" The middle aged woman called out which was quite effective in bringing him back to his senses.

"I- I didn't mean to. It just- I just got angry." He said lowering his head. The woman walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Brody, I know you're going through a lot and you might seem to be under pressure. But sometimes, you just have to take a deep breath. Your anger wouldn't take you anywhere. It's just an overload of emotions trying to force it's way out but you can always cool your temper if you trying to."

"I know, I know."

"I know you know. I'm just saying it over and over again to make it stick to your head. I'm not saying it's wrong to get angry but you don't have to get angry in every case, or else, you'll just be spilling aura everywhere. Your aura isn't what makes you an Alpha, it's your abilities. That's why you have to develop it. Understood?"

"Hmmm. I'm sorry." He apologized.

"You don't have to be sorry. As a matter of fact, you're gonna meet someone who's gonna be immune to your aura."

"Huh? What do you mean. I'm gonna be the strongest man in the world. I'll make sure of it." He said.

"(chuckle) Yeah, right. I know that. But the person doesn't necessarily have to be stronger than you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you'll know when you see it for yourself. But I want to tell you one thing. Hold her tight and never let her go." She said with fire burning in his eyes.

"It's a her? Come on! How possible is that?"

"I told you, you'll know when you see it for yourself. Make sure not to hurt her though, 'cause strength is not everything too. We don't want her running away. Sometimes, you've just got to be gentle." She took a few steps back and went to her former position. "You can continue training with him Gareth." She said with a smile.


'I thought that was just one of her words to keep me going.' Brody thought. 'Did she really know this was gonna happen? No. That's not the question. So the one she saw was my mate? Even the weakest amount of my aura would affect her. But then, the amount I used on Adrian doesn't have an effect on her. What if it did? That means I would have hurt her. She would have probably started hating me or even stay as far away from me as possible. No! No! I could have-'