
The Alpha's Lost Mate

Taiga, the next Alpha of the Bloodhound Pack is under pressure to find a mate. Yet, that one task is proving to be the most difficult task he has ever needed to complete. The females in his pack are not to his liking, and the only other place to search is either from other packs, or from the humans, which is a practice that is usually frowned upon by most packs. Angelina Pius, an exotic beauty whose days are kept busy by working in a small agency has a run-in with a few lowly thieves. That is where she has her first encounter with the red haired man that she can't seem to get out of her head. Her agency gets a call on a random day, and dispatches her to oversee the internal renovation of a mansion on the outskirts of town. There, she once again meets the red haired man of her dreams. But something is off. Really off... Read on to get lost in a story of love, confusion, and the supernatural!

Molasaur · perkotaan
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"I don't have time for this today." Taiga massaged his forehead as he listened to his father.

"Then make time! You are almost twenty three for crying out loud! If you were elsewhere and I was not your father, then you would have been forced with anyone by now!" Taiga's father, Masuk, yelled at him, his tone soaring through the roof. His roar bounced around the rocky walls around them, making it all the more louder.

"Father! I have not found the one! It's not my fault that I do not feel anything for the females in our pack." Taiga's red eyes shook as he turned to face his father. The two large men stood in place, staring down each other as the seconds ticked by.

"Fine. You have two months, and then I will personally find you a mate." Masuk snarled and turned on his heels, before stomping out of Taiga's chambers.

Taiga sighed deeply and shook his head. He was tired of having this same argument for the last four years. It was always talk about a mate. He had not found the right person, and he would not force it. After all, finding a mate to spend one's life with was something that came naturally.

Taiga's deep red tail swished slightly as he set about finding some human clothes to wear. He would go out to the city and find something to do there. Sitting around jobless was starting to grate on his nerves.

A pop echoed through the room as he shifted forms from that of a large two and half meter tall werewolf, to that of a two meter tall human. His skin was pale, and he had a head full of bright red hair. His face was sharp and his eyes had turned from red to a deep, alluring blue. In short, he was stunning for a human. What most people would refer to as a supermodel.

After putting on the clothes and a pair of shoes, he quickly left his room, walking through the caves. Large, domineering werewolves of various colors walked about. Whenever he passed any of them, they all made sure to make way. No one wanted to anger the Alpha's oldest son, the next Alpha in line.

"Taiga." A deep voice stopped Taiga in his tracks. He recognized it as his brother's voice.

"Be back early. We are on patrol." His brother, Alex nodded at him from where he stood with his arms folded. The werewolf truly looked like a monster from legends. If a human saw him, then they would most likely be frightened to death. Alex stood at two and a half meters tall, just like Taiga. His dark brown eyes were a norm for any dominant ranked werewolf, although Taiga was an exception.

"Not today, Alex. Dad is in one of his moods. It's that time of the year again." Taiga stopped beside his brother who looked down at him with a pitiful gaze.

"Oh, take care, then. Be careful. Hunters have been more active lately." Alex patted Taiga's head as he walked past, much to Taiga's displeasure. He hated being the younger one between the two of them.

With a huff, he continued on his way out of the cave. The dark, rocky corridors soon opened up to reveal the light that was radiated by the late afternoon sun. He turned to the left and began weaving through the trees. His parents had built a mansion on the far side of the pack lands that was used as their 'human' cover. He would head there, and then leave the pack lands and drive into the nearby city with one of the cars that they owned.

After over twenty minutes of walking, he finally reached a small, dark cave. In truth, this was not a simple cave, but instead a tunnel that linked the back area of the mansion to the pack lands.

He stepped into the dark cave and began to make his way through it. The darkness did little to affect his vision. His eyes were not something natural, and they granted him night vision. Mere darkness was not enough to hinder his vision.

Some time later, Taiga finally came out from the other side of the tunnel. He was still surrounded by trees and greenery, but he could see the high roof of the mansion through the trees.

He quickly began to jog towards the building. He wanted to be able to get to town before it got too late. The bar he was heading to would be opening by 7pm, and he wanted to be there early. He would be able to get a much easier understanding of the women there when they were not yet drunk.

An hour later, Taiga found himself stepping out of his car in a public parking lot. He locked the doors before slipping his keys into his pocket and taking a look around. He scoffed.

He was already getting some hooded and envious gazes from the people around. He honestly wouldn't be surprised if someone stupid tried robbing him as soon as he left the parking lot.

He made his way through the busy streets of the small town of Arcano. It was nothing fancy, but it was a place he considered as second to home.

Taiga was just a couple of blocks from the bar when he heard a commotion.

"Let go of me, you bastard!" A fiery, feminine voice rang through an alley.

'Seems like some tramp got trapped.' Taiga mused to himself as he walked by the alley.

There, a lady in formal wear, a tight knee-length skirt, and a button down shirt, was swiping her purse to fend off the lecherous hands of the two men that had her cornered.

Sighing, Taiga decided to intervene. He stepped into the alley just in time to see how the lady retaliated.

"Fuck off!" She threw all pretenses of a lady out the window with a scowl as she raised her heeled shoe to kick one of them men in the crotch.

The man leaned down in pain, only to meet a knee. A crack echoed through the alley as he was thrown onto his back. The woman quickly pulled out a taser from her purse and drove it into the neck of her second assailant.

In just a few moments, the young lady had overpowered her attackers and rendered them defenseless!

"Next time, think well before you attack a pretty lady." She flipped her silvery hair over her shoulder with a scoff.

That was when she lifted her eyes and locked gazes with Taiga.