
The AllSparks Chosen

After years of enduring abuse and betrayal, Harry Potter learns the devastating truth: Dumbledore, not Voldemort, is the true dark wizard who has manipulated the entire wizarding world. With no one left to trust, Harry's magic erupts in a desperate moment, transforming a nearby car into *Tempest*, a Transformer who calls Harry "Creator" and pledges to protect him. Fleeing Britain with Tempest at his side, Harry becomes entangled in a war between the Autobots and the Decepticons. But the AllSpark-the source of all Cybertronian life-begins to call to Harry, recognizing his unique ability to create and give life. As the AllSpark merges with his magic, Harry is transformed into more than just a powerful wizard; he becomes a god-like figure to the Cybertronians, a new *Creator* destined to reshape their future.

Skylar_Motty · Filem
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 (Continued): The Malfoy Revelation

The weight of the revelation hung heavily in the air, and the soft ticking of the grandfather clock in the corner was the only sound that filled the silence. Draco shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his mind racing. He was still staring at the inheritance test, but now, instead of disbelief, there was something else growing within him—doubt. He had spent years despising Harry Potter, but this was no longer Harry Potter. This was someone completely different. This was Saber Howler, and that name carried far more weight than "The Boy Who Lived."

Narcissa, her face still pale from the shock, turned to Lucius. "Dumbledore knew about this all along, didn't he?" Her voice trembled with controlled fury. "He knew about Harry—Saber's true lineage—and he kept it hidden from everyone. He kept it hidden from us."

Lucius clenched his jaw, his eyes hard as he stared at the parchment. "Of course he knew," he said, his voice tight with barely-contained anger. "Dumbledore has always been a master of secrets. This... this is the greatest manipulation of all. To keep a Pendragon hidden from the world, from his own blood... It goes beyond anything I could have imagined."

Narcissa's grip on her teacup tightened. "And to think, all those years, we could have helped him. He was our godson, Lucius. Our responsibility."

Draco's hands were shaking slightly as he set the parchment down. He had grown up in a house where Voldemort, though feared, was revered as a force for change—one who sought to fix the corruption and lies that had eaten away at the wizarding world for too long. But Dumbledore... Dumbledore was the one who had manipulated everything, and now Draco could see the evidence of it in his own life.

The Dark Lord had always warned them about Dumbledore. He had spoken of the lies Dumbledore told, the power he hoarded, and the strings he pulled to control the wizarding world. But Draco had never imagined it ran this deep—that Dumbledore had hidden the truth about the most powerful family in magical history.

Saber Howler wasn't just some boy from a tragic past. He was a Pendragon. The heir to one of the greatest magical legacies the world had ever known.

Lucius stood abruptly, pacing the length of the dining room, his cane tapping the floor with each step. His sharp mind was already racing through the implications of this news. "We cannot take this lightly. If Voldemort were to learn of this... it could change everything."

Draco's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the Dark Lord. Voldemort, for all his ruthlessness, was fighting to break Dumbledore's control over the magical world. He had always spoken of balance, of how the wizarding world needed to be rid of Dumbledore's influence. But if he knew that Saber Howler, the Pendragon heir, had been hidden right under everyone's noses, it would undoubtedly shift the entire power structure.

Narcissa rose to her feet as well, her expression resolute. "We need to inform him. He must know about this. If Dumbledore has been hiding Saber's true identity for this long, then there is no telling what other manipulations he has set in motion."

Lucius paused, his lips pressed into a thin line. "It's not that simple, Narcissa. This boy—this young man—has been raised to believe we are his enemies. He was raised in a world shaped by Dumbledore's lies. If we approach him, he may not trust us. And the Dark Lord..."

"He will understand," Narcissa interrupted firmly, her voice filled with conviction. "Voldemort has always known Dumbledore for the manipulator he is. This will only solidify what we've suspected all along. Dumbledore's control over Saber has likely been tighter than any of us realized. We must tread carefully, but Saber needs to know the truth, and so does the Dark Lord."

Lucius nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing as he considered his wife's words. "Yes, you're right. But we must approach this delicately. Saber will not trust us immediately. He may see us as part of the enemy camp, thanks to the lies Dumbledore has fed him all these years."

Draco, who had remained silent throughout the conversation, finally spoke up. His voice was quiet but steady. "If we don't act, Dumbledore will keep controlling him. He's already taken so much from Saber's life—his identity, his parents, his entire heritage. We need to show him that we're not his enemies. That we're on the same side."

Narcissa's gaze softened slightly as she looked at her son. "You're right, Draco. Saber has lived his life thinking he was alone, without knowing his true family. If we can reach out to him, help him see the truth, perhaps he will turn to us for guidance."

Lucius turned sharply, his eyes locking with Draco's. "You're suggesting we approach him directly?"

Draco nodded. "He needs to know. If we can show him that we're his allies, not his enemies, maybe... maybe we can bring him to our side. The Dark Lord has always been about restoring balance, about freeing the wizarding world from Dumbledore's grasp. Saber would be a powerful ally."

Lucius considered this for a long moment. The boy made a valid point. Saber Howler—he could barely think of him as Harry Potter anymore—was a powerful figure in his own right. If they could bring him into Voldemort's fold, it would shift the balance of power entirely.

"If we do this," Lucius said slowly, "we need to ensure that Voldemort understands the full scope of Dumbledore's treachery. Saber is the key to everything. If we gain his trust, we can turn the tide."

Narcissa nodded, her gaze steely. "We will need to act quickly, before Dumbledore realizes that the truth has come out. He will not let go of Saber easily."

Draco leaned forward slightly, his heart pounding in his chest. He had never thought he would be sitting here, discussing ways to reach out to Harry Potter—no, Saber Howler—as an ally. But everything had changed. The truth was out, and now it was up to them to act.

Lucius walked over to his desk, retrieving a fresh piece of parchment and a quill. He dipped the quill into the ink and began writing, his hand steady and deliberate.

"We will send a message to the Dark Lord," Lucius said, his voice calm but filled with purpose. "He must be informed immediately. And once we have his guidance, we will reach out to Saber. Carefully. We cannot afford to make a mistake."

Draco and Narcissa exchanged a glance, both of them feeling the weight of the moment. Everything was shifting, and the Malfoy family was about to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the wizarding world.

As Lucius sealed the letter with the family crest, he looked at his wife and son. "Prepare yourselves," he said quietly. "This is only the beginning. Dumbledore has been exposed, and now, the real fight begins."