

I'm sure we spelt and pronounce empathy the same but do we have and use this equally as human, the answer is no. from my personal observation people from humble background usually have compassion and empath more on the poor more than the rich and the ones that were raise with sliver spoon, the difference is that most of them have been in the shoe and they know how it hurt, some said we learn how to give to the needy not because we have more than enough but because we know how it hurt to have none. meaning if you had been in a state of lack and want before you will understand better when you see someone in the same position, but it quite unfortunate today that we are losing our empathy over people , someone said people are meant to be loved and things are meant to be used but lately reversed is the case as people tends to love things and use people.

Let talk about the rich kids and the ones from wealthy and rich homes, there empathy level maybe low if they are not well trained because you can't really give what you don't have, most are spoilt brat that always have what he wanted at almost every point in time and always got what s/he needed constantly so such people got a good life on a platter and they my assume it is same for everyone. I think is high time we call our attention and remind ourself that life is not a bird of roses to everyone, people are going through a lot especially in a country like ours (Nigeria) where the 80% of the population are wallowing in in abject penury and 15% are living an average life of sustainability the remaining 5% with the wealth and riches are hoarding the money from circulation , The rich and wealthy ones needs to be enlighten that the main purpose of God's given wealth is to impact lives in the society and community which you find yourself. the scripture says give and it Shall be given unto you in good measure will men give unto your Bossom, People need to understand that the more lives you impacted positively with your wealth and riches the more happiness you experience as well blessing people brings about intrinsic joy and satisfaction.

The wrong orientation which is Adamic nature is Ego or bossy nature in human, most people may have good intentions to impact live but because of the mindset to stock up wealth, money , houses e.t.c just to remain at the top as the boss over people as they realize that who ever have money can never be alone and he will definitely control people at will, that's the major reason that pivot the unnecessary hoarding of wealth.

People needs to learn how to live in the moment by forgetting the past and not too anxious about the future , because the future you are looking for is now, so are so dumb to the extent of seeking future for their children even the invite children , dear reader the only and greatest future you can and should secure for your children is Education or a good craft that the child or children will love to indulge and do effortless to make means of good livelihood, amassing wealth, stocking up cash in the bank or underground of your room is and I'll manner idea such funds can be useful for people alive, where people miss Gods plan and purpose is by thinking you have worked and walk you way to succeed to make a good life for yourself and immediately family, the best people to help out of crucial and critical situation are the one you do t know their linage , because any say person will help his or her family if there is power to do so, God didn't bless you to be a blessing to you immediate family alone.

No one is feeling entitled to your money and wealth , someone said I did suffer and struggle to make all this money and wealth so everyone should hustle as well, hold it brother, if the lord didn't build the house the labourer labor in vain, yes we heard your story some many people can testify how rough your way to the top you are now was , but do know many people suffer, struggle, hustle more than you and yet did not make it, did you know may people are stronger, brilliant and holier than you they thread that part you're complaining before you ,some with you and some after you and yet died on their way, all you enjoy was a silent grace that help you without your knowledge. hear me ye reader of my words, you are alive and blessed today not because you deserve to but because someone needs you, their prayers keep you alive, the only way to fulfill Gods purpose is to to give more arms, we rise by lifting others was not just about financial blessing maybe the prayer of those whom you will bless financial will prolong your life, maybe divinity bless you to bless people across your journey.

Start to give more help than before, bless everyone and stop condoling the feeling of running out of your possession, give more of your gift to people that can't reciprocate and that's where the pure joy dwell.