
Bad things for Good Reason

There are some bad things we did for good reasons, I'm not an advocate of bad behavior or habit but there are some seems wrong act that can make us rethink and appreciate life itself, though the co sequences of those behavior are the eyes opener mostly, people are tend to forget to appreciate the normal life we have sometime especially when we are engrossed in our anxiety of life.

Because you are in the bad mood does not mean war should start, let learn self control of every situation we are at a particular period of time, Never make promises while you are too happy or sad, meaning we shoul make sure we make every life decisions on a sane mind when we are not tense or duress nor too happy, I'm a living proof of one of those that has make a good decision and understand life more as a result of negative experience from the consequences of a supposed bad behavior.

Akeju is a young guy which was from a humble background but his so vibrant and ambitious young fellow with the traits of sapiosexiuality, he is really ambitious about education even though he does not know where his fate of success lies, but he really cherish western education so much, he always agitated that everyone goes to school or pursue education for different reasons , some aimed to be educated and get degrees and start using their certificate to search and secure a job to start living an employee's lifestyle, raise a family. while others don't know the reason why they really want to be educated they only feels that to have this self esteem and self actualization, it required Education. This is because they believe with education your civilization is sure to some extent and it can really pave way to success at long run. Akeju is a guy that has been education ambitious since when he was younger, when he never have the real understanding of what education does, but he has love going and getting education as part of way of life , such that he will hardly miss school purpose, so he started chasing his dream.

Either of the two perspectives desired to get education at all cost because its an ambiation.