
The adventures of Sinbad (One Piece fic)

The story follows a young man, who had the pleasure of being granted a a second chance at life. Follow him on his adventure as he gathers the strongest crew to ever sail the seas. Mc will have Sinbad’s from Magi talents, - Flow of the sea, you and the sea are one, there is no sea that you can’t sail. - Lady killer, your Charisma is off the charts. Cavendish has nothing on you. - Chosen one, you’re blessed by the gods when it comes to raw talent.

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18 Chs

Full Crew *Spoliers*

Crew (age when Luffy start journey)

- Sinbad (34 years old) (10')😈

- Dracule Mihawk (41 years old) (6'6")

- Yasopp (45 years old) (6')

- Enel (37 years old) (8'9") 😈

- Jimbei (44 years old) (9'11")

- Donk E. Kong (46 years old) (10'7")

- Gild Tesoro (41 years old) (10')😈

- Stella (43 years old) (6'1")

- Smoothie (33 years old) (15'3") 😈

- Yamato (26 years old) (8'8") 😈

- Nico Robin (28 years old) (6'2") 😈