
The Adventures of Hope and Morgan

Spin-off series from Harry's New Game Plus. Follow Morgan Stark the Red Dragon Empress, Hope Potter the Phoenix Force, and friends as they world jump through the Multiverse in search of Adventure, just what sort of shenanigans will these very powerful girls will get up to? This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Derivasi dari karya
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62 Chs

Chapter 5

Hope smiled as she stared at the castle with what seemed to be a town in front of it a fair distance away from their current location, she felt both Morgan and Asia hop up the block hill and stop right beside her.

Morgan awed and looked around everywhere while Asia stared at the castle "What a beautiful castle! Is that where you saw that pretty princess you guys mentioned?".

Hope nodded while Morgan was too busy staring at the big turtles walking around "Yes! She was talking with a bunch of mushroom people, they seemed to be preparing some sort of event since she was baking something when we were watching her".

Morgan turned towards Asia and smiled "Whatever she made looked very delicious~ I wanted to come here and eat it but daddy wanted to watch a movie with me and mom!".

Asia nodded and smiled at Morgan who began to hop down and raced towards the big turtle and stared at it for a while Hope giggled at her friend and then began to hop down as well "Come on Asia! Now we know where to go!".

Asia nodded and followed Hope down the block hill, they stopped when they watched Morgan jump on top of the big turtle and gaped when the turtle was pushed out of its shell and began to panic and run around.

Then they watch Morgan sweatdrop as she watched the turtle run around in its boxers, she then jumped up and stomped on the turtle who popped in a shower of stars and dropped three golden coins.

Morgan picked them up and put them away while Hope and Asia ran towards her, Hope stopped by the shell and looked at it "Morgan... why did you strip that poor turtle?".

Morgan jumped a bit "Eh?! It wasn't my intention to leave Mr. Turtle in his undies! I just had a feeling that I needed to stomp on him too!".

Asia and Hope sweatdropped and then turned towards the green shell left behind, Asia hummed as she stared at it "What do we do with the shell? Do we leave it here?".

Hope crossed her arms and stared at the shell as well "Well... how about we jumped on it and see what happens? It seems that pretty much every monster here has a weakness to being stomped".

Asia nodded while Morgan grinned and jumped on top of the shell right away, to the surprise of everyone it didn't pop instead it stay whole while it began to move forward while Morgan whooped and rode it like a skateboard.

Both Asia and Hope turned to the side and saw a couple of turtles that were discreetly trying to walk away only to freeze mid-stepped when they notice the girls were staring at them.

Both turtles gulped and tried to run away but it was too late both girls jumped and stomped on their backs and then took their shells to follow their friend, the poor turtles were left in their undies and crying rivers of tears at the fact they were robbed by little girls.


Meanwhile, Asia, Hope, and Morgan were having fun riding the shells and heading towards the castle until the shells suddenly disappeared, luckily for the girls they can fly so they softly landed on the ground, Morgan grinned "That was fun! Who knew you could ride a turtle shell like a skateboard?".

Both Hope and Asia smiled and nodded, Hope, looked around and saw a couple of flashing blocks, curious as to what they held inside she proceeded to hit them one by one, most of them had coins but one of the blocks sprouted a flower from it.

Hope stared at the strange white flower for a second before plucking from the block and jumping down towards Morgan and Asia.

Morgan watched her friend land in front of her, she immediately noticed the flower Hope is holding "Oh~ you found something new! But what is it?".

Hope shook her head "I don't know but I can feel a lot of mana from this flower or more specifically fire inclined mana".

Morgan tilted her head as she stared at the flower while Asia reached over and touched it "Hmm it's warm, very warm! How curious...and your right it has quite a bit of mana as well".

Hope nodded and handed it to Morgan who took it "Please put it away Morgan, we can ask the mushroom people more about it once we reach the town".

Morga nodded and put away the strange magical flower into her Booster gear Inventory and then the girls began to walk towards the town and castle.

Along the way, they continued to defeat more monsters and collect more gold coins, while also making sure to hit any flashing blocks they can find to see what they find.

They only found two more mushrooms and a green one as well but not knowing what they are they put them away and continued forward while continuing to look around.

This whole area was beautiful and very clean, even the green pipes they saw would shine with the sunshine, they even tried to look inside one of them but they were met with only darkness so they left the pipes alone.

Morgan did punch a plant with teeth that suddenly shot up from one of the pipes, she was a bit surprised when it popped up like that so Morgan punched it out reflex.

The poor plant's head whipped back and slammed into the back of the pipe and had its head bounce back towards Morgan who punched it again for good measure causing it to pop and drop five gold coins and a jar of honey.

The other plants with teeth sweatdropped and immediately went down their own pipes not wanting to end up like their fellow monster.

Morgan huffed and pouted at being surprised like that but Hope and Asia gave her a hug and she felt better, afterward, they opened the jar of honey and tasted it, Morgan and Asia loved it but Hope scrunched up her eyebrows "This honey can restore energy".

Asia got interested in this little bit of information and stared at the honey jar "Really? By how much?".

Hope closed her eyes and seemed to focus for a bit "Around five percent? Yes I think that's how much it can restore, not much but might be useful in a pinch, the honey itself is full of Mana as well".

Morgan looked down at the honey and with a smile put it away in her Boosted Gear inventory "well then let's save it for later, you never know when you might need something like that".

Both Asia and Hope nodded, Asia looked up for a second "Let's see if we can find more so we can give some to lady Tsunade she might be able to use it in her research".

Morgan and Hope nodded in agreement and with that in mind the three girls went around punching the plants with teeth in the head in order to get more honey, they found out that it wasn't a common drop but they still got quite the haul.


Eventually, they reached the town surrounding the castle and the three of them began to excitedly look around at everything in town, Morgan smiled as she saw a bunch of mushroom people walking around and going about their day.

Hope looked at the buildings and saw a bunch of signs, thankfully having the multilingual skill allowed her to read them "Item shop...Weapon and Badge shop?... Armor Shop? Well I guess they need that sort of thing in order to deal with the monsters outside the town".

Asia saw a bulletin board and decided to take a look, "Welcome to Toad Town... Toad Town? But I don't see any Toads around here".

Morgan heard Asia and then looked around "Then why call it Toad Town if there aren't any Toads here?".

Hope looked around as well but shrugged, it all seem very confusing but right now she was more curious about the bulletin board so she walked up to it and read "Let see... beware of Goombas hiding under your bed... they like to bite your ankles... what's a Goomba?".

Morgan giggled a bit because that name sounded funny to her, she then took a look at the bulletin board herself "Please do not go around... kicking Koopa shells in town, it's hard to stop them once they get going... this sounds oddly familiar!".

Hope hummed "Oh! So those turtles we stepped on are called Koopas here! How interesting!".

Morgan nodded while Asia continued to read "Do you have a spectacular mustache? Then come to the shop for a great discount!... we should bring Mr. Goop with us next time~".

Morgan and Hope nodded in agreement, Mr. Goop's amazing mustache is bound to get him a big discount, Morgan then continued reading "Come and celebrate with us in Mushroom castle! Today is Princess Peach's birthday! Everyone is welcome!".

Hope and Asia turned towards the announcement, Hope then looked towards the castle and saw that it was brightly decorated on the outside, there were big banners whipping about in the wind and balloons all over the place "Oh! That's today!".

Morgan fist pumps "Then let's go! I want to see the princess!".

Asia nodded wanting to go see the princess too but Hope then shook her head "There's still time, how about we go to the shop and asked about everything we found on our way here? and perhaps buy a few things as well".

Morgan and Asia nodded in agreement and the three girls immediately headed toward the Item and Weapon Shop.


The girls stepped into the shop and immediately saw a bunch of strange but cool stuff, Morgan instantly ran to the shelves and began to read the items' descriptions "Let's see! 1up Mushroom... Super Mushroom!... Fire Plant... Pow Block... oh~ Tanuki Suit!".

Hope and Asia giggled at Morgan's excitement and even the clerk mushroom person looked amused, Asia walked up to Morgan to check out the items while Hope walked up to the store clerk "Hello there! Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?".

The clerk nodded and smiled "Of course! Feel free to ask anything".

Hope smiled "Okay first... what's that on your head and why does it look like a mushroom?".

The clerk sweatdropped but he grabbed his hat and took it off letting an impressive afro spring out surprising Hope "It's a hat! All toads wear one, it's sort of tradition in the Mushroom Kingdom!".

Hope gaped at the afro until she heard a giggle, she turned around and saw Morgan giggling at her, Hope sighed and then shook her head "So it's a hat~ I thought it was part of your head... but you called yourself a Toad? Why? You don't look amphibian...".

The clerk chuckled "Toad is actually short for Toadstool!".

Hope nodded with a smile "Ah~ now that makes more sense, okay then what's a Goomba?".

The clerk smiled and then crouched down and began to look underneath his shelf, he suddenly pops out again, this time holding a big fat book, he placed it on the table in front of him and open it.

Hope looked on as the clerk seems to be looking for something inside the book, he suddenly stopped on a page and lifted the big book, and showed Hope a picture of one of those brown mushroom-like creatures "This is a Goomba! They're a race of mushroom beings that come in many different variations, they used to be allies to the Mushroom Kingdom but most of them betrayed the Kingdom and Joined the Koopa Troop an evil organization! But not all of them betrayed us, there are some who are very cool and kind!".

Hope nodded and looked at the book and the clerk showed her some of the many variations of Goombas there is "Jeez... there's quite a lot of different kinds of Goombas".

The clerk nodded "Yup!, but most of them are very weak, either a good old hop to their head or a whack from a Hammer is enough to take them down".

Morgan walked up to Hope carrying a bunch of items "I want to buy all of this!".

Hope sweatdropped at the amount of things Morgan wanted to buy, she saw all kinds of animal-like suits, flowers, and mushrooms, she even saw turtle shells as well "Err... Morgan, I don't think we have enough gold coins for all of that".

Morgan pouted and looked sadly at the pile of items she wanted to buy, suddenly her Boosted Gear appeared in her arm, and suddenly spat a big brick made out of pure gold.

The clerk gaped at the golden brick with eyes wide and full of shock.

Morgan stared at the gold brick, not knowing why her Booster Gear spat it out "...".

Hope sweatdropped and stare at the gold brick as well "...".

Asia walked up to her friends when she noticed that they got silent "Huh? Where did the gold brick come from... and why do I feel Harry's energy on it?".

Morgan and Hope turned towards Asia but both of them looked confused until with a flash of bright red light Ddraig appeared on Morgan's shoulders and stretched like a cat "That gold brick came from Harry's in-game money, it seems like he connected the Boosted Gear to it in case Morgan or Hope ever needed money, Morgan's disappointment in not able to buy what she wanted unlocked that feature".

Morgan and Hope brightly smiled happy to know that Harry is always taking care of them, Asia softly smiled at how much Harry loved and spoils the girls.

The clerk stared at the dragon and tilted his head "Hey~ do you think this Harry will adopt me? cause not going to lie, I want more money~".

The girls giggled at the clerk who just grinned, after that the girl bought a whole bunch of stuff and the Monster Book the clerk was showing to Hope.

The gold brick was enough to cover for everything they wanted and the clerk still gave them change which they put away for later use, soon after they left the shop while waving at the clerk who was struggling to put his hat back on over his afro.

After that, the girl's visited the rest of the shops to check out what they have for sale, in the badge shop they found all kinds of cute and useful little badges, Hope immediately recognized them as Magical Artifacts and decided to get a few to try and learn what effects they have.

Then they went to another shop and found out that they sold all kinds of Bib Overalls which were enchanted, Morgan and Asia liked them and bought a pair much to Hope confusion.

After that they walked around and talked to all kinds of people, they even spoke to a few friendly Goombas who were more than happy to talk to them.

Though they did sweatdrop when Morgan told them how fun it was to hop on top of the ones she found outside of town, the Goombas sent a little prayer to the fallen members of their race.

Morgan's cheerful and playful demeanor plus her cuteness allowed her to get the townspeople to open up to her a lot, Asia's kind and friendly aura drew a lot of people to her and some of them even compared her to Princess Peach.

Which reminded the girls of the fact that they wanted to go visit the castle and attend the princess's birthday, they were hoping to meet her and get to know her since everyone in town spoke of how kind and sweet she is.

So the girls took off towards the castle excited about the birthday party and the chance to meet her.


Because the party was open to the public the girls were let inside easily enough, in fact, they were treated very kindly, some of the Toads were very curious about them, and Ddraig who was still on Morgan's shoulders sleeping.

The girls were very happy to answer their questions and make conversation with the Toads who in turn told them about the Mushroom Kingdom as a whole.

They told them about their towns, the many types of places they could visit, and the things they could see but what amazed the girls the most was the sheer amount of fun events that take place in the Kingdom for the entertainment of everyone.

Go Karts, Tennis, Soccer, Board Games and even Golf were available for anyone to enjoy and one could even challenge real celebrities to a game, all of this was very interesting to the girls.

Eventually, they got tired of speaking and moved to the food tables where they got to try the cooking of this world, unsurprisingly there were a large amount of mushroom-related dishes, weird but tasty nonetheless.

Having learned that Super Mushrooms 'which is the name of the mushrooms they got from the flashing blocks' are very healthy and delicious was a good surprise, they also learned that they had magical properties.

Super Mushrooms can either heal or temporarily give someone a size boost, increase strength and allow you to take one hit, it was a most curious effect and one that the girls were interested in, Morgan and Hope were interested in the size-boosting properties but Asia was more interested in their healing properties, especially of the green mushrooms known as a 1Up Mushroom.

The 1Up Mushroom can either be used to revive someone or it can automatically revive someone the moment they die as long as they have one, one of the Toads told them that these Mushrooms are the reason no one really dies in the Mushroom Kingdom since everyone carries at least one or two with them.

It sort of reminded them of the way Harry is always making sure everyone has a good stock of magical healing items just in case something happens, this world is the same but all of these items are found everywhere in the land.

In any case, the girls continue to eat and talk to the rest of the guests, they even met other kinds of beings, the ghosts called Boo who Morgan played a game of peekaboo with because she found it funny how the little ghost would hide from her whenever she looked at them in the eyes.

The Koopas who were very friendly and cheerful though Morgan and Hope had to fight the urge to jump on them, they even talked to some more Goombas who Asia gushed about because they were wearing some very cute small ties in an attempt to look fancy.

They did ask them why the Goombas and Koopas outside the castle wouldn't speak to them, it turns out that most of them had turned feral thanks to the dark magic within the land making them very dangerous.

It was sad to think about but it just was the way the world worked in the Mushroom Kingdom, Eventually, some Toads came rushing in and began the loudly play their trumpets announcing that Princess Peach was coming down to join the party.

The girls watched as a small turtle-like creature riding a cloud floated down while holding a camera to film as Princess Peach appeared and began to step down a long staircase leading to the party.

Hope took out her Monster Book and looked for the information on the being holding the camera, she found it a few seconds later "Lakitu... a type of Koopa that attacks by dropping another type of Koopa known as Spinnies hmm... and aerial unit of sorts".

Morgan looked over Hope's shoulder and stared at an image of a Spiny "Ouch, they drop those on people's heads? That looks painful...".

Hope nodded in agreement, having one of those Spinnies drop on your head doesn't look like a fun time, the girls then looked up towards the princess, Asia clapped and smiled "She's so pretty!".

Morgan brightly smiled "See! I did tell you that she was really pretty~".

Asia nodded while Ddraig woke up because of the trumpets and hummed "I don't know why... but for some reason, I want to kidnap her and keep her in a grey castle surrounded by lava...".

The girls sweatdropped while Morgan awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of her head "Ddraig, that sounds oddly specific...".

Ddraig shrugged "Well like I said, I don't why but that's just the sort of feeling I get when I see this princess".

Hope watched as the princess began to speak with her guest with a cheerful smile on her face and everyone seemed very happy to speak with her, Morgan took a slice of cake and began to eat "She seems very popular".

Hope nodded but then pinched and pulled on Morgan's cheek "Ouchie! Stooop! Don't pull my cheeeek like that Hope!~".

Hope let go of Morgan's cheek and huffed "Then don't speak with your mouth full Morgan Stark, or I'll tell your mom about your table manners!".

Morgan gasped and pouted at Hope but the little Potter was immune to Morgan's cuteness and just rolled her eyes at her, Asia smiled at her friends {They act so much like sisters, it's actually funny to see Hope act like this to Morgan when everyone else just spoils her}.

Suddenly they heard a giggle which in turn brought their attention towards the front, only to be surprised when they saw the princess standing in front of them and giggling in amusement "You too seem to get along so well~ are you both sisters?".

Morgan brightly smiled at the princess, while Hope sighed but smiled at Morgan "She's like a little sister to me but she does act silly sometimes, I blame my father and hers".

Morgan gaped at Hope "Hey! Dad and Uncle Harry are the coolest~".

But Hope ignored the indignant Morgan and smiled at the princess "I'm sorry for disturbing your party~".

Morgan sweatdropped and slumped on her chair as she began to poke her slice of cake with her fork "... You don't have to ignore me...".

Asia giggled and patted Morgan's head which made the little Stark close her eyes and smiled contently, she looked like she was seconds away from purring, Princess Peach smiled at the girls and shook her head "You don't have to apologize, I'm glad you three seem to be having fun".

The girls nodded and smiled at the princess while Hope nodded "It has been a fun party~ we also met a lot of interesting people".

Morgan grinned "Yup~ the Boos are fun to play with and the Goombas are very funny! The Koopas are friendly as well, very different from the ones we saw outside!".

Princess Peach smiled and looked around the party salon, she watched as the aforementioned beings were happily having conversations with the Toads "Yes, I'm so happy that we can all enjoy each other's company like this, it took a while but the Mushroom Kingdom has been able to make friends with other races".

The girls nodded and looked around with smiles, everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun with this party; even though it was Princess Peach's birthday, it felt like she was the one celebrating everyone else.

Princess Peach then turned towards the girls and smiled "You're not from this world right?".

Asia jumped a bit but Hope and Morgan nodded, Hope was the one who decided to answer Princess Peach's questions "Yes, we came from another world and were here just to relax and sightsee but I am curious as to how were you able to tell?".

Princess Peach softly smiled and nodded "You aren't the only visitors from other worlds that have come to the Mushroom Kingdom, plus as you can see there aren't many humans around".

The girls sweatdropped because it was true, besides Princess Peach, everyone else wasn't human, Morgan awkwardly smiled "Right~ should have noticed that in our defense! We were having too much fun".

Princess Peach giggled "I'm glad you like my world and don't worry, I can tell you're good people I was just curious about you, let's introduce ourselves shall we? I am Princess Peach ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, it's nice to meet you~".

But Morgan and Hope's eyes sparkled in excitement, Morgan introduce herself first "I'm Morgan Stark~ the Red Dragon Empress and the dragon on my shoulders is Ddraig! It's nice to meet you!".

Ddraig raised his head, yawned, and then he turned his head towards Princess Peach and nodded before laying his head down again and going back to sleep which made the princess smile in amusement, Hope sighed "Don't mind Ddraig... in any case, I'm Hope Potter the Phoenix Force, it's very nice to meet you, Princess Peach".

Morgan, Hope, and Princess Peach then turned their heads towards Asia and looked at her expectingly which made her jump and point at herself "Eh! Me too?".

The trio of girls nodded and smiled at Asia who was a bit nervous about having to introduce herself so formally and with a title "Ah! Well... I'm Asia Argento, Battle Angel rank Seraphim! it's nice to meet you too Princess Peach".

Morgan and Hope grinned at Asia while giving her a thumbs up which made her blush but smile at her friends while Princess Peach seemed to be having a lot of fun talking with them.

After introductions the girls spoke with each other, the girls happily told her about their world while Princess Peach told them about the Mushroom Kingdom as a whole, they all stayed lost in conversation for a long while.


Sometime after, while everyone was having fun at the party a big airship began to fly over Toad Town covering the entire town in its massive shadow, the Toads who were mingling outside began to panic and run around screaming while the ship began to slowly approach the castle.


Princess Peach was now giving a tour of the castle to the girls as they had an easygoing and idle conversation, the castle was massive and everywhere the girls looked there was something interesting to see.

They saw rooms with big paintings, Princess Peach explained to them that the paintings were actually portals to small pocket worlds which awed the girls and reminded them of the portals Harry had opened in their basement.

The Princess then took them to the garden and the girls were impressed at its size and big mountain with a massive marble star as decoration, Morgan, Hope, and Asia continue to explore the castle and had fun playing around with the princess all over the place, eventually, Princess Peach took them to the throne room and show them her throne.

Morgan cheerfully sat on it and tried to look dignified and ladylike, didn't exactly work because Hope and Asia giggled at her making her pout but Princess Peach just smiled loving how fun and curious her new friends are.

Suddenly the castle began to shake and big booms began to echo throughout the entire throne room, Princess Peach looked around wildly in confusion while Morgan, Hope, and Asia looked confused.

Morgan looked toward Hope "Did the party get too wild?".

Hope shook her head and looked over towards an open window in the throne room "No I don't think so, I think the castle is under attack, look outside".

Morgan and Asia took a look outside through the window and widen their eyes in surprise as multiple airships began to fly by.

The throne room doors suddenly slammed open and an old brown Toad ran towards Princess Peach "Princess! The castle is under attack from Bowser's forces!".

Princess Peach sighed and shook her head "Really? On my birthday?... Bowser sure has a lousy sense of timing".

Morgan walked up towards Princess Peach while Asia is trying to calm down the panicking old Toad "Bowser? Who's that Peach?".

Princess Peach smiled at Morgan and then began to explain "King Bowser Koopa he's a massive Koopa that can breathe fire and even use dark magic, he's always kidnapping me or causing all kinds of trouble for the Mushroom Kingdom using the Koopa Troop, he's mean, rude and a fool most of the time but he can be very dangerous as well".

Morgan nodded while Hope sweatdropped at Peach's description of Bowser {Wow... tell us how you really feel Peach...}.

Suddenly the throne room doors slammed open again alerting the girls, they all turn towards the door and watched as a bunch of Koopas and Goombas step through into the throne room

Suddenly they heard a loud roar and in walked the King of Koopas himself, Bowser grinned at the princess and loudly began to speak "My dear princess! I'm here once again to take you away! and this time the Mario Brothers won't be coming to save you!".

Princess Peach twitch and then frowned at Bowser "What did you do to Mario and Luigi, Bowser?".

Bowser loudly and obnoxiously laughed "I had my men stop them on their way here! I'm sure they're already defeated and in a ditch somewhere on the roads of the Mushroom Kingdom! Muahahaha!".

Princess Peach looked down and prayed that Bowser was lying or that his troops had failed to harm Mario and Luigi.

Meanwhile, as Bowser was evil laughing in victory Morgan walked up to his side "So Mister Bowser who are the Mario Brothers?".

Bowser didn't even turn to see who was talking to him and just began to rant "Who are the Mario Brothers?! Have you been living under a rock?! No matter! Let me tell you who are the Mario Brothers! They're this pair of dumb brothers that always, somehow get in my way! They have these stupid mustaches on their faces and can jump very high! That's all but they always get in my way and always win!".

Princess Peach sweatdropped at the rant Bowser is letting out while Hope raised an eyebrow, Asia was giggling because Morgan was just silently listening to Bowser while nodding at him.

Morgan grinned at Bowser "Those Mario Brothers sound tough!".

Browser growled and shook his head "Not really! Which is why it's infuriating! But they won't win this time! I made sure to send plenty of soldiers to stop them! I'll kidnap the Princess and get away from the Mushroom Kingdom before anyone can even wink!".

Morgan nodded "I see, I see, sounds awful! Well since the Mario Brothers might be too busy right now, then I and my friends will protect Princess Peach!".

Bowser growled, "Hah! What do you mean you'll protect the Princess?!".

Bowser turned his head and then stared at Morgan who waved at him, Bowser tilted his head "... and who are you?".

Morgan smiled "I'm Morgan Stark! Nice to meet you, Mister Bowser!".

Bowser smiled and waved "Oh~ nice to mee-wait a minute...".

Bowser stared at Morgan while his entire troop sweatdropped, Peach sighed while Hope and Asia giggled, Peach then said "Give him a minute...".

Bowser suddenly pointed at Morgan "Your human...".

Morgan grinned "Meh, not really no, but you're not entirely wrong".

Bowser frowned "Okay seriously who are you, and why are you here with the princess?... I don't think I've seen you in the castle before".

Morgan smiled "Oh! We're friends with Peach~ we just met today but she's really nice! So we're not going to let you kidnap her on her birthday, that's not nice!."

Bowser grinned "Oh~ and how is a little pipsqueak like you going to stop me?".

Morgan tilted her head and menacingly smiled at Bowser who actually gulped "My friends and I are just going to hurt you and your troop a bit~".

Morgan then grabbed Bowser by the leg and proceeded to slam him all over the floor repeatedly while the Koopa King scream in pain.

His Koopa Troop gaped as they watched their king get manhandled by a little girl while Princess Peach gasped and looked at was going in amusement "Oh my~".

Hope giggled and shook her head "Well Princess Peach, it seems like Morgan took a liking to you, well we all did! You've been very kind and nice to us so we'll be happy to give you a hand".

With that said Hope walked up to the Koopa Troop who upon noticing her glowing orange eyes took a step back in fright.

Asia walked up to Princess Peach and smiled at her "Don't worry, we can handle this so just relax while we clean up here".

With that said Asia spread her pink ethereal wings and flew towards the Koopa Troop, Princess Peach just watched as her new and sweet friends approached the Koopa Troop to fight to protect her even though they just met.

The brown-colored old Toad walked up to the Princess "Oh dear! Just who are these girls?".

Princess Peach smiled and turn to look at her steward "They're my friends Toadsworth, they're my new friends".