
The Adventure of Mr.Thrombey

I need those dragon lilacs to save that woman she is my everything.

lalallalalalalalal · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Something Weird

That Thrombey guy somethings weird about him. It's like he's piloting his body more than living in it. Well who am I to judge, some people are just weird after all.

"Latty!" The captain called me.

"That's not my name Willow." I replied.

Asshole, I wanna say it to his face but that son of a bitch might cut my pay again. Like he doesn't know that I have meds to pay for. I mean not because I get the kidney doesn't mean that my body wants the kidney.

It had been three days since we've been at sea. At least Thrombey didn't lead us on some wild goose chase. We could see the place he's looking for on the horizon but it would probably take twenty-two, twenty three hours? I don't know but I've been sailing this boat for three years my senses are not gaslighting me.

"Hey Latty." Brandon said in a flirty tone.

"It is Laiorna, Lay-ore-nah." I reminded him.

This bloke.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Watching some toktiks." I replied. "Don't you have something to do?" I sarcastically asked.


"Yes cap!"

"Somethings up with our radar gonna need you to check it out?"


I went inside the control room and holy shit our stuff was jacked up. Glitching in and out and shit maybe, just maybe this island we are seeing is doing it. Nope scratch that it is totally doing it.

"Hey cap!?" I loudly asked.


"I think the Island place jacked our stuff up!"

"Sure about that?!" He asked.


The captain rallied everyone together.

"Alright everyone I checked storm watch for this month and we won't be expecting once until the last week." He said to us. He paused and continued "Tomorrow we will be travelling by smaller boat towards the island."

You didn't have to make it sound so bad. Even the Thrombey guy looked a little stressed.

"Alright everyone get your resting face on, Brandon set the anchors and I'll enjoy my juice!"

"Yes captain." We all sounded a little bit unenthusiastic.

Huh, may God help us all.

How do you tag a book?

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