
The Adventure of Mr.Thrombey

I need those dragon lilacs to save that woman she is my everything.

lalallalalalalalal · Realistic
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6 Chs

Tedious Tasks

It had been eighteen hours since we left our tug tug.

"Jared it will take thirty minutes tops to reach up to the shore! Can you prepare the gare?" Laiorna asked me.

"I am not a slave." I replied

The captain looked at me.

"But I will oblige in doing your requests." I replied regretfully.

It had taken twenty minutes for me to back and would be there in five minutes are we that Laiorna isn't burning out our gas. Oh well, not my problem technically.

We reached the shore and Mr.Thrombey stopped us I mean the sand was black but what could make it so harmful.

"Nobody step on the sand because it is not sand at all please listen well. Yo may collect some when we are comingback from our journey. This place seems to be an Island formed by volcanic activity and what we are about to step on are tons of uncut gems." He said as we cut him off.

Holy shit a lot of our eyes bugged out I mean with stuff like this could pay of Brandon's college debt, my wedding debt, captains loan but it depends on how legal it is I guess.

He sighed as he continued. "Most likely diamonds."

He continued. "You couldn't sell this to a pawn shop though. Too much questions on the legality, location and documentation. They'd be seized and you'd probablybe arrested."

Why does he know this stuff. Maybe he was a jewel thei-

"Alright put on your steel toes and let's move. Brandon and Lay food, cooking utensils and rations. Jared and I we do the heavy lifting and Mister Thrombey?"

"I will be recording new plant species and the likes let's move."

We walked along the beach in silence huh I guess silence is what I needed. Away from my bickering wife and my pestering mother. I just want a child. The responsibility of a new life that I could help form into a good person for society my my mental benefit. Glorious that would be glorious.

"Hallelujah we have reached the dirt!" Laiorna declared.

The Journey will start soon and new pointnof view revealed.

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