
The Adventure Of Felix Grindelwald In The Harry Potter Universe.

A 20 year old orphan died while saving an little girl from an incoming truck, Good news the girl survived bad news he died or good news i think. Anyways the [@#£&] seems to be amused by the guy's bravery so he reincarnated him, With an gift. -End Of Synopsis ... ... ... ... ... (A/N: This is writen by an 15 year old loner that has no social life be warned force plot and weird [REDACTED] that won't add up ahead.) (A/N: Im gonna post 1 chapter a day.) (A/N: Don't read this is wish fulfillment in a way.) (A/N: This is slow paced.) (A/N: Don't get mad because im boutta school life this [REDACTED] For 100 chapters.) (A/N: F*ck you're stones go trow them at someone else just give me memes that i can copy.)

DaoOfCopying · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

A/N 3

You know I've been thinking about this, Im bad at writing some of the thing's i write are either rant or copy paste from wiki so i have decided to,

Just stop posting, Im not dropping its that im gonna stop posting chapters i write and recheck for my spelling grammar because my writing sucks, And because i have online class which is annoying.

Don't worry im still gonna write im just not posting anymore we good alright see ya.